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Posts posted by Nidien

  1. Nope, and this was brought up a few days after release on why. Apparently the beta testers were asked what they thought of the hoods on the Twileks, because their (insert proper name here) tentacles were sticking out of the hoods. It was then decided to remove the hood completely and I doubt it is going to be re-implemented any time soon.


    I could see it in an expansion with the possibility of more options to have them wrap around your neck or down the front, but until then your probably out of luck and hence why I stopped playing my twilek as well.

  2. They need to implement this.

    I know you can reroll the tree, (example)but it's useless when you want to be a healer and all your choices are just damage.


    Well...if you wanted to heal maybe you should of picked the advanced class with a heal tree? I know, I know, it's difficult to comprehend and mostly common sense but since 80% of the population doesn't even know what common sense is, then yes they should implement it immediately.

  3. Your not going to find an MMO like SWG anytime soon or for that matter ever. Closest thing is probably EVE like an above poster stated.


    SW:TOR is a ton of fun. Quite a bit of complaining from a portion of the forum crowd, but they frequent every game and will do the same thing whenever the next game releases.


    You'de have to try it out, or wait for a trial period to be honest as everyone's opinions are different, but as for me, like I said I'm having a blast and looking forward to what Bioware is going to do with the game from here on out.


    Again, I stress you aren't going to find anything like SWG before the NGE, and it's unfortunate.


    Edit: Seeing how the OP leveled from 1-50 and 40+ valor ranks already, this thread is /over. He knows what it's already like, or is he bsing us or himself? Who knows.

  4. Adding another WoW clone to the pile didn't help anything.


    How so? Race selection is worse first of all. They have no defining characteristics. The rest of the game involves skill trees that are worse than WoW, ugly gear, and they added on a revolutionary system where you can be light or dark! Oh my god!


    The game is the same as WoW with some sh*tty voiceovers broseph. No endgame here, move along now


    Actually this game features some of the worst zones I've seen in an MMO, like alderaan.


    Until after level 30 right?


    Unresponsive as f*ck combat


    Compare it to the industry giant and the leveling in this game is a massive chore.


    It's good, i'll give you this one.


    Launch technically was smooth, but letting friends level ahead of friends was a dumb decision.


    Honestly if this is the product they put on the table considering the millions they spent on this game, I'll get out before I dump any money into this sh*t.


    Opinions and over exaggeration...move along.


    letting friends level ahead of friends was a dumb decision...W....T..F? seriously grasp at more air, you lost any credibility here on out simply due to that.

  5. I have been involved with 4 launches - EQ2, Rift, FFXIV, and SWTOR. The only one I have been unhappy with is FFXIV (only played that one a week and they ended up not charging a subscription for a year or something like that).


    Smoothest launches for me were Rift and SWTOR - they were about even.


    Yup, FFXIV was a massive let down.


    Rift and SW:TOR have been the two best launches in a LONG time when it comes to MMO's, hands down. The best launch before that was DAOC, think the servers went down once the first day and that was it as far as I could remember around launch time.

  6. That doesn't justify that high monthly fee, which many MMO before ToR have had much lower monthly fee.

    ..it all smells of EA moneymongering!


    Much lower monthly fee? Which games?


    And the monthly fee is .50cents a day, even if you work minimum wage. By the time you punch in and fart you made your days worth of sub fee.


    How much per month do you spend on coffee?

  7. The reason this game will die off in a few months is the fact that it is a single player mmo. The game encourages solo play giving every player the ability to summon multiple pets that are as strong as real players making it possible to solo the entire game up to level 50.


    The heroic areas are a joke. They give so little bonus that if you dont wind up getting lucky enough to find a party for it by the time you are done with the planets quest you just drop them and move on.


    The planets are what mainly ruins it. Each planet is so damned small and on each planet there are so many instances you wind up playing with about 30 people which ends up with you on rare occasions seeing another player.


    The warzones are a joke. There are 3 which get really boring really quick and can be accessed from about lvl 20.


    I find the plots of the quests no more interesting than any other mmo and just because its all voice acted doesnt make it better. I find myself just skipping through the dialogue.


