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Posts posted by Driveinns

  1. This will be the second time since coming back that it has looked like I have to re-install the game, and I'm not looking forward to doing it again, and hell I might not bother.


    I had this with the last major update, when I returned.


    It downloads the patch and goes to apply. Then it just gets stuck installing a numbered asset (in my case 343) and it just does nothing, no matter how long you leave it. No CPU or disc activity, just nothing.


    If you need me to send you something, be detailed in what you need, please.



  2. Hi, and I hope someone from the CS team can help me here.


    In regards to the LvD event do you need to reach Eternal Level to actually get the companion? It wasn't there at the start, so I am a little shocked to see it now. It would mean me and my friend would need to rush our way through.



  3. I have read posts on the SWTOR forums and reddit and other various places, that romance companions are broken. That going into Fallen Empire thay don't acknowledge your romance accordingly. In some cases it has been fine, but others? Not so much.


    I have also heard and kind of experienced that courting gifts are also broken, as in they don't give influence now as they used to, sometimes they do, sometimes not, or that it changed, or something. Can I please get some form of official word on these issues. To the point of knowing if they even are issues?


    I am currently playing my first character through Fallen Empire, my Trooper. She is relatively new-ish and I finished her conversations and made the romance with Aric during my lead up to playing Fallen Empire recently. So the romance was recent. I am leveling my Sith Warrior as well to take through, and her romance is quite old, she was my first 50 and my first to finish all conversations. So I will see if there is a problem there.


    I have had some issues with gifts, but then that seemed to change. I'm just not sure.


    Also another question is the gift thing just a reflection of the change from affection to influence?


    But I want to know what I'm getting into before I play older characters, so does my friend. :)


    Thank you for any information you can give.

  4. Call it something like companions. I just want the ability to have the companions around my stronghold be able to be placed in chairs, using computers, sleeping in bed or whatever interaction you can think of. But I have more ideas then just that.


    I remember from way back that people like Quinn for the Sith warrior

    you used to be able to get actual revenge on him for the betrayl, by killing him, but then there was the whole replacing him as a healer companion

    so I was thinking maybe if you decided to go with that, it could open a quest somewhere so you could replace him, but only after you went through an end of affection quest line or something.


    Same could go for Lord Scourge

    after he and your Jedi do their thing he could go his own way or there could be light or dark side choices for letting him go, keeping him around to do damage or killing him

    stuff like that, and then you could do a quest line to remedy that. You could add things for all your companions or just the ones that make sense.


    I am sure there are many other things you could add for companions in this idea like new romances, new personal quests, new interactions, new dialogue and experiences. These are just my initial ideas, not really laid out particularly well, but just flowing from my mind. :)


    I just think it seems in the same vein as the Strongholds expansion, which I am quite enjoying. It all started with the idea of being able to put companions in other places other then just standing in a corner or something, to make them a little more 'real'.


    Thanks for reading. Hoping Bioware does read these.

  5. Can we please get the ability to get a set of moddable gear for our droid companions? Like we can for all the rest of them. With the cartel market we can get a set of gear for our other companions easily, but gearing droids is a hard annoying undertaking. It even gets difficult at high levels.


    I want them to function like the other companions do. I want to be able to do dailies and then be able to rip out mods and place them in their gear. But they are always limited to say 'chest' so maybe a set from the cartel market, or in a pack or from a vendor in game and a change to allow mods to be removed and added to droid gear.


    Thanks for your time. Hope something like this can happen.

  6. The only thing extra they are getting is a day or two early of ROTHC before it goes free for all, and the title. 1050 is the normal amount of coins for $9.99. Basically they're back-refunding those who only had it a month before it going free, most likely in hopes of quelling complaints of "I just bought it and you're making it free?!". Now, instead they get complaints of "they get coins and I don't! I should get it too despite me having months more of access to content they have only just bought".


    I am with you dude. I paid a whopping 10 dollars, 10! I spend more on my lunch, almost daily. I really don't care about this, and I thank Bioware for the title.


