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Posts posted by dracoda

  1. If you need a repair to load a planet it is not the server that is the problem, there must be something that needs to be fixed with your computer or your install. Perhaps your harddrive is corrupted and store data on areas that can not be accessed, it can also be your RAM that for some reason store data wrong.


    There are programs that checks for errors in hardware, I suggest you try one of them to see if it is the problems I wrote.


    Yea I know what your saying - I'm just trying to determine if that's all of it or if I have a network / server problem as well.


    I guess you have checked basic things like updating your drivers to the latest versions?


    Yep! However, Asus just released new drivers for my motherboard yesterday so while they are installed I wouldn't call them fully tested yet.

  2. You should post this in the general forums. .you'll get more replies there


    Thanks, it's good advice, but I was specifically hoping for the type of replies that you mostly see here in this section.


    Shadowlands is a US east coast PvE server, is it close to where you live or have you selected a server that is not close to you?


    Check the server list and select a server that is close to you, if Shadowlands is the closest server then perhaps there is a techinical problem that can be solved in the customer service forum.


    Try delete the DiskCacheArena file in your Swtor directory and do a repair from the launcher, it has solved many problems with this game.


    Thanks, yes I'm east coastish with a ping mostly in the mid-30s, although that never seems to change, even when problems like not being able to zone or attack occur. I did post in the customer service forum previously but didn't have any luck getting a reply. If the problem persists I'll do so again and cast a wider net.


    Yea one of the first things I tried was deleting the DiskCache file, along with client and graphics prefs. I replaced the launcher and ultimately reinstalled a fresh copy. Next I'll try using a different SATA port on the board, and if that doesn't work, I'll try moving it to another drive.



    Also thanks Derf and Ice for the server Req's; I'll try them both out. On Shadowlands it can run very smooth, even for an hour. The problems do occur at least once per play session though, and occasionally they don't go away. For some reason, Voss is particularly troublesome, and often requires a repair to load.

  3. I've had a combo of issues lately and I'm hoping to get an opinion from someone before I jump server and move somewhere else (my roster is full and I have millions invested but why stick around if you can't play).


    I'm currently playing on Shadowlands and I frequently have issues like not being able to zone, world map not opening, can't access my vaults (all stuff you'd require updates from the server to do). However I don't typically get kicked off the server (except when it goes down, which it has a couple of times lately). On it's own this looks like just server issues and so I'd ask have other people had these issues as well, and if so were they on the same server or a different one?


    It's also worth noting that I've had other issues like maps failing to load (error message), invisible characters and bad textures, all of which have been fixed by file repairs - this is a frequent issue. I've reinstalled in an attempt to resolve the issue, and it seems to be a separate issue, but who knows.


    Any opinions would be great.

  4. I gave gunslinger a try tonight (I spent a lot of time on the Imp side previously - thought I'd switch it up). I ran through the first 17 levels and it's been a lot of fun so far ;)


    I do keep seeing people talk about the agent story though so I might start one tomorrow and see how that goes too. Sniper / MM would be about the same I think?

  5. I've been gone a while and a lot seems to have changed, and changed again. I currently have a sorcerer at 50 so I'll eventually go back to him to cap out, but for now I think it's best to start over. Without a lot of free time I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction.


    Primarily I'm concerned with PvE and the story (not end-game). Role isn't that important to me, especially with companions, but playing a solo healer would probably be pretty dull. When playing a character I pay more attention to mechanics than style, so lightsabers and guns are all the same to me.


    My favorite mechanics are keeping abilities off cool-downs (SPAM!) and abilities that open up after a specific event occurs (ex. reposte). What I don't like is building x number of combo points before using ability X or Y. Basically I like chaotic spam and lack the patience to resist hitting attacks before I should :w_rolls_eyes:


    Any thoughts would be appreciated!

  6. I accepted my first bounty contract last night. Off to Nar Shaddaa - completed collecting my pieces of info and had to call it a night. I finished everything up to locating the beacon today, located the marked area on the map - but no beacon. I suspect I was in the right area as I could hear (and read in the txt chat) someone else fighting the same bounty I was looking for.


    Am I missing something? Does it bug out if left overnight? I did check out images of the beacons online and know what they look like - but no sign of it anywhere. Any help would be appreciated ;)

  7. The short: I'd like to roll a Scoundrel and try their healing style, but you spend a lot of your time levelling up not healing - so I'd like to know what the rest of the play-style is like.


