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Posts posted by Aricus

  1. Well it is inflation. Prices inflate but you also earn more, for the same amount of work you can afford the same amount of goods, it only affects trade with other economies, and not neccessarily badly, it hurts foreign competition on the home market, as we see with the credits sellers. (Their service "earning credits for you" is far more expensive: where you once paid $2.00 for the equivalent of a week's busy farming, now $0.50 is the price for a day's easy work.)


    What people usually think of when they hear inflation is hyperinflation, where the prices increase faster than the earnings. This is kind of what currently happens to the F2P and preferred players: they are still limited to 200/350k but this amount of credits has far far less purchasing power than it had back in 2012. Not even the 600k escrow transfers are worth it for F2P anymore, to buy a friggin endgame barrel at 2m they'd have to use 3 of them for a total of 720cc.


    This is false, just because there is inflation that does not mean you earn more, usually its quite the opposite..


    For example, if my primary source of income was from questing, then I won't benefit from inflation because quest rewards do not rise with inflation at all.

  2. Inflation is not when collectable goods are overpriced. It is when daily, necessary goods are (ie: IRL the cost of milk, eggs etc.)


    CM items, and hypercrate items are a luxury item, and as such priced at a going market rate.just because a new, CM shiney is overpriced =/= inflation. The cost of general goods, ie: crafting mats etc, is generally at a good price range. If they were say selling for crazy amounts of money...THAT would be inflation.


    Although I am no fan gold farmers, there really is no major inflation. Credits are extremely easy to come by ingame with very little effort.


    Inflation has to do with increasing the money supply. Rising prices, whether needs or luxury items are the result of inflation. And that my friend is inflation so what you're talking about is still a result of inflation.

  3. I believe there will be a shutdown mainly because the economy is getting worst by the day. The dollar rise is starting to reverse, GDP is low, Inventories are high, A lot of lay-offs have been announced, and the FED is scared to raise rates because they see the pitiful outlook of the economy.


    All this will affect EA's future outlook of this game and not only of this game but their entire company. Granted I think there's still time, probably looking at 2017-2018, probably 2019 at the most. When the bulk of this recession hits (like in 2008) and the dollar reverses, I don't think any non-manufacturing (or even manufacturing) US company that is mainly supported by US consumers will do well at all.

  4. OK, that's interesting. I had (and used) a conquest-sourced one during the repeatable-crafting week, so now I have myself a 216 main-hand weapon.


    I currently have (but not from Ops because I've never been in an Op) one of the others, the exotic isotope thingy.


    Yeah the conquest material is used to make 216 un-moddable gear, such as complete sabers and weapons or armor.


    But there's another purple material that are only acquired from ops that allows you to create the 216 or 220 armoring, hilts, barrels, mods and etc. The mat currently runs at 1.6-2mil each and the item itself sells for more. Remind you this is just for ONE mod, armoring, hilt or barrel.. Pretty stupid if you ask me.


    You're just better off getting the comms for them with maybe the exception of a hilt or barrel since you can't get the main hand version from comms, but still better off using the conquest material to get a whole one or just doing an ops run.


    Man I am so glad Albion's closed beta is about to begin, time for some real crafting!

  5. But it has been demonstrated that the crafted 216 is better stat distribution than the crystals gear. Depending on what slot we are talking about, it might be better to make that investment.


    This is true but most players probably won't care too much about that especially since the difference isn't huge.

  6. He can turn into a rakghoul for your pleasure and the entertainment of your guests at parties. I was sitting on over 3500 Hemogenic Goo (don't recall proper name). So, I was happy to dump 666 doses of the stuff to his cause. Now I'm waiting for Rakghoul Day to come so that I can get the rest of the more exotic materials...


    You sure he will still be able to transform into a rakghoul? I mean the whole purpose of the quest is to cure him. I highly doubt he'll have his transformation, just like HK-51 doesn't have his auto kill shot anymore. All companions are standardized.

  7. Except crafters benefit from Influence grind too.


    At rank 50, companions have (250,000 total influence points)

    +2500 presence when summoned

    +75% crew skill efficiency

    +25% crew skill critical


    At rank 30 (90,000 total influence points)

    +45% crew skill efficiency

    +15% crew skill critical

    +1500 presence when summoned


    after you reach rank 30 to grind the last 20 influence ranks it's an extra 160,000 total influence points. Nearly double the 90,000 it took to reach rank 30 for an extra +30% efficiency +10 critical


    I got my numbers from Dufly's Influence guide


    Influence for companions aren't that much of an issue, at least for me. I already have 7 companions at rank 32+ with my highest being 45. The thing is it only gets easier and easier because of your companions craft benefits. With everyone at least being R32 I can run UWT missions in under 9min getting blue and purple rank 5 gifts fast. And UWT has two mission grades that provide rank 5 mats so I am using all my 6 companions.


