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Posts posted by cdxrd

  1. kind of crappy though how it worked out. I finally got my class quest back, but no compensation. And of course CS didnt actually read the ticket, and gave me the standard "how to reset you mission" crap. kind of hard to reset something that isnt there to reset.. some people i see got 500cc compensation, some 300, some nothing.. really bad way to handle this.
  2. I suddenly have my class quest back, however tickets are still open with no notice or updates after 3 weeks. No compensation, nothing.. but at least i can progress. still feel like i got ripped a bit, but life goes on. It is just a game.. and of course, I had other characters to work on.
  3. going on 3 weeks now (28th or so of oct).. waited on patch.. still didnt fix it.. and only 500 cartel cash apparently as an apology, and thats if you get someone who understands the issue and doesnt just closed the ticket saying the patch fixed it? this is getting reallly friggin old..
  4. Again, same here. Just logged into this toon for the first time in quite a while after resubbing to the game. No class quest at all..


    Server: The Harbinger

    Character: Ty'Lanna

    Class: 41 Sith Warrior

    Mission missing: Plan Zero - appear to be hunting down Admiral Monk..

    Ticket: 21213128

  5. Just took some shots comparing the very low to low shader settings on my laptop.. Gives a nice FPS boost and everything has this lovely ethereal glow to it... but.. its a cantina.. not heaven..


    Posted some comparison shots between Very Low and Low...


    Alderan Cantina - Very Low

    Alderan Cantina - Low


    Alderan Outside - Very Low

    Alderan Outside - Low


    Fleet - Very Low

    Fleet - Low



    Seems like they need to tweak that shader a little bit more.. THis is on a laptop with a Radeon HD 6480 G ...

  6. Really? This is what bioware is working on? Such a waist of time NO ONE CARES about how the GCD looks. How bout instead you give us a ui we can move.


    Actually TONS of people care.. especially those who are negatively affected by nausea etc caused by the bright flashes..


    How bout you instead give them time instead of whining about something that they actively listened to the community about and took steps to fix..

  7. P.S. With all this downtime, I think a free month is needed, then maybe you can get your **** together. I think my 5 year old son can program better then Bioware


    FREE MONTH?! Just had to add my ROFLMAO!!


    Edit: I'd rather have em down than not fixing bugs but once weekly. Im a programmer. I have several apps published out there for a variety of platforms.. I understand how bugs magically create new issues that you just cant predict.. it happens.. but you have to learn to expect this if your going to play at launch. This game is more stable than most mmo's ive played at launch.. So I applaud BioWare.. They're doing it right!

  8. EDIT: If you are going to make some comment about "I am glad the servers are down at least they are fixing the game", save your breath. Every other MMO I have ever played has fixed their games by taking the servers down once a week. And I will add this: I guarantee you wouldn't be singing the same song if they took them down during YOUR prime playing hours.


    They *DO* take them down during MY prime playing hours, and i will sing that song. Im glad their down and fixing things. Your comment about every other MMO only going down once a week, sure.. that starts usually several months after release. Every MMO I have played from launch has gone through the same exact growing pains.. many even worse.. mobs stop spawning... devs dont know it, players cant do crap, dont get rebooted till morning.. oh crap.. unexpected down time..


    Its an MMO. Its going to happen. If it bugs you that much, wait a couple months. This is normal and EXPECTED..

  9. Yeah, its annoying when it cuts into my prime playing time... but.. i'd rather have the fixes.. and to be honest, i havent seen an 'outage' yet that warrants reimbursement.. Expect this.. its a new MMO.. all mmo's go through this.. such is life...
  10. The one thing that irritates me about this that should never have been a bug to begin with.. If i just use my mouse, and not doing much, oh, running splicing missions, etc.. if i dont touch the stupid keyboard, i get logged out due to inactivity.. Im not inactive.. Im a programmer myself.. its not hard to detect mouse movements.. Really.. Why on earth the inactivity timeout is only based on the last keypress I will never know..


    Sitting here at work, working, while at the same time thinking about a new toon.. so im clicking, and choosing, never once touching the keyboard, bam... back to server select ... because i was inactive..


    seriously.. fix it.. why the timeout is only reset by keypress is just ridiculous...

  11. To be fair most people suck at MMOs, so if I am pugging I want them to suck less. Hence why addons tend to be required, not to mention if makes the good players that much more efficient. Why do we use robots, and computers in our jobs? Because it makes us more EFFICIENT. Just sayin'


    Im sorry, but if an addon is "required" then it would be part of the game already. Its not, and therefore noone in their right mind should ever expect someone, much less REQUIRE them to have said addon to join with them. Thats just an asinine elitest view right there..


    However the default interface isnt all THAT bad... art wise.. it has a lot of funtionality flaws though. Closing windows, etc.. Who in their right mind wouldnt allow a frame to be moved in this day and age though? And 4 hotbars? anyways...

  12. Pandas with jet packs... and cybernetic tails.. But I have to agree.. its been out a week.. thats way too early to think expansion... additional game content and things here and there, yes, and there is mention of it.. on the front page.. I wouldnt expect to hear expansion for 6 months to a year...
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