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Posts posted by Mindware

  1. Not going to disagree with you all about AFK'ers. Problem I am going to see is coding who is afk. Take the "Civil War" warzone as an example, I have sat at a gunnery tower the entire game defending but ended up having 0 kills, 0 dmg, 0 healing just because no one decided to attack.


    Because warzones are objective based and in that particular warzone this is going to happen. I even admit my team was sucking pretty bad in that game since I still got top medals with 2 but had the most objective points for defending my point. Other team was a half premade.

  2. Honestly the biggest problem I have seen in any match lost is lack of teamwork.


    This is especially true for Huttball where I often see the other side move as a coordinated group accross the field of play instead of just wandering around killing aimlessly. Folks need to come to grips with the fact Warzones take strategy and it is not about top kills here.


    Huttball is about scoring, Void Star is about getting through the doors and Civil War is about controlling 2 points - those of you who keep thinking you can get three are the ones who keep loosing the game more often than not. You will get more objective points by defending and letting them come to you than by running around the field getting waxed by the other side.


    Speaking of civil war I personally have sat at the left control point alone the entire game (which we lost) while the entire rest of the team failed to take either of the other two points because the ran around the field killing aimlessly. I ended up with 4 medals after doing 0 protection, 0 dmg and 0 healing, why? Because I got the most objective points on the whole team.


    If the rest of team had worked together and taken one other point and then defended that would have been 8 medals when the other side tried to take the point back.


    Point is work together and your medals, valor and everything that goes with it will come rolling in.

  3. Cool idea.


    Point values on the generic ones might need boosted if any or all of the other were implemented though, as I would see the generics then becoming easy to obtain or easier at least. Unless thats the point.

  4. As posted above support ticket is the way to go. This is however not the only glitch in Huttball or any warzone.


    I have already learned not to force leap in the last second of a match. Once I got tossed clean through the ship into space resulting in my getting booted from the match lol, the other was leaping throuh a vent in huttball right at the end with similar results. Needless there are still a couple bugs which I am sure or at least hope they are going to work on.

  5. I average 8-9 medals in huttball. The secret? GUUUAAAAAARD! \o/


    Pretty sure I have started getting focus fired in Hutt Ball because of this very thing lol.


    If I am not the ball carrier I always put gaurd on the ball carrier and cc, force push, taunt and slow attackers.


    Might not be able to kill anyone with any amount of speed as a Gaurdian but I sure as heck can piss them all off.

  6. If you lose a round in 2 minutes you gain more valor/commendations per minute than if you would've played a 15min and won, so it's not all bad :-)


    There problem is they get personnel before their 2 minutes expire.


    I am sure both sides have experianced this depending on server and population balance.


    I would suspect the problem is not the warzon but the people queuing for the warzon. It is just a theory of course but likely the warzon cannot get created until a set number of people are queued at any given time. Once that number is reached it creats a game. If the people in the queue have moved on to say a heroic they are no longer in a position to play so now you have a shortage of players but the game already created.


    The reason you get extra players is because there is another warzon going on that recently ends and they all auto queued.


    Again this is just a theory.

  7. 1. This has been noted by a lot people. Try changing your settings to 0, it may help.


    2. As above this is based on your gear. As your gear improves the bolster buff will benifit you more.


    3. As for CC, if you see you are getting nailed by more than one person wait for all of them to hit you then use your break ability. Most groups are pugs and are not actually timing CC's. If you burn it on the first one your hosed. It is all about timing. It sucks for everyone equally.


    5. lots and lots and lots of people are asking for this one you are not alone.


    The only other things I can say is yes our dmg sucks but were tanks we are there to protect. Remember to use your Gaurd on the ball carrier in Hutt ball if it is not you. Put it on the healers otherwise or someone else around you taking dmg. Taunt targets not attacking attacking you.

    I do less dmg than the other classes but I keep people off the doors or capture points and get a ton of protection points in my warzons which always puts me near the top of the board at the end of the game. Warzones are not about kills but about winning and team work.

    Hopefully I do not get shot for this statement but a lot of the WoW carryovers are still learning that last part.

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