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Posts posted by vladunk

  1. If I get this right they do share a CD but of course wrath resets it...the question is do the 2 dots stack or refresh? And would that outweigh the loss of DMG from demolish to crushing. I find that hard to believe and would guess you don't need crushing anymore. But someone could do the math.
  2. Loved it when I finally got a bead on someone and sent 2 clusters on their way just to see a proton torpedo and concussion come screaming by me to blow my target first. I wonder how many missiles were launched Monday?

    Can't wait till next Monday

  3. well I love the idea but there a bunch of issues that need to be addressed


    first I don't think it should be limited to TDM... plus in this area I think there should be fighters different skill level that are cpu controlled that u could practice on so noobs would not get rolled all the time.

    witch brings me to my next point have a cpu station like they do in the tutorial but with mines, and scouts cpu ticks again different areas that have different skill level or 1 area beginner and the other are ffa to help more though I like the tutorial I think its way to basic. needs to be an are that has lots of object locking on to u shooting at u wile ur trying to fight, think that would help more, but a ffa area would be great so new players could get some flight time. should be no points kills do nothing, in flight or an area of reconfigure at min.... great idea though hope they listen for once


    You seem to want a better tutorial, which is needed but not really what I was going for with this.

  4. Maybe it could have a running tally for deaths by faction that resets with the daily...and provide a very small buff to the current winning faction somehow...maybe that's taking it too far


    Also I suggested being able to queue 12 so you could make an all ace/veteran 12vs 12 with no noob farming...

  5. Would it be fun to queue into an instance where its everyman for themselves TDM map. Kinda like an outlaws den for GSF. Or maybe it could still be faction based? But you could queue up to 12 in a GRP. No rewards just a playground. Just a quick thought...would it be fun? Would it kill the regular queue? Maybe you could play here while waiting for the reg queue.
  6. Photon Railgun: Does twice the damage of the slug railgun, but takes twice the amount of time to fully charge. In addition, the massive blast is too much for the ship's inertial compensators to handle, and you will get knocked back a distance proportionate to the railgun's charge, up to 5 km max.


    Who needs missile breaks when you can just keep firing in order to distance yourself from an enemy?


    Oh yes! Asteroids approve.

  7. Its funny how the people that are ruining this game say to make friends and its a mmo...but I'd really be curious to see how many different people they've ever grouped with. Usually the best pilot groups up with the 2nd 3rd and 4th best pilot. After all that's how they became 'friends'. If your friends in real life I understand wanting to play together, but if your friends in real life and also the 4 best pilots on the server what purpose does that serve. I would think it would be more fun to break into 2's and fly against each other. If lebron wade and bosh want to GRP against other pros so be it but how would people feel if they walked into the YMCA and said us 3 vs u 3. Thats why there needs to be 2 queues. I'm not a top 10 pilot but I'm pretty good...I started out pub side just by chance and always solo q'd. Once I realized I was better than most pilots and that pub side was dominant I switched sides. Imp side I sought out people to GRP with to try and even the odds. When you play pickup sports that's what you do, you try to balance the teams as best as possible so its fun. That's what we're here to do have fun. If everyone Solo q'd more often than not you'll be with friends anyway but it will at least give the matchmaking a chance if its a wargame. If its primetime there's no reason group ranked and solo q can't co exist. Especially if people continue migrating to healthy gsf servers.
  8. I'm disappointed. I thought this was going to be a thread of Scout pilots doing rap battles. :(


    I'm a T2 scout and I'm here to say...

    I'm king of the sky and that's the way Its gonna stay

    I run distortion field, and 'B' 'L' 'Cs'

    You can't hit me, now your blown to smithereens

    Bombers, gunships and strikes like to cry

    Haters gonna hate, then they're gonna die.

    I'm always on top of all the charts,

    I'm sure its my skill and the passion in my heart.

    I burst you down in the blink of an eye...

    But Bioware says I'm balanced and they don't lie.

    If you see me coming you better run,

    I'm owning everyone cause I think its fun

    So that's that I'm Outta here boys

    I only died once, damn asteroid!

    <insert beat box>

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