    The long: So i've played a few different classes - I enjoy levelling toons up but don't spend much time at end-game. I've always been curious about the HoT healers and would like to try a scoundrel, but we spend so much time dpsing while leveling up (questing, random group quests with more than one healer etc) that the DPS mechanics require a serious consideration - will I find them fun?


    Specifically - how do the fights feel when you are not healing? I understand there's an upper hand mechanic that's involved (is it involved with healing too?). How does that work - fun or tedious? What about range? I'm I forced into being some kind of weird melee gun fighter?


    I know it's a very subjective question but I'm more concerned with the feel of play than the power of the class. Thanks to anyone who takes the time to answer ;)

  8. Appologies if this has been answered elsewhere - I wasn't able to find much beyond 'guides' on how to get Treek (which is strange for such a straight-forward process).


    I've recently returned and I had a few coins in the bank so I thought I'd give Treek a shot - looked like the best bang for my hutt-bucks. I also started a new character so the levels matched up nicely. I have a few questions though.


    1. What's the deal with receiving a package of her gear that seems to match the gear she's already wearing? I'm I missing a detail somewhere - is this the same stuff?


    2. I'm getting absolutely no reputation with her in quest conversations - does this come into play later, or will affection only increase through gifts?


    3. Am I causing myself problems later in the game by levelling with Treek? Do I need to be swapping out other companions to work on affection gains during quest conversations?


    4. She starts out amazing at level 10 - does she stay amazing throughout the levelling process if I keep her geared or does it taper off?

  9. If any of you have been around launches of other MMOs (which I doubt many people here have), you come to realize that they aren't going to be perfect at launch. An MMO is a living, breathing game that evolves over time. Every single feature you want or have seen in other games will often be added in at a later date once they fix the most pressing post-launch issues. Let's look at the launch of WOW.


    World of Warcraft

    WOW has had SEVEN years to add content. SWTOR has had two months. Can you imagine how much better this game will be even a year from now? But I digress.


    Why are you comparing the launch of WoW with SWTOR? They aren't in competition - SWTOR needs to compete with current WoW. Blizzard knew this when they released their game - and it had everything it needed to compete with it's contemporaries. Maybe that's one of the reasons it has been so successful. If BW took the same approach I'm sure it would have a chance of taking the number one spot. What they did include has some real polish and is a pleasure to play.


    And to address one more thing - this notion that it took years for Blizzard to incorporate everything it has now like a LFD tool, damage meters and the Armor - it's a load of crap. The fact is - almost all of those things simply didn't exist previously and weren't being asked for. They started with a modifiable interface as a way of inviting the user base to show them what could be done. The capitalized on it and when people came up with good ideas they incorporated it. That's the hard way to do things. Where Blizzard had to innovate to keep customers happy, BW just has to copy what's been done before.


    Combine that information with the fact that the industry knows most gamers decide on the value of an MMO in the first couple of months and there's no excuse for launching without basic expected features. There's a laundry list of games that prove that point - some gone F2P and others that have just faded.


    All that being said - I like the game for the single player aspect and expect to get maybe 4 or 5 months out of it before moving on. New work will be appreciated, but I think the population has already dropped too far to make this game a long term investment.

  10. Speed hacks don't work, ever. Less character stats are client side(which these days isn't so). Tweaking some files on your end isn't going to change anything hardcoded server side these days. Your characters speed like everything else more or less is server side just like your characters name and stats.


    They do work - I've seen them recently as this week. The first time I saw it used for SWTOR was in a youtube vid here on the forums a couple weeks after release. Someone had recorded two people using them in hutt ball - you can imagine how that went. First to the ball then across the line before the recorder could even reach the ball. The hackers didn't even care - you could see them zipping around taunting everyone. The thread was taken down before it reached it's second page.


    The guy using them this past week I saw when I made a new BH toon on Krayt Dragon. He was zipping around the newbie zone. Several of us were talking about it in general chat. I did take the time to report him - in PvE it's not that big a deal but in PvP it really does suck.


    That's a very long time for those hacks to continue being used.

  11. As a healer I would love to see this added.


    Only if everyone else can get mouseover interrupt/CC.


