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Posts posted by Saiyanbob

  1. The Empire guid <Fate of the Unwanted> is currently looking for 1 Tank to fill one of our raid groups. The group is currently beginning NiM TFB and has all HM Cleared. Partial HM gear is preferable. Please send an in-game mail or message to Telius if interested. Raid times for this group are: Mon/Wed - 8:30 to Midnight EST.


    We are also forming up a Rated PVP team. Any PVP'ers would like to help form and possibly help lead a rated team please Contact Bobobob in game through message or mail.

  2. Not gonna argue my claim cause I just dont care enough .. Our assassins have no issues. While these forums were crying that it was Impossible for an assassin to tank this or that we had assassins doing it with ease. Our Assassin tank in NiM are surviving fine while our Jugs are the ones getting wtfpwn'd by comparison. Either we have some how entered an alternate dimension where everything is upside down or our practical tests are disproving the theory crafting and its working for us. Carry on .. I tried to help .. was denied and shrugged off. Continue wiping but as long as guilds like MoX and alot of the higher end teams are fielding assassin tanks that take significantly less healing than the others Assassin will be nerfed before they are buffed. tldr


    PS all of your defense mods/enhancements = more than 5 percent shield.

  3. We have ZERO problems with our assassin tanks. Infact, we prefer them over our other tanks for NiM. Assassin tanks are easier to heal and take less damage overall that even our Jugs. Have you ever considered the "math" is wrong and that if you ditch ALL of your defense and focus on shield absorb it would change things. All of our Assassins run as close to zero defense rating as possible and require half as much healing as our Jugs.
  4. Ha you see the footage I have from day 2. I'm editing it now but half of it is on the twitch right now. We were defending our Pylon in Hypergate and 30 seconds before the end of the match we were going to win 1 pup came and then a WHOLE LOT MORE!!! I tried to call for help but was talking to a friend and it defaulted to my reply and ended up causing us to lose. Its not always the LOL that does the silly things. I love PVPing with her because I'm not great at it either which makes it fun as heck.
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