    Endgame? There is no endgame, who cares about getting better items for your already max leveled character.


    Mmos have really gone downhill starting with wow in my opinion. The ones that have stuck in my mind as being great are the ones where it takes months to get a maximum level and it takes time to travel where you want to go and some common enemies take longer than 5 seconds to kill. Where grouping is encouraged and downtime is increased allowing you to sit in a 4 person party for 8 hours and talking to the people you are near. Or in a zone you'll come across large groups of people doing whatever.


    This game is an action mmo with a plot that doesnt matter and little multiplayer action. Having the ability to max everything within the first month is what ruins this game, and wow, for me.


    I agree with quite a few of your points. Problem is though, you might want to get used to it because that's what we are going to have from here on out. Gone are the days of EQ leveling, Vanilla DAOC, etc. only games you'll see like that are games such as AION or Final Fantasy that try to westernize it's game and usually fail, due to this exact reason.


    Well, FFXIV had more problems that just that, but for the most part AION was fun, just at the time I couldn't invest the time needed to stay up to par.

  8. I'd probably have a lot more time for it if it was singleplayer. or Multiplayer.


    Star Wars just isn't something I want to subscribe to and grind through - even parts of KOTOR were more of a slog than I'd have liked.


    Then what exactly were you looking for when buying this game. This post itself says that you shouldn't even of picked it up, or at the very least watched 1, yes just 1 interview on youtube with ingame footage before release.


    You want to blame anyone for your stupidity, blame yourself on this one. Good god.

  9. Turn shadows off and see what it does. If that helps a bit, turn your resolution down. You should be fine though but something isn't right. The game isn't optimized all that great, that we can all fully agree on but at the same time your getting bottle necked somewhere if it's unplayable on low.
  10. '


    More mindless posting, people aren't reading.


    Nevermind someone close the thread I was naive to think it would turn into some sort of constructive discussion.


    Next time I will write "SWTOR is like a golden field with the sun setting behind it, the air is sweet with sommeflowers as I log in and I can't see all the bugs cuz I'm so blinded by the immense beauty and perfection that is SWTOR" as my title, then we can all play fantasy land and pretend this game doesn't have major issues.


    GL HF I'll give it another month and just as a sidenote, I don't love any sort of fiction more than I love star wars, I like playing MMO's rather casually thus this should be my dream MMO and I am seriously considering leaving.


    Just so you know how at least one very hopeful and loyal fan feels Bioware.


    You asked a question, and received answers. They weren't the answers you like (even though they are straight up fact), so they are auto-trolls when the last couple posts from you are far from intelligent and adult-like that your apparently whining about...ironic isn't it?


    You do need to grow some thicker skin, or you may want to reconsider this whole thing called the internet.

  11. Server population was way higher accros all server couple weeks ago, On its peak there where only 4 standard populated servers. Now there is allot more of them. Soon it will drop even more when peoples subcriptions will run out.


    You do realize, school was out due to the holidays. People had vacations, some places of employment were shut down for a couple weeks, and last but not least it was launch, but that would have NOTHING to do with it right? lol.


    Stop, think for 2 seconds, then post.


    Either way, again people. If your scared the game is going to fail for some weird reason like your life is going to end, then quit the game. If you think the game is boring, and sucks...yet again...quit playing the game. It's simple, EXTREMELY simple, yet apparently so damn hard to comprehend for some people.


    WoW has lost millions in the last couple years, care to explain that? I'm sure you have an answer.

  12. Would you rather their customer service people stop answering tickets altogether and just play all day instead?


    As for the weapon, I can tell you for 100% certainty that Marauders cannot use it. Most of our high level abilities specifically require two lightsabers.


    To be honest? If they don't know *** they are talking about then yeah..they shouldn't answer the question at all, or give it to someone that can, because answering the question with obvious bs and a copy paste tactic of dribble only makes it worse.


    Is it an unfortunate thing you can't use it? yeah but eh, it's one of those things. Toss it to your companion, let him/her have some fun with it. They are people and have feelings after all, from what I've been told by some forum users.

  13. In none of those games:


    -Pets have their own storylines.

