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Posts posted by Sharpiie

  1. About that, playing PvP for a long time and all those edited shots where clear highlighted memories of when I faced a maur/sent in WZ. Really nothing like seeing one maur/sent last 5 minutes in combat between 5 players trying to kill him while he goes around killing them.


    They don't take skill, push a bunch of buttons and anyone not a maur/sent is toast. Your about to die? Stealth and run off.


    Makes me wonder why I even bothered with my sorcerer. I guess despite the fact I get constantly chewed out in my battlemaster/warhero gear I can still say, well at least my next alt will be melee based.


    you act like any class is this game takes skill, I have tried every class, and I would say mara is one of the harder classes to play.

  2. Still doesn't add up. WotLK was released in 2008, and you state that you stopped playing "shortly after" lich king xpac was released. That's still over three years and 12+3=15, not 14. Also, we're expected to believe that you started playing at age 12, AFTER lich king was released, but still managed to play a resto druid and disc priest? How high did you get them before you stopped playing "shortly after" Lich king was released? I'm guessing not too high level, esp. since state that you didn't even start playing wow before LIch king.


    Well you just quoted what I said. I never played WoW before Wrath of the Lich King. Am I only allowed to play WoW as soon as the expansion pack comes out? Or am I allowed to play it afterwards?

  3. Numerous achievements? You said you got server first on your server wow good you. That is not an achievement there is no way to track that you even got anything first on your server.




    Me and that thread creator were the two main healers for our raid group. After I quit PvE'ing and made the switch to PvP, she decided to re-roll to Republic and now has another successful thread that was created after server transfers. You can find it here




    Server first Soa AND Karagga kills

    World second to 2200 and 2400 rating.

    (Guildmate and real life friend was world first, we would have been tied, but I accidentally declined a ranked warzone que, which put him about 20 rating ahead of me.)


    Only one known screenshot located on TORhead.com (That's my character, my mount.)




    Me on the 2200 mount, and we have screenshots of 2400+ rated gear, which are on my desktop and I'm getting ready to sleep so don't feel like getting up. Might link those tomorrow.


    Considering the fact that BioWare did not create a system for tracking world/server firsts, I'd consider this to be acceptable evidence of being server first. Also consider the fact that everyone on The Swiftsure agreed we were server first.

  4. He is a child of 14. /clap for your attempt to sound smart kid good job.


    As for your comments on the game you do not have enough time with a game to make a judgement call as to what fails or not.


    You have not seen a game fail. Considering you played another MMO before this one. So if you are so elite then why dont you work for the game companies or why dont they come to you for ideas on how tough content should be? These companies do not need advice from a kid.


    This threat just goes to show what a spoiled rotten kid will say when he does not like something and does not get his way with it. BOO HOO KID GROW UP AND DEAL WITH IT. THERE IS A THING CALLED LIFE NO MATTER HOW MUCH MONEY YOU HAVE THINGS HAPPEN AND GET OVER YOURSELF!


    I'm probably not working for any gaming companies (or any company for that matter) because I am under the legal working age. And clearly they do need advice from a kid, because look how far this game has gotten? No where. It is simply going down hill. It's just a matter of time until it becomes free to play and then slowly dies.

  5. This is hilarious.


    You play Mario Cart and a few other games and you believe you have the right to post this. I've been playing games since the 8-Bit days and I'm sure there's many here who would say since Pinball machines and we would all agree that you've seen basically nothing when it comes to the Video game world.


    Tired of this game?


    Then why don't you go educate yourself before teaching the class by playing The Ocarina of Time, Golden Eye, Final Fantasy VII, Metal Gear Solid etc. I could go on for a long time, a wasteful time. Hell! how about the original Super Mario Bros?!?!


    While you're pwning the Mario with a Game Genie, go watch Star Wars, as it was once called. Just so you know what Episode I'm talking about, search up "A New Hope".....


    So if I'm following your logic correctly, this is what I'm getting from it: The fact that I haven't played any of those games that you listed makes me less credible and my opinion in this video game doesn't matter, despite my numerous achievements. Am I correct? Or am I interpreting it incorrectly?

  6. Right, so, i watched some of your vids. You are good. However what most people wont tell you is, latency and computer proformance plays a large part in average ability. You clearly have a good machine, and some basic level of skill. Ill admit, you are good. Combined with the fact that you and your team are full WH and pvp focus'd, id say you are doing about as well as anyone should. That being said...


    You still didnt offer any reasons why you where displeased other then the fact that you wherent enjoying your experience because you basically roll people and noone wants to play you anymore. Go reroll under a new guild tag. Every person in your team playing another toon gives you another level of understanding as far as gameplay goes.


    Regardless, anyone of the opinion this combat system is just like wow is flat out wrong. Shorter cc's with the lack of auto attack in the game makes it much more multitask dependant.


    One thing i never saw in any of your video's was a nightwing....just sayin.


    I don't know what a nightwing is....But anyways..


    In response to a poster who said that they will stay subbed to SWTOR and possibly move full focus to GW2...