    I have been happily enjoying the new and extra content from Rise for many months now, I have enjoyed it and have been having a blast. :)


    I got my early access. Would I do it again, you bet I would. Makeb was cool, if a little grindy. I liked the story, and look forward to more. Was a great bridge in the personal stories of each class. Can't wait to see what comes out next! Thanks also to all the people who realize that 10 dollars really isn't much for an expansion to a MMO. Especially one that gives you a solid amount of gameplay, like this one did.

  7. In this day and age of the Cartel Store and all the armours out there available to get, I think the Social system needs a complete overhaul. Its is very redundant. People don't care about it and beyond the first flashpoints they are incredibly hard to get, and people just seem to be losing whatever interest was there.


    I think it needs a complete revamp. Or to be removed completely to be honest. No one seems to give the armours a second thought and getting them on a specific character is ridiculously hard at best. I have no suggestions beyond those already made, Legacy wide, make the things legacy available, just remove it and notch it up as a failed experiment. These are things I have seen thrown about.


    So in short something needs to be done about it cause at the moment it is less the useful or fun.

  8. I see a lot of negartive threads out there about this appreciation thing that's happening. I would like to say to Bioware, whatever it is, Thank you! Unequivocally Thank you!


    I have been subbing to the game since before it launched in Australia, about a month after launch. I bought both the Digital upgrade and then tracked down a CE and I have never felt I have wasted money. I buy a lot of coins from the Cartel Market and I have a awesome amount of fun playing and running about.


    So when I heard there was a subscriber appreciation coming, I wanted to say to the game developers, thank you for whatever you send our way. :) I hope this game is around for many years to come, I will continue to play, support and enjoy it as I think it is 'one of' if not 'the' best MMO's out there. I know that last bit will garner some yelling and whinging, but whatever, my opinion is mine, those who don't like it, whatever, why stay?


    :) THANKS!!!!! :rak_03::rak_04::rak_04::rak_01::rak_03::cool::)

  9. I play this game a lot with my housemate. We have a great deal of fun, but we get miffed at how often things end in a Heroic 4, rather then a Heroic 2. I don't mind some grouping, but it seems that later game its almost all of it, I am always pleasantly surprised when a quest line ends in an Heroic 2!


    So my thoughts are this. Can we get more Heroic 2's?


    Or even better can the Heroic content in the game be made so it scales? If you are in a group of 2 it scales to be a Heroic 2, if you are in a group of 4 it scales to a Heroic 4, this includes going up from a 2 to a 4.


    That way guilds will get benefit, and people like me and my friend will get benefit.


    I understand this can probably not be done on non phased Heroic content. :)

  10. I was thinking you could get one of the other voice actors, like say the guy who did the Smuggler voice to come back and record all the lines for the Jedi Knight or the Bounty Hunter and then selling that ability on the Cartel Shop.


    Or someone completely new and just have them do the lines and allow it to be transplanted onto your character.


    I just feel it would give playing the same story a different feel, or allow people to give their new character a feel they want, like a darker sounding voice for those who want to play a Dark side Jedi Knight. Or so on.


    I know I would buy the hell outta that. :)

  11. One thing I was thinking of was having the ability to learn a new weapon from the Cartel shop. As in replacing your weapon and powers totally with that of another weapon.


    For example if you are playing a Trooper and you want to replace your Blaster Rifle with a Pistol you can buy that ability from the Cartel Shop. So you could be a tank with a Pistol set, and then you could use Pistols. Or play an Auto Cannon Trooper and replace your auto-cannon with a Blaster Rifle or Pistol. Or a Gunslinger Smuggler and replace your Dual pistols with a sniper Rifle.


    Or giving your single blade Jedi the ability to use a Double bladed lightsaber. Allowing your consular to use two lightsabers. I wouldn't support non Jedi using lightsabers, so I would keep it 'real' in a way. :)


    I suppose it would be as easy as transplanting say the agent sniper rifle powers onto the gunslinger, and so on.


    Thanks for reading.

  12. I think there needs to be a Covert Energy Head piece of gear. I know there would be issues with the Hide head slot Cartel shop unlock for free players. But you could maybe restrict the piece to Subscribers or Preferred players, or make it a buy from the shop rather then in the packs?