    -Pets Interact with YOUR storyline and every single quest you bring them to

    -Pets react to your choices

    -You can fully equip pets as they were a completely separate character


    I'm not kidding. But you must be.


    It's evident that companions in SWTOR aren't even close to pets in other MMORPGs, but they are instead close to companions in single player RPGs.


    soo...a glorified pet. Gotcha. Sorry, I don't RP and get my butthole all puckered up over spilt milk.


    Your probably one of those people that went ape **** and filed petitions over the changes Lucas put in the blue ray disks of the series with the Ewoks blinking and the Emperor yelling, then went and bought it and yell at your friends that come over to watch it when they don't even notice it.



  14. Really? Call me when you can give me an example of another MMORPG in which the "ducks" work like in SWTOR, kay?


    Your kidding right?


    Pick a game that has pets.


    You have a pet bar...swtor has a pet bar.

    They have skills...swtor has skills.

    You press said skills, pet does said skills...you press said skills, "companion" does said skills.

    Your pet automatically does certain skills....your "companion" automatically does said skills.

    Your pet has said stances...your "companion" has said stances.


    so..really? you are kidding right?


    You can call it whatever you want. You can place it's origin where ever you want...they are exactly what they are...a different named pet..nothing more. The only things they do different is sell your grey junk and do your crafting for you..which I do appreciate but at the same time it's nothing more than a glorified pet.


    Ritalin anyone? No need for a phone call, I don't need a pissed parent answering the phone because it's after 8pm

  15. No, they aren't. They are a part of the games overall goal to bring Bioware-style role playing to the MMO space. They are a feature that have become a trademark of every Bioware RPG since Baldurs Gate.


    Actually...yes they are. You can twist it 100 different ways from Sunday and that's exactly what they are.

  16. Sorry. I will stop calling them my healing pet, my tank pet, my dmg/healing pet. I will also stop calling it my pet bar. I will formally call them my healing companion from now on and I will officially role up on a rp server just so it 100% justifies and complies with your post.


    Again, sorry and good day.


    But just an FYI, if it walks like a duck, looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck...it's a duck.

  17. Wow you really are that stupid. Maybe you arent a very technical person and thats fine, but dont try and argue points on bugs in a game then.


    Holes in the world, bugged raids and the plethora of other in game problems beyond the "handshaking" problem that plagued the servers for so many months had absolutely nothing to do with them having to many subs.


    How do yoou not understand that after its been spelled out for you numerous times?


    be very careful, apparently calling a dumb person dumb is against the rules of service on these forums.

  18. Sounds like they were planning on their game failing.


    They should shoot for 20 million, not 500,000. Blizzard managed to get 12,000,000.. a monumental, unthinkable number. With a game like Star Wars with 5 years development and 300 million dollar budget, they should have shot for the stars, not mediocrity. They released a broken game and the numbers will speak for themselves in upcoming months.


    Their sub counts are a bit inflated due to gold farmers and multiple account holders. You take gold farmers, and drop the multiple account holders down to single accounts and you're looking at maybe 5-6million probably a bit less. Either way those are substantial numbers and won't be touched for a long time if ever, but let's be honest here.


    Look at cataclysm, can't find any current numbers of copies sold, but in it's first month it sold 4.7 million copies, which left 7+million subs that didn't buy the xpack? don't think so. We'll see what the number look like when the Panda's hit the shelf.

  19. Thing is, the reason WoW was broken at launch is because they were so overwhelmed and UNDERESTIMATED the amount of people that would be playing. They quickly fixed that, and it still hasn't stopped growing.


    Is that what's going on with SW:TOR? We both know the answer to that, sir..


    LOL. So by your statement, WoW had holes in the world, broken classes, bugged instances, bugged raids, and NUMEROUS NUMEROUS more problems because is was overwhelmed by sub count? Jeezuz H Christ, and I thought I heard everything, everyday is something new.


    Also, by quickly fixed, you mean roughly 1-1.5+ years right? because that's how long it took them to fix quite a few of those issues.


    WoW is a product of perfect timing. If this game was released around the same time WoW was and WoW was released today, the script would be flipped simply due to that, nothing more. WoW was the worst launch in MMO history.

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