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Posts posted by Sithlordtindias

  1. These treads make me laugh. There is no other class in the game that could take someone down as fast as Ops. I have played a stealth class in every MMO i have played (if they were available) and they are always toned down. Anyone who thinks they should be able to stealth and kill someone in under 3 seconds is crazy. No other class can do that so why should you? You cry about utility, well change your spec. There is utility in your class, but you choose not to use it because you want high burst and 3 sec kills. Before you get your panties in a knot and start flaming, i play a Sniper. Some say Sniper is a broken class, but I do extremely well without stealth and without 3 sec kills. I play Eng because I like the mobility and marksmen just doesnt work with that cover BS (for my playstyle). I understand that it can be upsetting that you leveled a character to 50 and are used to playing them a certain way...and dont want to learn a new way. I plan to roll a Smuggler (new story) now that they adjusted the class to avoid this very thing. So yes, be upset but get over it! Quitting and crying on the forums doesnt change anything. If you loved your class that much you would find other ways of playing it well.
  2. Personally I don't think BW expected to have such a huge lvl 50 population so quickly after launch. I would expect lots of content to roll out after all the bugs are worked out and user interface content is added. Based on how many expansions they put out for Dragan Age, BW is not shy about adding more content. I am guessing BW has their hands full right now and have things in the works for the near future. You could always roll some alts to see what their stories are like. I do not plan on rolling anymore Empire since I am tapped out on those quests. I have gotten to the point where I am only doing story quests on my alts to avoid mind numbing quests I have already done many times. My next alt will be Republic to try and keep things fresh.
  3. lol there is a option auto loot .. even a option loot all mobs at the same time area loot .. lol


    maybe check your option before complaining ona forum


    Edit: and also the range you can loot is pretty far you can loot liek 10 meters away you have to like walk 2 steps maybe if you stayed max range as ranged


    That's not what I am talking about....the whole part about having the companion do it implies that I don't want to have to click or pay attention to bodies after their dead. I played an mmo where the pet grabbed all loot and you never had to worry about it till it was time to sell. Companions can craft and sell loot why not loot the corpses? Saves time and would be nice is all I am saying.

  4. Not every one works 9-5, Im sure they have people on right now looking over every thing. It wouldnt be hard to let them be able to add more people...


    I agree, I am about to get off work lol. Now would be a great time to send another wave of invites. It wouldn't hurt, but I am guessing "most" people are asleep right now or not checking their email for an invite so it wouldn't help. Still it would be a nice surprise for nightcrawlers like us!

  5. So far Bioware has lived up to their claims. They never said anyone or everyone could play 7 days before release. It clearly states that you can play "up to 5 days" before launch. Why is this so hard for people to understand? Why is it even harder for people to understand that Bioware is dealing with hundreds of thousands of pre-orders? The people who were lucky enough to get access today likely pre-ordered their copy the first day it went on sale. Everyone will get their turn, but the volume of nerd rage that is going around is just silly. If you get your invite on the 19th, then yes be upset and feel cheated...but really people would you rather have an unstable and glitchy launch just to satisfy your own feeling of entitlement? We all paid for the game and want to play, but acting like a child won't get you early access any faster. I support Bioware's decision to allow access in waves and I am still waiting for my invite. I would rather wait a few extra days then try and play a game that crashes because the servers are overloaded. And yes, I did play beta and understand that the game was stress tested, but they are taking launch seriously and that is a good thing.
  6. I just want to be a part of this thread.....nothing intelligent to say.


    Most people posting here today are doing the same thing LOL.


    STOP CRYING ITS ONLY DAY 1......did anybody read the portion where it said up to 5 days early? Bioware is smart and making sure everything is working correctly so the launch is not an epic failure. If you want to troll go back to WoW!

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