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Posts posted by Ukita

  1. The more I think about this, the more I like the idea of having a set of gear that's sole purpose was to prepare you for level 55 warzones if you can't afford to straight up buy an entire set of conqueror/oberon/T7 gear.


    How it should be next season:


    Premiere Gear: Non-customizable, very close to normal PvP gear. Can be purchased with credits.

    Normal Gear: Customizable, not best in slot. Can only be purchased with normal warzone commendations.

    Ranked Gear: Customizable, best in slot (PvP only). Can only be purchased with ranked warzone commendations and normal pieces.


    Comparison of stats from premiere > conqueror > oberon.



    Armor Rating: 920

    +130 aim

    +140 endurance

    +150 expertise

    +62 power

    +60 surge



    Armor Rating: 945

    +136 aim

    +146 endurance

    +150 expertise

    +66 power

    +64 surge



    Armor Rating: 970

    +144 aim

    +156 endurance

    +150 expertise

    +71 power

    +68 surge


    Premiere Gear Cost:

    Relics: 8,000cr

    Implants/Earpiece: 9,000cr

    Main Set: 13,500cr

    Belt/Bracers: 11,000cr

    Mainhand/Offhand: 16,000cr


    Just an opinion. Gear could be more expensive, but no need to give people more reason to *****. Could also lower some of the stats, just trying to adhere to the "I don't want recruit gear to be trash tier" whiners that will show up.


    Legacy: Main Set = main set bonus gear. Head, chest, hands, legs, greaves.

  2. I main vanguard, thanks.


    For real though, as a vanguard, I can compare how sweep works to the tactics tree in high stockstrike will cause high impact bolt to automatically crit, but it never crits for 7k like sweep can.

  3. GTX 680 is a new card with a new architecture. These kinds of performance surprises often happen until after a couple of updated driver releases.

    I would agree with this, if Precision X wasn't reading a 400 GPU clock speed. Goes to it's max potential in games like Battlefield 3, but doesn't ever get close to maxed out in TOR.

  4. If you're in full Battlemaster gear you should be on par with the other people in full Battlemaster gear... As a tank specced/tank geared Vanguard with 680 expertise, I don't get blown up. Mind you I'm a tank, but I still take a jesus load of damage from anyone in Battlemaster (1.2) gear.
  5. Are garbage. Had two Sith rush into one of the outposts on Hoth, just to kill me, and they did so before the defenses could do anything.


    Looked like they sat and stared for a good portion of the time I was getting ganked. :|

  6. Crit/Surge/Power. You also need to be specced properly for it.




    That would be a good example of a spec to use if you're looking for a high crit on High Impact Bolt.


    • High Impact Bolt damage increased by 6% (Brutal Impact)
    • 60% additional armor penetration on High Impact Bolt (Focused Impact)
    • High Impact Bolt ignores 30% of the target's armor (High Friction Bolts)
    • High Impact Bolt deals an additional 9% damage to burning targets (Rain of Fire)
    • High Impact Bolt has 30% bonus damage (Assault Trooper)


    Those are the only 5 you really need to spec in to for it, but you'll be going pretty high up Assault Specialist to even get near that. You'll also need to make use of the expertise adrenals or power/surge adrenals or relics.

  7. From what I understand, that's exactly what the game tries to do (match a premade with some pugs against another premade and some pugs), however to not penalize people for wanting to play in an organized group the game makes exceptions.


    No doubt the good premades will be queuing for ranked warzones, so you might not have to worry about it for much longer.

  8. Low level PvP always seems to amaze me somehow. We tied the game up 2-2 with about 15 seconds left. I was over underneath the catwalk on our side of the arena, and I see the ball spawn. 10 seconds left, I start running over to it, pick it up, and with 3 seconds left we win the game.


    Had to be one of my proudest moments, although I simply can't remember if anything topped it on any other character.

  9. It's sad to see people whining about all the usual stuff and not getting on top of this. It is by far the biggest change to PVP in the patch and will have massive consequences on every single person who PVPs in this game.

    From someone who has leveled alts through PvP, and also leveled up a crafting profession and both complimenting resource gathering professions, this is a pretty ******** change.