    The best way to do it is to use companions that use different gifts that way no matter the gift you receive it never goes to waste. For example i used:

    Lana - Culture Arts/Imperial Memorbilia

    Scropio - Tech

    Nico - Underworld

    Senya - Luxury

    Xalex - Military Gear

    Choza Raabat - Republic Memoribila

    Yuun - Trophy


    I haven't used anyone for my court and weapons gifts simply because I plan to stockpile them for future companions, especially since I have 7 companions already (I use one for combat) and the max I can use at a time is 6 for crafts. But I could use the weapon gifts on Lt. Pierce or Veeroa Denz but if I recall Jeasa WIlliam uses them so I am saving them for her.


    I think the bigger grind is in the alliance companions, right now the cap seems to be at rank 20 but i have a feeling more ranks will be unlocked after a later update which will be a pain if that's the case. But we'll see.

  8. Right I get all that, I was more trying to work out whether or not the difference between the gear warranted what is most likely a rather large price difference between them ( not home to check currently ).


    In the end the only place I see gear above the comm gear mattering is HM operations ( for me at least ) and then how much will it matter? Is the best gear I can buy right now RE'd HM OP gear without set bonus? This is assuming the gear from the "HM operation of the day/week" can't be RE'd or can that also be RE'd?


    I've got more credits than I'll ever need so if I do get back into raiding I might as well spend some but I figure I don't want to spend an extra million ( not real figures, hyperbole ) per modification for something that isn't going to give overly much difference performance except on "paper" ( parsing ) because I didn't get rich by making stupid buys all the time. :)


    Obviously set bonus would be the end goal but I don't really plan on raiding enough to build up that set in a hurry.


    If you're not going to raid then there's really no point in getting anything but 216 gear from comms or FPs (which I think are the same as SM OPS stat wise). The only except of gear you will need to purchase from crafts will be the MH weapon as you can't buy them with comms.

  9. I think their motive is based on a need to have more credits fall out of the economy so they slow down the loss in value, as any MMO ages the economy gets strange if you don't start finding ways to make credits disappear.


    MMO economies do get strange (outside of dev changes) only from themeparks. Though this doesn't seem to be the case from sandbox mmos and I speak of the true sandbox MMOs. For example, Eve online's economy has been stable for over it's 14 year history, there has not been any substantial periods of inflation or deflation, but rather they've been flat.





  10. No I mean like in Asheron's Call when pyreals, the main original currency, were needed in such large amounts that they had to convert them into notes, bascially 250k of pyreals could be turned into "trade notes" 1 250k trade note could then be stacked up to 100, you're not handling pyreals anymore you're handling trade notes because pyreals were so devalued they weren't worth the hassle of taking up all the slots in your inventory and you couldn't hold enough of them to buy stuff from other players.


    From that it evolved into "shards" which was a rare drop item from a creature ingame but they figured out to be worth upwards of 5k 250k trade notes.


    Point being, pyreals, in this case, credits, aren't so devalued that we're trading with each other for other items. I knew a guy in Asheron's Call who had to build a character that did nothing but hold stacks of trade notes, not picture that, main inventory had 99 slots, then you got 6 packs which each held 24 slots, that's over 200 slots each with a 100 stack of 250k trade notes. He actually had to create a "mule" character just to hold it all there was just so much.


    SWTOR's economy isn't at that level yet. I always think of Germany right after WWII, people having a wheel-barrel full of Reichsmarks to go buy groceries. There's actually a picture of that somewhere I need to find again.


    EDIT: and how that would work in this game, "I'll trade you 5 level 60 tokens for 500 stacks of that crafting mat." The economy isn't that bad... yet.


    Correction. Germany went in to hyperinflation after WWI not WWII.


    Also I don't think this game will get to hyperinflation, high inflation yeah but I don't think it'll get to a point where money is worthless. Though I do think there will be more inflation on the way, because it seems as if I am making a lot more credits from H2's than I did prior to 4.0 dailies and etc. Though I could be wrong on how much I am making from H2's though but certainly feels like it.

  11. I am not sure that I see the point of your first paragraph. Early on crafting was indeed needed. That ended with the proliferation of moddable gear and comms falling like rain. Crafting was still needed for implants, ears, at certain higher levels relics, and to plug holes in the comm vendor gear. Crafting became "not needed" because the game design evolved into making it not needed. Until 4.0, crafting was still desirable if you wanted to make yourself and companions stronger than needed for the content and for weaker players that was important.


    I am not sure why themepark and crafting are not compatible.


