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Posts posted by Jeskimo

  1. After playing Operative and powertech.






    I used Rage Spec.


    I ran in Tank Stance


    I Ran in Tank Gear


    I could take on Sorcs 1v1 in Huttball now with the changes... (level 30+ Sorcs not just the noobz)



    Force Charge onto Ledge.


    Force Push Sorc off Ledge


    Force Charge Sorc on bottom floor.


    Ut oh... you cant knock me off ledge now...


    And surprise.. standing by the Sniper and their like *** and try to run.


    Here's a little tip: tank gear doesn't make much of a difference since shield/absorbtion are useless. I get basically the same (maybe 2-3 percent difference in defense) in my dps gear.


    I also run in tank stance.


    For sorcs on a ledge I always force crush them first before I push them off. But basically do the same thing.


    It's also fun to throw on force crush and then choke right after.. you lose out on the mobility slow but just use a chilling scream when the choke is done as they are more than likely about to run away.


    It's so silly when they knock me back and run.. i'm like.. thanks! Now I can charge you and get a free force scream, crit smash and extra rage.


    <3 my juggy.

  2. On Ajunta Pall I was actually able to see the rep player by the door before the game started while I was on the speeder. I reported him and got a response back surprisingly quick from CS. I suggest you do the same.
  3. nice vid!!


    I levelled immortal spec to 50 and loved it for the survivability.. never had as much fun as a tank in any mmo. Switched to rage spec the other day and I'm having a blast in pvp! I have a few champ pieces and 51 mods on dps gear.. highest I can crit is 4600. Do you look for surge mainly? I guess a decent amount of power is required as well to increase over-all damage...

  4. I wonder if bioware is (or can) do anything about the fact that certain people are obviously using 3rd party programs (probably of their own design) to aid in pvp.


    There are a few people on my server that EVERY single time I force leap them.. from out of nowhere... from behind.. wherever... . as SOON as I hit them with force leap their knock back fires. Literally instantly. There is no way a human can react that fast.


    I do believe this is against the TOS is it not? Hard to prove I suppose.

  5. Operatives in general don't need to be nerfed.


    It's the lethality operatives (don't know the name of the scoundrel spec).


    They do tons of internal damage that bypasses armour... on top of the regular scoundrel crits.


    Most likely the ones that are pwning people in 5 seconds are spec'd lethality.


    What BW needs to do is make it so elemental/internal damage is only mitigated on mobs.. but passed the normal armor checks on players.

  6. Without reading 20 pages I agree wholeheartedly with this thread. I also agree the UI needs more customization (see Rift) which they said they are planning to implement.


    A full out complete modding of the game will ultimately take the direction and focus of raiding out of the developers hands and will have to cater to the mods making things "too easy". Encounters as they are are already fairly simplistic aside from a few like SOA.


    I'd prefer to react by paying attention to the encounter instead of having to hit a button within .5 seconds of hearing a gong noise. Without mods the devs can give a bit more leeway for reaction timings while still offering a competitive experience. Plus they'll have to fix the ability delay before super strict timings can be commonplace.

  7. It took me a while.. but I finally realized that all those moddable armour pieces we are getting are basically for the look.. and it's all the mods that are making the difference.


    So I grabbed some pvp points.. bought some Heavy BH gear... took the mods out of my jugg pvp gear and threw em in the BH gear and now i'm going to run around warzones looking like a bounty hunter but flashing a lightsaber in people's face.


    I'm hoping to confuse people.

  8. I just decided to try out rage last night from being an immortal tank up to 45.. and I have to say it's AWESOME. I was first in most matches... tripled my DPS output and was still able to get protection medals. I was able to take down groups of 2 especially when they would stack on me like idiots and one wasn't a healer.


    So much fun. Granted questing became a bit of an issue since I used vette/jeassa. I'm thinking I may just use my pvp points to gear out the broomark so he can tank for me (altho that knockback ability he has is super annoying in tight spots)

  9. Ok so I've experienced a lot of bugs and bosses that are supposed to do stuff when in reality they don't .. but this whole instance just seems broken.


    First boss: He kills a captive.. jumps off to the side and throws rocks that 2-3 shot people. If you stay by the door he just ignores you completely.. are you telling me this is working as intended?


    2nd Boss(robot guy): Ok this one kinda works but just seems more annoying than anything else. I guess the more pillars you change to the opposite colour the less damage his ray does.. i didn't see him do much damage until we completely ignore the pillars...


    Last boss: Ok what's up with this guy? We finally figured out you're supposed to interrupt the adds shield but it works so randomly.. all of sudden an interrupt will work and they die. I think we attacked one for 5 minutes till its shield finally dropped off. Also his lighting does so little damage it's a joke.


    General Issues: a few places where there are no mobs.. seems sparse and just thrown together....


    MAJOR BUG: After you finish the flashpoint THE FIRST BOSS RESPAWNS. We went back and killed him again for free loot. Also since he has no more captives to kill he does damage for about 30 seconds then stands there for the duration of the fight staring at you... kinda creepily I might add.

  10. I can't believe there are people actually defending this system! Don't get me wrong.. I actually really enjoy the combat.. but the input lag (when more than 4 people are on the screen .. aka pvp) is a huge deal.. like it or not.


    I should not have to wait 2-3 seconds for a mob to realize I taunted it - that's gamebreaking as a tank. I tried healing in beta for one flashpoint and resepecced immediately because the system was too clunky and there's no way I'd have fun with that. I play to have fun - not be frustrated by the game mechanics just because I love star wars or bioware to the point of insanity like some people.


    I think I saw someone saying something about interrupting animations being unrealistic?! So I guess if a jedi was about to pull off a spinning jump followed by lightsaber flourish.. but in the middle of that he noticed he needed to pommel strike instead... he'd just say "sorry mr sith lord can you wait to attack me with your next move until i'm done with this one, as I can't stop it once it's started".



  11. pvp for us sucks in general until the mid 30s... at 50 with proper gear and someone good behind the keyboard there isn't a class out there than can take us 1v1 - that being with all your cooldowns available. Invincible and saber ward are amazing.


    Really all the classes at 50 are fairly balanced.. I think it comes down to skill and maybe to a point crafting skills. Biochem maxed gives a stim with no cooldown!

  12. Don't listen to the trolls saying they know friends who ordered 2 weeks ago that are in the game. They work for blizzard or competing companies trying to troll the forums and cause dissension. The devs have posted this fact.


    All they had to do was create a BASIC sql query grabbing users with preorder codes and order it by the entry date. I think I learned how to do that my first day of class in college.


    Trolls begone or i'll sick freddiew on you!:

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