    In addition to this you don't get crap from flashpoints, so you're limiting the money we can make to straight leveling.

  10. The bad players ignore me completely, so I just freecast and kill their entire team. Then there was one smart team that focused our healer and myself as DPS (it was 2 marauders and a couple of other assorted classes in a 6 man premade). I died within seconds of them jumping on me. Never stood a chance.


    Pugged games will always be just that, pug games, but when you face a good premade, with actual coordination, it's where you see classes shine, or drop off.

  11. Why would you put a Gunslinger as defense? The only reason I can think of is if XS Freighter Flyby is up, and that isn't defense, that's just taking advantage of having a 12 second AOE, dying, coming back, and having your entire team there.


    You can throw gameplay up now and say it'll be a great compliment in 1.2 ranked, because people that think won't let you run around like you did. Get put against a good premade of 5 or 6, and you'll get targeted as if you were a healer, and you won't be able to survive it.

  12. Seriously QQ, Scoundrel got nerfed AGAIN. That class is absolutely ruined unless they forgot to put something in the patch notes. It was already bad before this 3rd round of nerfs.

    What? Scoundrel is still really good, it just isn't blow everything up easy now.

    I don't know maybe the fact i use like 20 keybinds in almost every fight :) It just not a spam any button class you need to know when to use each one and many are on cooldowns.

    The point of this being that you can't hit 3 or 4 buttons and instantly win a fight. Each skill provides something different that is viable and necessary in team and 1v1 fights.


    I think that's intimidating to a lot of people. Really don't understand it, 36 key binds isn't that much.

  13. Having rolled a Vanguard on another server, I actually have troubles with gunslingers/snipers of my own level unless I can LOS them. Something I never noticed playing my own gunslinger is I can't be interrupted behind cover (or that was a change to cater to the fact that we basically have to sit on our *** and turret people to death).


    That makes playing against anything stationary behind cover sort of a pain in the ***. lol


    The only class I have problem with as a gunslinger is sorc and marauder. Sorc because they can range and utility me to death with no problems, and because marauder, being the other pure DPS class in the game, can actually go toe to toe with us when given the chance. I've gotten in to the habit of not letting them get close enough to do that.

  14. Ranked won't mean e-sports. Not even close. For people that actually want to enjoy the competitive parts of this game that haven't been given the chance to shine due to pubs and people that leave games because they're about to lose, ranked will be that chance.


    I guess it isn't allowed for me to play with people that are near or equal to my common sense level. :/

  15. The first two items in the post made me really happy.


    Due to changes to the Gunslinger skill trees, Gunslingers have had their skill points refunded.

    Flourish Shot now additionally inflicts trauma, reducing all healing the target receives by 20% for 9 seconds.


    A lot of the changes in this patch for Gunslinger needed to be made. Hemorrhaging Blasts being free is a huge plus to Dirty Fighting, because it wasn't worth using with how energy starved you were already.


    Gonna be interesting playing around with the new tree locations. Although, I doubt this is really going to make us any better in PvP, since we still don't have any survivability, and Defense Screen and Dodge weren't really covered. :/

  16. Common sense doesn't save ranged targets from the fact that I have more ways to stick on them than they have ways to get away from me. They also have zero defensive CDs in most cases. Squisssshy.

    Yep, Assassins are the bane of my existence as a Gunslinger. I have to hope that I can out damage you, since I won't be able to get away, and since my defensive cooldowns only protect against melee and ranged attacks a good portion of the time.


    More often than not, your ability to take more damage than me gets you the win in 1v1 situations. :/

    Like I said, common sense because - and most importantly - as a range you have the advantage of mobility and positioning and that is the point.

    You have the advantage of positioning, but not of mobility, in the case of a gunslinger or a sniper. But any melee can have as much of an advantage in the positioning department, unless you're on offense.

  17. If you're getting caught out in the middle of nowhere, you're either awful at this game, or you got outplayed. A gunslinger/sniper who gets in a perfect position should be the scariest thing you ever play against in this game.


    However, because of how buggy resolve works, melee is the scariest thing you can fight against as a gunslinger. I don't know how many times it's come to straight damage, and how close it comes down to fighting against an AC with options to it.

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