    I wouldn't argue with this, except to say it won't be all that useful since we don't have a group/raid panel with all of our enemies in it. Unless you're requesting the additional functionality of being able to mouse-over characters (re:enemy) in addition to their raid frames? Even then it wouldn't seem that useful to anyone that uses their mouse for movement ... well I guess anyone using the keyboard to turn could use all the help they can get :) Go for it!

  12. I support server transfers and quite frankly can't imagine this need going unmet for much longer. I've already abandoned my original character as his sever is dead (11 on fleet during prime time!?). Because the storyline doesn't really vary and the levelling path is always the same, there's no way I will restart the same character on my new server. I'm stuck playing my second choice, but it's getting old fast. Without being able to move my original toon I don't have much interest in end-game content which is really shortening the lifespan of the game for me. I suspect there must be a large number of people who feel the same and that should give credence to this request.
  13. As a healer it's BH hands down for me. I like the way the abilities mesh together + building and using stacks. Leveling as a healer wasn't great as you start with a healer companion, but after picking up your dps buddies it improves.


    It's hard to pick a second; I've been making and remaking alts for a few weeks and can't find one to stick with. Force casters are too easy when hybrid speced into no-cost high damage (fall asleep). Force melee, while animated well, are way too flat and dull. You could macro their abilities to a single button and just steer them around all day. Agent / Smug healing starts very slow, but if it picks up then it might be huge fun - esp. with stealth ;) Looking forward to that.

  14. People are whining for Dungeon Finders, Damage Meters, Threath meters, Healing Meters, Balanced PVP etc etc. And I understand that, cause I want those things aswell.


    BUT stop saying that SW:ToR is a failed game because they don't have all this, while for example WoW does. WoW had NOTHING, and I repeat NOTHING, of this at launch.


    Why would you compare WoW's launch to TOR's launch? No one is making a choice between playing launch day WoW and TOR. The bar for success is set by the days most successful game in it's current state - not what it was when it started.


    When MS entered the console market, they didn't release a system on par with the original NES or PS1 and claim they were just starting out - they released a system on par with the competition (cube/ps2). Who DOES release a product on part with what their competition was doing several years past and expect success? Ridiculous argument - people should stop making it.


    That being said, I wouldn't call the game a failure. Sure, some servers need to be merged NOW, before we loose more people (I switched from one heavy server that averaged about 30 people on fleet during prime time to another heavy server that averaged about 200 at the same time). I think while they missed some hard-core requirements, they really nailed it for the casual players who like the storyline and dialogue.


    I'd say they still have a solid chance to maintain a level of success.

  15. I used to use the logitech board you're talking about and loved it. I tried switching to the lycosa at one point and the lycosa ended up living in my closet until I gave it away. I have recently however tried the black widow mechanical and LOVE it. Maybe it's because I'm old and remember the feel of those first home pc keyboards, but it's a lot of fun to use. I also haven't had any problems with it.


    I also use a naga - I've found the basic one sometimes has a bit of trouble tracking, but the elite outright died on me after a few months. There's nothing else that measures up for MMOs though.



  16. 1) It is something that should only be done after the game reaches some level of population stability. Which for most MMOs that is 3-4 months minimum, sometimes longer. Doing it any sooner is like taking a loaf of bread out of the oven before it is fully cooked.


    Crazy bread analogy aside, if this is true, free unidirectional server transfers from one low pop to another for 3 to 4 months would help alleviate a lot of the problems before they force people together.

  17. This game will be around until Lucas decides to not renew the license. People call EA the Evil Empire, but DAoC probably has less than 20k subs now, and they haven't pulled the plug yet. Not sure how many UO and WAR have any more, but they're still around too.


    That goes to what is considered successful. They may still be live, but how often are they receiving new content and how much community development still exists (ex torhead)? I think those games are considered dead because the vast majority of players would never consider playing an MMO with such a small population.


    There seem to be plenty of people saying their servers have enough population in TOR - hopefully we can get mergers for the rest of us.

  18. Also LOL at the quests are linear statement. Welcome to RPGs


    EQ, AO, DaoC, WoW and Rift to a lesser extent provided more than one path to level up. Non-linear paths are not only common in MMOs, they've been around a long time. I'm sure there are others that could be added to this list.

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