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Posts posted by Worca

  1. As a note. More often then not in MMO reviews, issues such as bugs do not get brought up as they are considered "short term" in a game that is in a constant state of flux. People tend to forget that you sit in a MMO for the long-haul, not just one month. A lot of "Instant gratification" people will leave but its still a MMO that will last longer then that. Remember that. :)
  2. You said it in your post. People do not want to get off work and grind. They want it simple. People with limited time do not want to come home and get another headache. They pay for simple and thus, like any other industry, the customer may not be right, but they talk with their wallets. The more simple and accessible WoW became, the more popularity it gained. People that had no idea about the Warcraft universe, or like me, had no previous experience with MMO's started to flock to the game


    That isn't calling people kids, nor marking there age. I would honestly say so if it mean that. What i mean is a "generation of gamers" rather then people. When it comes to gamers, we come in waves just like when people call the MTV generation "Generation X" or whatever. It's not a mark of age, more a product of the times in which they are. Im using gaming as the time-line, rather then age. :) Since most would agree, this year has been very casual friendly and i see no problem in that.


    Also, there is a difference between simple and accessible. I would think you can make something deep without it becoming too deep for others to handle. I give people more credit then monkeys with block-puzzles. If you give someone the tools and show them how to use it, im sure they would be willing to at least try. If we made a speeder-bike race and people learned tricks like "Sliding" or "Drifting", would they be classed too difficult for "People who work"?.


    So saying all this so far, its allegorical until a few months from now. MMO's are long term, not short term. We have to wait to see how this plays out but i personally thing that maybe a little bit of a challenge (even to the people who work 12 hours) isn't a bad thing. I don't mean scale the wall/Eve online hard either! hehe. :)

  3. *Sigh*


    While i totally agree some bugs are getting to me (Performance being a big one, as well as some quest issues). I would like to point out that this MMO, a long term investment game, has only just started to roll and you should give a MMO atleast a month to make your choice. If you can do it in the first few weeks, im impressed. :)


    While im not a fan of EA too. They haven't done too badly with bioware and are rather hands-off for them. Give this game time, rather then just jumping now. ^_^ Who knows what the months will bring!

  4. I think you are a bit mixed up. If you look at the numbers, the people now joining in on games are not all kids. In fact many of them are in the 30's and 40's and they are the ones that started the casual gaming experience. WoW did not adjust to make things easier. They adjusted to cater to the casual gamer. The person that does not have a whole lot of time to play every day, because these 30-40 years old people have the money. They adjusted so that those people could become engaged in all aspects of the content and SWTOR has embraced this model so that they too could attract the person that may play between a half hour to two hours a week and still feel as though they accomplished something.


    Vanilla WoW was a headache and a pain for people that could not spend a whole lot of time gaming. They lost my sub over it and many other people who had jobs and time-consuming responsibilities found that the endless grind for little pay off was not rewarding when you had only a bit of time here and there to play. If you play SW:TOR today, you can see the quests that take only a few minutes to complete and even in the middle of a quest chain, you feel accomplished and you may even get a couple of pieces of gear (albeit weak replacements) after only 15-20 minutes of play. Casual does not equal lazy, nor does it equal a sub-par player.


    I didn't say kids, now did i. Nor did i imply it. NOR am i getting into the casual vs "people who play more" debate. It isn't "hardcore" because that word rags me off.


    The idea is that if you have a certain amount of time to play, that is fine but there needs to be a understanding between gamers in terms of content. When one starts riding the developer for more content, it needs to be balanced with content for the other kind too. I don't raid anymore, i used to and found it was bad for me when i ended up disabled and unable to work. Surprisingly, i HAVE the time to play longer but play in small bursts. What im saying is that WoW suddenly started making everything too easy to obtain and do. In doing that, it caused a chain of events that lead to the developer not wanting to actively push there player base to try something new.