    I will be unsubbing from SWTOR and moving full focus to GW2 immediately. However, I will definitely not be putting as much playtime into GW2 as I did into SWTOR, simply because of the fact that I can re-roll to any class I want in GW2 in the matter of 5-10 minutes and have the best in slot gear in Structured PvP. As a result, I will most likely be playing only when my guild is online. I probably won't even get to max level for at least 2-3 months in that game. Some may ask "How will you do WvWvW?" Well that's the only flaw to that game. It's just a massive zergfest that I'm not interested in.

  7. I think it was you who brought your personal life into this thread, especially in the first two paragraphs. And then you added more in different posts just because someone asked.


    Fair enough you want to share your experience with the game, but all the personal information you added was unnecessary. I could understand if you were a gaming veteran of twenty or thirty years sharing their thoughts but you're not...


    But you can't really complain about people bringing up your personal life into the thread when you used it as a base for your review of the game.


    Age and location are important. Age showing experience, location showing where you play the game from. If I play from Australia on a US server my pingw ill be bad.

  8. Again, more people bringing my personal life into this thread. This was supposed to be about the game. Most of you are taking this way out of hand, please focus on the topic.


    FYI, whoever said I don't travel, I've probably been to more countries from the age of 10-13 than you have in your whole life.

  9. Many of you are saying "Why are you playing this game if it's so bad and for 8 months?" I am not sure if I said it in the original post, but I am playing because I am just using this as a time waster until GW2. And just because I don't care about my education doesn't mean I'm not going to school right now. It's actually illegal for me not to go to school until I'm eighteen. My education shouldn't even mentioned in this post. Just because I respond to someone making rude remarks at me doesn't mean that it should be the topic of discussion.
  10. I really hope your post is not troll bait...


    So giving you the benefit of the doubt then, and assuming you are of the rather young age of 14;


    1) Coming across as "look how good I am" (no matter how true it may be) in your OP is not a good way to invite constructive discussion. Learn to be humble, and, good friends you will find... or something along those Yoda lines.


    2) Try something different than MMO's and first person shooters. If you've already burned yourself out from this at 14, then it is time to step back, and enjoy your surroundings... truly take in what you see. Now of course RL can do this, but obviously video games are your passion (and this I can truly understand, regardless of age group). So, although rather dated, get yourself a kick a** theatre room system with awesome sound and a big screen and play realMyst. Finish it, thoroughly, don’t be in a rush, maybe even look at the sequels after that (Uru and such). Then maybe try Syberia. Don't rush either experience. Enjoy the story, the sounds, the immersion. They are dated, but with sound up high and on a big screen, with some popcorn in the other hand… it can be a wonderful experience.


    3) Try MMO's and first person shooters again, after this break. Even then, stop and look at the scenery and take it all in. I know it's just a game, but it can be very immersive. Don't worry about being the best or close to it, just have fun. These are games after all.


    I'm not trying to come across as "look how good I am", I am trying to state my MMO experience and what my experience is currently in this build of the game. If I said that I am only level 45 and have never PvPed, would any of my paragraphs have any credibility? I don't think so.


    And to previous posters laughing at my age. Fourteen year olds don't have opinions anymore?


    And thank you for the suggestions of those games. I will definitely try those out.

  11. Your bolded statement there... was contradicted in your original post here...



    As for your claim to fame and fortune, I highly, HIGHLY doubt it. Additionally, you should have quit while you were ahead. You made valid points, you could have left it at that. HOWEVER, your youth is showing in your later posts as naivety and impulsiveness are stripping away any credibility you have. I suggest you desist immediately and save face before the adults tear you apart.


    Who claimed to be famous? Sure I have a fortune. But I didn't want to disclose that. A previous poster forced me to do it, in order to disprove him.

  12. So, at 14 years old - you know the best way of handling the introduction, launch and first six months of a multi-million player MMORPG, worth hundreds of millions of dollars and involving many hundreds of employees under EA's spiky umbrella - and your solution to your infantile gripes - is to bail & go to another over-hyped, new release MMORPG.


    At this point in time, I'm pretty sure if I was the director of all this, I would have done a better job. The state of the game right now explains my point. A monkey could have done better.

  13. 1) At age 14, the part of your brain that has to do with the ability to make rational long term decisions is not really developed at all. Hence, irrationality. What possible family reason could you have for not caring about being able to get a job and feed yourself in the future? If you really, truly, don't care, it's probably because of what I just said.


    2) I'm sorry, but I think that a community full of young kids is precisely that which I dislike about MMOs. So, I don't consider your leaving to be a big loss - rather a net positive. You need to understand that the universe does not revolve around you and that you are not the greatest thing EVAR. A little humility goes a long way. I played my first MMO when I was 20 years old, when I was living on my own. I paid the subscription with my own hard-earned money. Having to work and earn something is a nice way to get some serious humble pie. All I see in your post is the arrogance of a child who thinks he will always be entitled to being pampered by all.


    For these reasons, I have a really hard time empathizing with you.


    If you really want to know, the reason I don't care about getting a job is because my father is on the Forbes list of billionaires. Like I said in an earlier post, I preferred not to post personal information, but you asked for it, and there's over 1300 people in the world on that last, so I'm not really afraid of giving away my real life identity.


