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Posts posted by Hazaz

  1. Just being honest. He should have rolled on a RP server just like PvE players I gank in the open world on Rishi/Yavin that ***** about being killed probably should be on a PvE server.




    Do you tell every over weight person you see "You are fat."? Being rude without provocation is not "honest", it's just childish ego crap masquerading under a flimsy excuse.

  2. Yeah, your collections and legacy earned buffs transfer with you.


    There's not a lot of open world PvP here. You'll find some, particularly for 55's on Oricon. There's a consistent group of Imps haunting The Outlaw's Den, always the same cast, and easily the most foul-mouthed, snide, trash talking bunch of weenies I've ever seen in a game.


    I'm the patient sort, and a solo player- I can generally find somebody to scrap with during peak hours. If that's your kind of game, you might have some fun. Seems to me server population here continues to dwindle, the FTP players outnumber subs, so fights are fewer and the rudeness grows exponentially.


    Good luck with your choice. :t_frown:

  3. You can't teach bads. Bads think they are good. Now take me for an instance, I play a Annihilation Marauder in PvP...because I know the buff for Annihilation is coming soon, had a Smash Monkey, come in and call me a bad because we lost, yet I out DPSed him . I'm sorry, but if I as Annihilation are out DPSing you as a Smash Monkey, something is bad wrong. I most often find myself at top Damage at the end of matches...as my spec, that should NOT be happening. Too many bads who think they are good...you can't teach those guys crap.


    As a PvPer, I know my faults, and I work to fix those faults. But some players refuse to admit they even have faults. Can't teach those guys crap.


    Every time someone writes "Bad", "Bads" or "Baddies", I visualize a pouting child.


    I like how you took the time to talk about yourself, at length, while pretending to address the subject of this thread.

  4. look at the leaderboards. All serious imp pvp'ers (of which there are a TON) are queing solo and group ranked arenas. There are zero repub players on those boards.. only imps.


    the only ppl playing reg wz's are fail imps (read the bottom 2% of imps) and fail pubs (read all pub players on PoT5 that still pvp). which leads to 50/50 chance of win/loss.


    Congratulations.... if you're an imp playing reg wz's you now know what it sorta feels like to play republic 24/7 on any mode here on PoT5.


    Who cares about the silly WZ garbage? Structured PvP is for leg-humpers afraid to play. Check Oricon. Pubs roll Imps like cheap toilet paper.

  5. Name: Brëaking (alt 0235)

    Faction: Empire

    Class: Assassin (Defense)

    Location: Michigan Eastern TZ

    Real Name: Jeremiah

    Age: 31


    Platform: 870FXT AsRock Mobo, AMD x6, Two 7870 XFX BE Crossfire

    1 Samsung SSD, ect ...

    Speed: 100M down~5M up ( Work for the cable company)


    Game Experience: Tanked all 8man HM in Classic, 8 man TFB HM, some SnV HM


    World of Warcraft:2005-2012: Extensive raid experience, all 40 mans, notable kills-Rag,BWL,

    Naxx 40, Aq 40, Lady Vasjh, Keal Thalas, Illidian, Hyjal, Sunwell, Linch King, Cata Heroic Spin, Heroic



    EvE Online: 2010-current Two capital Pilots, one titan pilot, CVA Alliance 2 year, Corp for 3 years.

    Life Time Kills 689, losses 116



    Battlefield: 2006-Current, Own BF2, BF2 BC, BF 2142, BF 3, BF 1942, BF Vietnam, have BF4 on reserve.


    Playstyle: Over 32 Bound keys using n52TE utilizes 2-3 key maps, Razor Naga Hex, G15 Keyboard.

    Comms: Vent, Mumble, TS, Skype,

    Playtime: I work fulltime, and school full time, my play times are normally Thurs-Sunday 8PM till midnight. If I can make raid, I will post the night before.


    About me: Been playing MMO's since I got out the navy in 2006, Went from very hardcore raider to a casual Raider. I expect people to keep there mouths shut when the raid leader is talking, but very open minded to strategies and chit chat prior to pulling. I use everything I can to broaden my ability as a player by using website, forums, podcast to follow the latest on my classes. I'm a cable technician in Monroe Michigan, been at Charter for 5 years but looking to move up in the company, hence the pursuit of a degree. I use to love sex, but I got married and seems the wedding cake killed the appetite for any fun. I drink, but don't smoke, I drive a baby blue ford focus because that the time I thought it was cool looking. I'm annoyed with stupidity, but I'm sure people feel the same about me, got two sleeves, one of a Zombie vs. Alien War on my left arm, and a bunch of other **** on my right that makes no sense. In any case, I'M looking for a raiding guild with 2 groups or more.. Hit me up via ingame mail for with a follow up post.


    Jeez, Dave. That's a lot of personal info.

  6. About what you would expect for an east coast server...prime time has decent population, ranked and reg q's pop within 2-3 minutes. After 1 am'ish, it's generally just the ugly girls who couldn't get a guy drunk enough to take them home; q's still pop but you have to think long and hard about whether you'll respect yourself if you accept.


    You're not playing/drinking the same game? After 1am there are NO UGLY GIRLS.


    Fair input, seems to me 12am EST to about 3 is richer in PVE/OWPvP

  7. 100k? Really? The problem with that is that most people that read the forums have been playing long enough to have millions and millions of credits across their accounts. 100k Kinda seems like a wast of time, even though in the time it took me to type this all out on my pointer fingers I could have uploaded a picture to a picture sharing site and linked it here. I digress, 100k seems cheap, make the prize 1 million and I'm in!


    /supported 100k is pocket change.

  8. I have done only 1 guild merger so far in the near-2-years we've been playing since launch. It didn't end well. In fact I think of the 15-20 players I took in from the other guild, only 2 remain to play with us. The others left and/or were purged from the guild probably about 2 months after the merger. It just caused drama in the end and also hurt our reputation I think on the server for those 2 months.


    I won't be doing those anymore lol.


    Drama is delicious good fun!

  9. Also it should reward Valor, Exp, loot, and PvP currency. And none of that should be rewarded if the person is a set number of levels below you. Not sure what it should be, I've beaten someone that was 3 or 4 levels over me when they jumped me :p And if you're grouped with someone high level and they kill another high level, if you aren't able to do any damage to them at all, you don't get rewards.


    Big thanks to you and Cash. I am not alone.


    How did this game ever get developed with no consideration to OWPvP? The recent bump in starport NPC's is actually meant to discourage?

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