    Either this or address the fact that companion head pieces seem to always turn back on in cutscenes. Also their colour matching and dyes turn off too. It seems to finally be fixed on main characters, but the companion state needs to be addressed.


    I think a covert head piece would help. But the dyes and colour matching need to be looked into.


    Thanks for reading.

  13. I think this needs to be addressed in some way.


    It is very hard to gear a droid, both as you level and when you get to max level. There's the armouring being removed and placed into the droid armour issue. And getting them orange gear is very hard as you level. Makes for a very hard time if you have a droid tank like Jedi and Troopers, and also your unlock in HK-51.


    So I have a couple of suggestions for this. Either make it so there is more gear in general, and allow mods to be removed and added to droid gear. Cause it makes it better. You should be able to run dailies on whatever companion you want to and you should be able to use whatever companion you want to. Also given how integral T7 is to the Jedi story, it should be easier, just for that.


    My second suggestion is put a set of droid gear on the Cartel market. A hollow set, just everything you need for you companions. And then allow mods to be added to it. Or add droid armour specific mods.


    Thanks for reading.

  14. My thoughts are you deserve the coins back if you can't have the name you paid for.


    That being said, the rest of this is bull. Nobody has more right then the person that is there and has it! That is more unfair.


    If the situation was reversed and you were the person on the destination server you would be on here ranting about the opposite with words like "Biofail" "Eaware" "Money-grabbing". Cause at the end of the day these types of posts are incredibly selfish. No one ever thinks of it from the other side. Playing happily along after having the name for say a year, and one day you log on find out some transfers have happened and you have to change your name! You wouldn't be understanding, cause this post dictates otherwise.


    I just think from time to time it's a good idea to take a step back and look at it from the other side.

  15. If it gives you the pop-up box that asked you to enter a new name... just enter a new name, your name is taken on that server.


    If you have the gibberish name and no pop-up box comes up, when you click play on that toon, the CS has been asking peeps to send an in game ticket.


    Nope, no pop up just goes into the game with that as their name. So I should make an in game ticket? Man I hope they get to them sooner then later! I hate seeing the gibberish there.

  16. Wow, just Wow on this thread. Seriously?


    It's not like you are forced to buy anything they put up on the Cartel shop, so who cares? I like the speeder, so I bought it. I looked at the Turncoat clothes, and didn't, so I didn't buy it, and that is where my thinking of it ended, until I saw this pile of whinge.


    Let it go. Keep this kind of anger up it's likely to cause an ulcer, or a heart attack, or something equally as bad.


    It's just something on a computer game store. If you don't like it, don't support it and move on, it's really that simple.

  17. I agree 100 percent OP. I started to do the Gree event, cause I wanted some of the orange shells for weapons and the mount. Then I found out I had to be a raider or get out. Well why don't I get access to nice things too? I pay a sub and I buy quite a few Cartel coins!


    I am just asking for a way to get the Grey helix components like the raiders do!


    I got over the raiding kick that was WoW. I like Swtor cause there is more focus on playing and story. I am just asking for that to continue. I don't think I should have to be obsessed with raiding and dungeons just to play an MMO, and it's a narrow view to think that. Yes it's an element, but it doesn't have to be the sole focus.


    So I humbly ask for may a re-think of the event. I always felt this was kinda like the Darkmoon fair, coming back all the time. So I was hoping it would be fun in that way, not stressy raiding stuff.....

  18. As a Cartel market suggestion I would like to be able to buy some animals, like a Vractyl (don't think I spelled that right). :) Just some animals to ride on would be cool, there are quite a few in game that seem to lend themselves to riding.


    So I suppose that's my suggestion. Thanks for stopping by!

  19. Or be able to sell them on the GTN. I am referring to "Banned Holovids" "Prohibited Medical Supplies" "Confiscated artwork". I have managed to get my rep to its fullest, and I am a fan of buying the packs. I like doing it.


    But I would really like to have something to do with these items now. As it seems I am just going to be building up stocks until I one day I have to just 'destroy' them to make room in my bank.


    I just think the ability to give them away or to be able to sell them would be beneficial. For me I would like to be able to give them to my friend, as he doesn't have as much spare money as me, so he can't really afford to get the packs in any great numbers. :)



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