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Posts posted by Siberian_Menace

  1. Right, not really a lot you can do with op trees honestly.


    1. You've got prognosis critical. Don't waste the points on it unless you're picking up patient studies. They are designed to synergise, take both or don't bother.


    2. You're a healer. You will get hit in the face all game long. Don't leave home without chem-resistant inlays.


    Endorphin Rush, sedatives, evasive imperative,med shield are your fillers. Take whichever ones you like best to get yourself to recuperative nanotech.


    Finally you've got your last 10pts.


    For PvP I'd recommend 3/3 lethality 2/2 razor edge and 2/2 slip away in the lethality tree with 3/3 survival training in concelament. This'd be pretty much entirely heal focused. Pick up a 2pc healing pvp and 2pc healing pve if at all possible


    If you're looking to push out some extra damage aswell I'd swap 2/2 slip away for 2/2 concealed attacks or exchange two points from survival training if you want to hang on to the extra peels/CC.

    For added oomph pick up 2pc pvp healing and 2pc pve dps for a ~65% cirt chance on backstab.


    Thank you very much! That's what i needed - a little advice with good reasoning.

  2. Stop adding themes about resolve not working right - it's not helping.


    Start adding themes that all BW needs to do is to add some (like 5 secs) time to the trinket while you'll be totally immune to any stuns.


    It's like - stun => hit trink => 3(5) secs immune to stuns-mezzs = problem solved.

  3. You are selfish. But your not alone. And thats whats ruining wz because somtimes its 2-3 ppl per wz wearing greens.


    And they are those exact ppl who come qqing to forums, when normal pvpers leave WZ if they see those greens wearing bastards, and start to demand different debuffs and fines for the leavers.


    All i can say to them - go shmack yourself. Until you get at least recruit gear i personally will be leaving any game when i see you noobish greenswearing "i'm having fun" halfbrainers.

  4. Stop complaining about the lag spikes or we'll get maintenance not 2 times a week, but every day of the week!


    Just go with it, because maintenances don't seem to be working, but we all will have a lot less time to play!



  5. Free to players get NO operations, very little flashpoints and warzones, limited character slots, limited credits, and limited bank space. They don't have access to half the travel methods you do, and can only choose a very limited number of races.


    I think it's even.


    It really is not even. When someone gets, ok, not 75, but at least 50% of the game for free (and the story IS 50% of this game) and you have to pay full - it's not fair at all.


    And i'm not saying my 15 bucks a months is a big deal, but the point is the point - i'm not paying 50% more for what others get for free.

  6. Here is my point: when TOR goes F2P, freeriders will get story mode (which is like 50% of the game) for free, and, let's say 50% of remaining 50% of ops, flashpoints and WZs for free also.


    So, considering i'm pretty bad with math, full subscribers will have to pay FULL cost of subscribtion for like 25% of more game, right?


    Wouldn't it be fare if we would have to pay, let's say not 75%, but at least 50% less?

  7. nice video man, i didnt really like the music but good video all in all, ps. dont listen to the trolls all the do is bash videos, because they suck at pvp, if the number one player in this game posted a video they would find some reason to bash him. Good video keep them coming, and i did see some war hero geared players 1vs1. +1


    Thanks! Will watch some more Sony Vegas lessons and make more vids of bashing undergeared ppl! ;)


    Next time with decent music!

  8. I see nothing in that pvp video to be proud of. Try beating on players that are geared the same and make a video of that, it would be far more entertaining.


    Did i in any word in my post say anything about being proud of this or is it just your imagination?)


    Though there were 1 vanguard with 21989 hp, 1 shadow with 18729 hp, 1 sentinel with 19509 hp and a sage with 17796, i don't say that i'm proud of getting them down. Maybe they were all wearing pve-gear or something - you never know.


    But of course i will try to shoot some videos with ppl in WH someday, when i get all my courage to even face them. Thanks for advice!

  9. Forget backpedalling! What amused me - are there REALLY so many recruit geared noobs in rateds, or the op just picked out the biggest hits on them to look cooler?


    If there are REALLY so many recruit geared noobs in rateds, imma be farming them like crazy starting today!

  10. Then you have no idea what you're missing.


    Yep, you just missed some poor PVE kills, like spamming thrash untill you get energized shock and then pop recklessness - took the op forever to kill a strong mob in the End of Torvix.


    And some bad PVP moves like chasing some 14k guy in Huttball trying to crit him big with no luck, jumping on vents up to chase him and again no luck.


    And attacking an operative, who popped evasion, with white attacks, missing all the thrashing, getting almost killed, getting healed up, then getting energized shock, popping recklessness and getting what - 3.2k crit?? 3.2 k crit once in 1.5 minutes?? Absurd.


    So you didn't miss much by not watching this one :)

  11. It is becoming more of an epidemic I agree, so let's bring in some penalties for those that quit. Let's make it the same penalties for those that enter warzones in PVE gear, or for those who run around like headless chickens, or do nothing but duel rather than help their team.


    In the unfortunate event of finding myself online with no guildmates to group with, I sometimes find myself leaving PUGS before they start when I recognise names who I know fall into any of the above categories, I see no reason to waste my leisure time playing a game with these people. I am afraid I play this game for my own fun.


    Many times this!

  12. Except for the fact that you do. The Space missions are networked into each main server, so when those go down, everything attached to it goes with.


    I know this. But technically space missions are always the same, they are not something that only servers can calculate and it is possible to make them playable while servers are down. Devs just need to give it some thought.

  13. This is what i think: we actually don't need connection to servers to play space missions, so why not to make them playable while servers are down?


    It would be like, when servers are down we could have an option to "Login only for space missions" and when we login, we go directly to space missions tab where we choose and play them. And when servers come back up, the client just sends all the info to them and we receive our prizes.


    This can greatly entertain people while they are waiting for the end of (probably extended again) maintenance.


    Also, players who don't really play space missions will have a great opportunity to finish them all.

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