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Posts posted by Kolai_Tak

  1. To Bioware or Tait,


    I recently saw the Revan Reborn armor set and thought the design of the chest piece was great and much more appealing than the original. However, comparing the helmets, I found that I liked the original one more as it looked more, for lack of a better term, detailed. I would very much like to be able to wear these two pieces of armor together, but the original helmet has a nasty issue of clipping quite a ways through the new chests hood which keeps me from being able to enjoy playing my knight. Whenever your team might be able to get around to making a fix for this, it would be greatly appreciated.




    Sojourner Calanth

  2. 2.10 after 3.0?


    I believe Eric Musco has said that the next patch will be 2.10 (full release of Galactic Strongholds to the rest of the population in October). And 3.0, the next RotHC sized expansion, will be around December/January.


    This ain't the decimal system, it's the patch numbering system. ;)

  3. You are right there is a human element to CS. When you treat CS with respect you tend to get them to be more helpful. I having a feeling the OP wasn't respectful to CS. Looking at his replies in this thread he mostly likely came off as self entitled ********.


    Based on the OPs replies to this thread, the only logical conclusion that can be made - based on evidence given - is that his current state of anger/rage/"entitlement" is a direct result of his experience with the CS rep. In times that I've talked with CS reps over the phone - more than half the time they are already [insert negative emotion here] and are unwilling to work with end users due to all the calls they have already dealt with throughout the day that treated them poorly or disrespected them in some way. Best time to call in to customer service is between early and mid morning, that way they haven't dealt with too many of those self-entitled people in their day and they've had enough time to drink some coffee and wake up.


    On that note, I would never send in a ticket - as that could be the case here - because

    1. You don't know the state of mind of the rep that will answer you.

    - thus you can't try to brighten their day.

    2. It's a whole lot more difficult to genuinely put your case forward and not come off as entitled.

    - tone tells no lies!

  4. If it IS in their power to do so then again the CS rules for BW might say different seeing as this is a case of having no way to prove that he didn't use the item then turned around and tried to snake another out of CS by claiming it was a mistake.


    As a database programmer, I am 95% certain resolving this issue would not end with giving him a brand new item whilst at the same time leaving it unlocked on the character that used it. With the databases I've worked in, it would be as easy as running a quick update statement and setting the flag that tells the client this character has this item to N. The 5% leeway is for the simple fact that I don't, nor do I claim, to know how they have the TOR database set up.

  5. Even if it is in their power to do so they are NOT obligated to fix YOUR SCREW UP!! YOU are failing to understand THIS FACT!!


    I don't know about your experiences, but in my experience dealing with customer service and being one myself, there is a human element. It's called sympathy.


    Example: I went to Dairy Queen once, ordered a blizzard. As I went to pick up the blizzard, I accidentally dropped it on the floor in front of the countre. Now, I didn't ask for a replacement blizzard, in fact, the cashier immediately offered - before I could even say anything - to make a new one.


    Point is, accidents happen - everyone makes mistakes, doesn't matter who you are - and good customer service reps will replace goods.

  6. hmm...Not sure if this one knows how decimals work. :jawa_wink:


    It's common practice in MMO's, or anything with content updates.




    I'm actually a bit surprised by just how many people, as gamers, think that updates follow standard mathematical rules. :p

  7. Instead of a Star Forge on my front lawn, a full grown Krayt Dragon would be nice.


    Secondary would be:

    - a functional Dejarik board

    - a functional Sabaac table


    - a table in the corner with an npc (or companion) to play pazaak with


    A giant statue of one of our characters to set up in the living room or something would be nice too.

  8. As far as gear, i would be fine with a naked version that needed to be equipped separability


    They could implement a reverse bolster that takes in the level and sets the characters level 55 gear to appropriate level 10-54 stats.


    That would negate the need to switch gear on the legacy character, or even look at the character's stats as they would always be the highest possible stats.

  9. Why are you looking for an ETA on something that's never been mentioned?


    This actually was on the wall of crazy a long while back, at the very least. And something the original dev team was very interested in implementing at some point (Back when Legacy would have been more than just small little bonuses).