    It wasn't even needed in the early stages. I got about 90% of my gear from other activities outside of crafting. The 10% still wasn't even needed was more like a bonus. Of course I speaking of prior to the comm changes, yeah comms were scarce back then, but I did fine with quest gear for the level grind which btw you had to do just about every quest in order to level appropriately which only meant more gear from quest rewards. As I got towards the endgame I just ran FP.


    But there was a time period that crafting was more beneficial or 'needed' in a sense and that was when augmented gear would only appear from via crafting. After they added in augment kits crafting was pretty much wounded and only got worst when they added the CM and now this. Crafting was never the forefront of this game (and never is for a themepark MMO), the story was and for a time operations but they maybe phasing that down some too.


    Finally, I never said themepark MMO and crafting were not compatible I was comparing the crafting activity from themeparks to sandbox and the activity and even the worth and effort pales in comparison against sandbox.


    But I wonder have you ever played a Sandbox MMO?

  12. So:


    Now the crafting components would have been fine if you removed the other reagents... so now you are double dipping the crafting reagents and its annoying.


    Exotic Isotope stabilizer: You can buy it with glowing crystals which can be purchased from a vender... To make a purple item this costs 8 isotope stabilizers which vender for 200 glowing crystals... isn't it 100 per piece for glowing crystal gear with some fluctuation for weapons and lower flux for bracers and belt? 200 really? I will just save them for now on you have ended crafting for me... thanks though saves me time to play other games. Oh but you can do flashpoints...5 flashpoints 2 isotopes..... Uhm I pvp its what I do, I like the new flashpoints but they are a novelty not what I game for, I am not going to do 40 flashpoints to get 8 isotopes.


    Now the big one...


    Strategic resource matric. Gained for completing your personal conquest objectives. 1 per week. So we get to create 1 purple item per crafting character each week after hitting our personal conquest goals. 1 per week. Not 1 per day like WoW used to you went hardcore..... nice job. So I would literally have to hit conquest with 14 characters in 1 week to make a full set with all my crafters. Whoever told you that was a good idea should be beaten stupid right now by the person who wanted to rebuild swtor and make it a serious contender again. Crafting is done till you fix this... most of us have 1-6 characters we cannot gear because you made it not only more complex but asinine. Fix it if you are smart enough to realize your paycheck is negatively affected by stupidity.


    For your first comment.


    I am not a fan of the iostope idea at all, however, I think they can alleviate some of the problems if they increased the drops. Perhaps make them drop for every boss and bonus boss in a FP?


    Second comment.


    This is the price we pay for being able to craft basically raid gear(w/o set bonuses) without actually raiding. If the gear was easily craftable then the content will be made trivial since many players will be entering in raids with raid equivalent gear. So it's only natural they created a huge barrier to get crafting gear.


    This is a problem that just about every themepark have.

  13. 1. A lot of us are solo players that don't run flashpoints and had none of the exotics. I've run some tacticals solo and with wife to get a feel for the flashpoints before running the HMs for exotics and found them to be boring and overly long; kind of mind numbing.


    2. & 3. Unless I am missing something, all modifications from 208 on require the exotic mats as well. So effectively (except for augs), if you want to craft past level 186, you run HMs or Ops. All crafters are forced to do group content to lol craft. Maybe good for guild guys who farm HMs and Ops but not so much for the rest of us.


    4. Not sure if that is true. It depends on how many people run the HMs and how many people actually buy them to craft and how many people are gearing up how many alts. On the other hand see 5. below.


    5. My point not keyed to your post. Gearing at 208 / 216 is simple as pie since even non group stuff drops commendations (er crystals) like rain. All you have to do is run things like the Yavin 4 weekly and the heroric weeklys which require you to follow your companion around as he / she kills everything and some other simple stuff. So crafting the 208s and 216s is not really important or necessary.


    In regards to your 5th point.


    From what I recall crafting never was something that was ever needed, its always been a side-filler, something you did in order to fill a missing piece of gear but it never was a primary source of gearing up. Now for a time being, back when the game first launched crafting was a primary source for customization, but that has long since been gone.


    Quite frankly, if you enjoy crafting and selling products in the market, a themepark MMO isn't the MMO you should be looking at. You should be looking at something that's more of a sandbox like Eve online. A past example of these games there were popular would be Star Wars Galaxies (never played it but heard of it) and Ultima Online (this one I did play) or perhaps the upcoming Albion Online.


    If you find yourself in an MMO where the primary means of progress or gearing up is through the game itself (as in quests, drops, or npc vendors) then I can tell you that crafting will just be a side-step. Yeah people will do it and some people will make some money from it but the activities pales in comparison to the other games I mentioned.

  14. Makes sense, but it doesn't free up any space. I still need the three slots of inventory space per tier so that my gatherers have a place to put the mats.