    As to your second comment, if you don't care about a community of ''kid'' gamers, you shouldn't be playing a STAR WARS MMO.

  14. Agreed 100%. Gamers like this seem to think that if a game was made so hard that they enjoyed it, it would be a massive success. In reality, it would be a massive success with the tiny fraction of people that want a game so hard that it is darn near impossible. Games succeed when they appeal to MORE people, not fewer. WoW gained more and more subs the easier it got. Sure, the hardcore don't love it much anymore, but who needs 500 hardcore players when you can have 500,000 casuals?


    MMOs cost a fortune to produce, develop, and market. They take years in production and incur massive expenses before they ever even reach a beta stage, let alone are released. So anyone that thinks a major AAA MMO is going to be made challenging enough for the hardest of the hardcore is deluding themselves.


    That's not to say SWTOR is perfect: it isn't. But if it were made hard enough to satisfy the superhardcore I firmly believe it would lose far, far, FAR more subs than it would gain. Furthermore, adding even harder "tiers" is a waste of dev time since it's many, many hours and months of work for content that only a very, very few players will ever be able to experience or defeat. I'd much rather them ignore those types of gamers and release content that far more people can experience and enjoy.


    Of course, that's assuming they start to release ANY content. I've never seen a AAA MMO deliver so little in the way of content updates in the first year. I'm a fan of the game, but the pace of development is far, far behind what one can expect from a major release.


    Sure there's a tiny fraction of hardcore gamers. But how hard is it to implement hard(er) mode raids? As of now, the raids are WAY to easy. BioWare could AT LEAST make a harder mode raid that makes the boss do more damage. AT LEAST. World of Warcraft went as far as to change the mechanics of the boss fight in harder mode content (which should be an industry standard.) Which brings me to another point I forgot to point out. Shortly after the release of 1.2, there was a Q&A in which a developer CLEARLY STATED that they would be adding different boss mechanics to harder mode encounters. Meaning, it would have more mechanics IN ADDITION to what it was in Story Mode. And once again, hundreds of thousands of players were lied to.


    Also, to a few posters above. What is this unsubscribers thread you speak of? Did BioWare create a sticky thread specifically for unsubscribers to complain in? Please inform me. Thanks.

  15. I think you might get more enjoyment out of games by playing a bit more in moderation. It sounds like no MMO will ever truly satisfy you because you burn through content so much faster than they can make it. Some things that you complained about are actually things my friends and I enjoy, like the voice acting and story lines. Is it a perfect game? Absolutely not, but I still enjoy playing it.


    Yes, the voice acting is great. It isn't my cup of tea and I understand that other people love it. I don't care that BioWare put it in the game, great job. But the fact that they sacrificed other CRUCIAL aspects of the game such as COMBAT and ENDGAME CONTENT in order to have voice acting is absolutely ridiculous. I'd rather read text and have a good combat system than have voice acting (which I will only look through once per character through the class missions.)


    Another point that I forgot to mention in the original post: The story lines are TERRIBLE. I've played every Empire storyline up to 50 and the Trooper storyline up to 50. They are all two-dimensional and have no real depth. "Kill this, pick up this, collect this, when something cool is about to happen I'll make you travel across the galaxy first and then it won't end up being cool." Sure all the classes have some concept to what the story is. With the exception to the Bounty Hunter. The Bounty Hunter story is LITERALLY this: Kill 4 people in the Great Hunt. Afterwards, kill another person to become the Mandalorian king, then after that, kill a bunch of random targets, and then story is over.

  16. To each his own OP. I'm finding the game enjoyable and continue to play every day. I subbed in December and haven't looked back. I won't argue your points one by one as this has been well covered ground. However, I will wish you well and encourage you to check back with SWTOR. I don't think it is a failure and I propose that you will not find it a failure either after spending some time elsewhere.


    I have high hopes for the upcoming content and the continuing evolution of the game over time.


    I'm sorry to be rude, but evolution implies that there is enough time given to evolve in the first place. That doesn't describe this game's current situation.

  17. 14. So very young. I would'nt get too involved with video games if I was you unless you are very serous about getting into it as a job. Work hard at school and earn a solid education. And be physically active. The habits we have as kids can carry over to adulthood. Anyway, good luck to you in your future endeavors. And even tho we are years apart..( generations even, lol ) I do agree with most of the points you made for quitting. But noone here cares for the most part.


    I care about being physically active and having a healthy lifestyle. But about education and getting a job? I don't care. And the reason i don't care is a personal and family matter that I'm sure you wouldn't care about, so I won't post it.

  18. Wrath of the Lich King was released on November 13, 2008

    Let say you turned 12 the day that happened (though it should be earlier), that would make you 16 on Nov. 13th of this year. Doesn't quite add up.


    So if a video game is released in 1998 does that mean players from 2012 are not allowed to play it?


    Edit: I'm sorry, that was a typo on my part. I implied that I played World of Warcraft during Burning Crusade. I actually never played WoW before Wrath of the Lich King.

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