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Posts posted by robutt

  1. Any plans for cosmetic slots, i.e. adding separate equipment slots that determine the look of the character without changing stats? This would be greatly preferrably to everyone of a certain level looking pretty much the same. On the same note, hue to chest is a good start but dying gear would be even better. And finally, there is the matter of changing one's character appearance after character creation.
  2. BioChem crafted medical kits were too good. In fact, they were too good both in the amount of healing they provided (often more than half a character’s health) and the frequency they could be used (every 90 seconds!). This was negatively impacting the game for everyone else.


    Gee thanks, medkits are really WAY too powerful, especially for classes that can't heal. I mean, a healing class can spam another heal about every 2 to 3 seconds, but the dumb tanks using a medkit every 90 seconds is indeed very unbalancing. Maybe, for balance reasons, tanks shouldn't be able to use any healing items at all, I am sure that would make things even better!


    Also, let me applaud the intelligent game design in regards to the above: good idea to give classes that can heal healer pets early on or even right away, and let classes that can't heal wait for level 30 or in some cases, 40 until they get that. That should show them. Well done! How was such brilliance achieved, did you flip a coin? Roll some dice?

  3. Some suggestions as you seem to have no clue what you are doing:

    1. fix the many old, exisiting bugs rather than add new content (with new bugs)

    2. look at other MMOs and add all the features you are missing

    3. listen to your players, don't ignore them like you must have done in beta

    4. get rid of those voice computers for phone support

    5. don't reply with canned messages when contacting support, do humans even read it?

    6. test before you push your patches on live

    7. better stick with singleplayer games in the future

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