    And I've got to decide how much of which components to make.


    So yeah, makes sense but is still boggling and therefore not an improvement to the old system.


    In terms of space, I am referring to legacy storage. Yes for the immediate space in my backpack I need more slots to hold the mats and the component but this space use is very short term. But for me I had literally hundreds actually thousands of mats in my legacy storage and personal storage. The component changes freed up a ton of space for me.


    I don't even bother to decide how much of which components to make. Granted I haven't fully did all the crafts or crafting so far (been busy with the alliance and FPs), but to make anything via crafting (that I am aware of) you need components. So there's no point on sitting on materials unless you're planning to sell them directly or use them for a quest.


    But honestly, I keep churning them out because the cost to make a component is around 4k - 5k on my server and each kit sells for around 8k-9k. Those are huge profit margins, not to mention I have a really good chance to crit? It's a no brainer, the component changes is what's good about this crafting change. Now the other stuff yeah I can see the frustration. A lot of it I don't even like.

  15. /signed


    Sure, if I immeadiatly crafted components , six different ones per tier, out of the the materials as I gathered them I could free up inventory space. The logistics of that on mutltiple crafters is a bit boggling.


    That's what you do if you want to have available space. Granted I only have 3 crafters (synth, armor, and artice) with the rest being mission runners, however, the first thing i did was crafted all my mats into components to reduce space, not only that but with my crafting companions being rank 20-40 I crit them quite often getting FREE MATS.


    Besides there's very little reason to not immediately craft the mats into components.

  16. I did a little math and I think I know why they came up with components.


    Remember how people have been requesting they increase the inventory stack size because their cargo bays were getting full? Each of these new components take up 2 mats from three different categories. Example: the Rubat Artifice Bonded Attachment takes 2 Lost Artifact Fragments, 2 Fibrous Nylite Solution and 2 Rubat Crystal.


    Do a little math and you will notice that one stack of 99 Rubat Artifice Bonded Attachments requires 198 Lost Artifacts, 198 Fibrous Nylite Solutions and 198 Rubat Crystals. Or 1 stack of 99 where 6 stacks of 99 were before you crafted them.


    So it's likely a space saver of some sort. Though it's a bit tedious to build up those stacks. So far I've been having my max number of active companions build 5 each of one type and go do something else. Fortunately the build time is 4m for a grade 8 component (less time w/more influence) so it's not taking that long.


    (Cybertech needs more Flux...)


    Now just that, but you also have a good chance of getting additional mats. To be honest I don't see the complaints in regards to the components changes. In fact people should be rejoicing it. I mean chance for free additional mats, reduced storage space requirements (for mats), and a new market that one could probably profit from due to better efficiency. I don't see the problem with this change and It's actually quite amusing that people are complaining about it.

  17. It's not alarmist. You DO get the companions back .. when you get to the appropriate point in the chapters - when those chapters are released. You want them? EARN them. It's been 5 years. Don't expect everyone to be sitting at your doorstep waiting for you the moment you return. And your choices matter. i already killed one potential companion on a dark side character. So be sure you know the personalities of your companions so you don;t screw things up later on.


    You know - I was irritated with this system at first, but now that it is becoming more clear - I think this way is more realistic.


    We don't know they decided not to enable this feature. It could be bugged and for all we know tomorrow's patch could resolve the issue.

  18. Was just in the middle of a cutscene on harbinger and the server promptly crashed, tried to log back in but got a connection error. Still able to log into other servers though...And another maintenance seriously? I didn't have a problem with 4.0 besides the slow download but 4.0a? This is getting ridiculous. Fix the frigging server and stop putting out patches like the world is going to end jesus christ.


    I don't think this is a patch. The patch isn't until tomorrow morning? I think what we have is a case of a server crash.

  19. So are the contacts on other planets capable of being recruited as companions once you finish their missions? Anyone know? Like on Hoth, etc


    I believe so. I done their mission and I managed to finish the heroic FP for the planet alderan and when I did one of the companions was moved up to the follower list. However, all he could do was craft or do missions. I was not able to summon him in combat. It said something about unavailable due to story or something. Perhaps if I do all the heroic FP i get to unlock them all or perhaps they're use just for crafting purposes, dunno yet.

  20. The terminal is supposed to give us our old companions back, from my understanding. Eric mentioned multiple times that we'd have a terminal to access them.


    Also, I heard from a friend who played through as a sith warrrior that he had no choice but to accept Pierce as a companion again, whereas other classes can choose. This leads me to believe that we are supposed to be able to access our old companions right away, but in the cannon-version of the story we still might have to go out and recruit them (just for story purposes).


    Based on this info, I think the terminal is either bugged or not "turned on" yet.


    You are more than likely to be correct on this.

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