    I wouldn't drag on the WoW comparison anymore then that but that is how it seems to of gone. Thing's that are easy to do in one game are not anymore, rather then adjust...people want it simple. That isn't anything to do with "time" or being casual, its being trained by the game to be lazy. Little things like Dual spec, im fine with. Thats a quality of life thing that people want and if its done right (high price tag and such), i can see it being a high end thing, not something you see while leveling. Leveling is where you learn your class and i don't want to see repeats of "Hi, im the level 30 guy wearing plate armour that just says im a tank but haven't done it once", you know ;)


    Edit - just spaced it out a bit. Sorry for the wall.

  5. And there are many who thank it for everything it has added to the genre. WoW did a lot of things right. Will there ever be a 13 million paid subscriber MMO again? probably not. Is it WoW's fault that other MMO developers rush their content, release poorly made bug fests and then after the hype for it dies down the game dies with it? no.


    WoW has in fact brought a LOT of new blood into the genre Millions of people who would have never played an MMO before have now played WoW gotten bored of it and moved on to other games.


    How has WoW ruined the MMO genre? By creating a well made successful game showing that people don't have to put up with poor product? That is like saying the fruit vendor who only sells fresh fruit has ruined the market for all the rotten apples. It's kind of a good thing.


    WoW might not of ruined things, but it made gamers lazy. MMO's are long term gain games, not short term. People are not very used to instant "i want it now" things in MMO's that i think are not needed to enjoy. If we put people in front of some other MMOs and told them to make a sword that toke 9 days to get the mats for, i think some would be insulted.


    New blood, as with what happened with the Wii, needs to be eased into the game but shown that it isn't fast, but a slow game. The key isn't to burn through content, lol'ing and getting loot. It's to enjoy the experiences and meet people. "Chat rooms with good views and some nice gameplay to boot". WoW changed a lot of the demographic into loot whores and down-right NASTY players who will be spiteful towards others. That is what they ruined.


    Also, lets not forget...WoW was a lightning strike too. Even they didn't know it would work, they were shocked by it and it shouldn't of worked on paper considering the MMO market was NEVER important when it came out. I mean NEVER. Ive been playing this stuff since Myth of Soma and Legend of Mir 2 launched and it wasn't possible to have a massive base in the beyond millions then.


    *shrugs* Times have changed, i understand that and im sad that its changed for the worse in a lot of areas. WoW isn't as great as people thing because a lot haven't played what came before and learned from that. It's all "Now now now"

  6. You know, id like to point out that if your complaining about the voice acting and story then id look at the developer...one of the leading in western RPG's with full voice acting, heavy story content.....and then shut up because you made your choice to play the MMO they made.


    You don't get to complain simply because you don't like something a developer is famous for. Don't like QTE in god of war? tough. Don't like random battle in final fantasy? tough.


    We are currently in a generation where most gamers seem to think that the game is tailor made just for them. Bioware create the best stories to be honest, if you don't like it then the story driven MMO might not be the right place. :)


    Feel free to stay, but you wont like how short it is and you don't get to complain about content later down the line when you don't care about story really.

  7. Why would you prefer paying for the same thing, rather than getting it free?


    This line is by far the most self-centered reply you get on this kind of talk. Players simply want free things.


    The thing is this folks, voice acting and the likes is not going to be cheap and this game has ONLY JUST CAME OUT OFFICIALLY. So i would say the F2P thing isn't happening for a while. Settle in please, there are so many posts about "i want it now" that this is getting stupid.

  8. It wouldn't take much for people to learn to...i don't know...adapt there play style to match the spec?


    If your a tank, learn to play as your tank and know your limits. Heck, respecing isn't super expensive at the start so just try new things. We don't need dual spec because once you get that, you start having problems.


    Id rather take time and learn my spec then have some moron with a dual spec thinking he can tank just because the spec says so. Some skill in playing is kinda required, you know? :)

  9. July 30th here. Il admit i was rather confused when my friend got in and i didn't. I understand first day pre-orders were massive but i did expect faster. I think thats where most people are getting the anger from. It seemed like it should of moved faster but when you look at it, i guess there is logic there. :)


    That being said, i will be rather confused if we don't ATLEAST get past july today. I have guild members and friends in game now and this staggers our guild rather badly.

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