    However, no idea if the new team even has any notions of implementing this idea. Or whether or not it's even on the wall of crazy at this point.


    EDIT: I think the original idea was more along the lines of bringing your other characters into another characters story however (via conversation) not as a full companion utilizing the legacy family tree to specify how they would react to the active character (i.e. Wife, Husband, Rival, Ally, etc.)

  10. I'd think some people, when they think of a hood toggle, would like it to come over their helmet (like hoods work with Revan's Mask and the Executioner Mask) instead of having one or the other. This could be what BW is trying to do, though I also think it probably could have been done sooner than the 2 years that it has nearly been, I'd assume there are quite a few clipping issues with this (if Revan's Mask upon first release was any indication).


    Personally, I hope this is how they're going about it. I'd love to be able to toggle the hood on the old BM heavy chestpiece for jugs and have the mask under it (i.e. Marauder style) and it's a little unfair from my perspective that I'd be forced to role a Marauder in order to get this look without hindering myself as a jug.


    Anyway, that's just my two cents. Hope you all have a nice day! :)


    EDIT: They'd also probably like to have all the hoods that are currently hanging on the back of all "hood down" chestpieces removed when the hood is toggled on.

  11. I'm a fan of KOTOR II and I'm not insulted.. am I the only one who's not mad? =/


    You're not alone Airmo, you're not alone. I wasn't insulted whatsoever by their canonized faces, being locked in a prison for 300 years whilst being drained - I thought Revan's was fitting.

  12. This doesn't just go with Smugglers and Bounty Hunters. There is a huge chunk of incredible lore missing with Grey Jedi. Those falling from the "grace" of the Jedi Order or those who are trained by Sith but just don't see eye-to-eye with their ruthlessness and lack of value in a life.


    Think about how big of a role two Jedi play in the Star Wars universe: Anakin Skywalker and Darth Revan. Also, you have some fan favorites like Quinlan Vos and Kyp Durron who struggled with the Order and pursued something more, well, neutral..


    In fact, I have an Imp guild called Fallen Jedi just to sate this personally, but that doesn't do much of anything outside of RP.


    The two examples of a Gray Jedi I would give according to lore (Both extremely popular, though one is only recognizable to this series) are Qui-gon Jinn and the one and only....... Hermit of the Shadowlands........................ JOLEE BINDOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Basically, buying a 1 month subscription on the cartel market that can be sold/traded


    Good idea in theory, yet for $20 you're not going to find anyone that would sell it for an amount of in-game credits that would be affordable to even a preferred player.


    Solution may be that a ftp account holder buys at least 1 month game time and then spends their time playing making enough credits to buy the next month off the gtn or some such.

  14. If the AC stories were different, then yes -- this would be like proposing a straight-up class change; you would be side-stepping a completely separate experience. But that's not how it works right now.


    I'd like to point out that the way the original developers saw the design of the classes pre/early launch was as follows:

    Character Creation is where the player selected their archetype (Knight, Inquisitor, etc.)

    Level 10 is when the player actually chose their class and are told at least 3 times that this decision will be final


    With so many of the original devs not around anymore, Damion being the only one I know of, I can't really say whether or not this is still how ACs are being seen.

  15. Last but not least, BW is absolutely able to track back such a transfer. The framed one being subbed anyway, he only needs to post a ticket and he will get his stuff back, while the conman will be banned for good.


    That would work, if BW allowed FTP/Preferred to create tickets

  16. I'm on The Harbringer.


    I know exactly how you feel, I got a Sorc on the Harbinger and it is completely ridiculous how much those people talk about bacon; sadly enough, I've started to develop a resentment toward bacon these days


    On topic - most annoying question I see has to be, "How do I pick my advanced class?" I mean, it's understandable for new players but I've seen people well into their 20s that hadn't picked their AC yet; and with the low levels that ask it's sometimes one after another almost as if they didn't see 2 people ask the same question (after receiving an answer) directly above their post.


    PS The fact they may have turned off gen chat is a possibility, but if new players want to pick stuff up and actually learn, they should keep it on.

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