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Posts posted by Missnlink

  1. Tab targeting definitely needs to be fixed asap. It is beyond frustrating when you are trying to target enemies, in raids or pvp, and it just won't let you or it will target something behind you. I have never seen an MMO with such a bad system of tab targeting in my life.
  2. The new ability bar imo is poorly done. The entire time you are fighting you get confused by the new cooldown animation because everything is flashing.


    Not to mention, my girlfriend has seizures and the game is unplayable for her now because of this new ability bar. It hasn't caused her to have one, but she can tell right off that this is something she shouldn't be playing.


    Please fix this.

  3. Are you going to implement directional tab targeting into the game?


    The current implementation of tab targeting is not ideal for many situations, especially PvP. It will actually target someone behind you, instead of in front of you, because they are the closest target. It would be nice to have a targeting system where it will target the person you are currently facing, aiming towards, like many other MMO's have implemented currently.

  4. First off, I would LOVE to see arena in this game.


    Arena is a huge reason that WoW is so successful. For SWTOR to do it it needs to be done right and not like WoW had originally started it. This game has endless resources in terms of mana so the arena will be greatly different from what WoW is currently.


    Can Bioware make arena in this game successful is the real question. Sure, a TON of us want to see it happen, but you have to do it in the right way.


    Here is to hoping they get it right if they decide to go in that direction.

  5. It is impossible to complete the daily on my current server. We are outnumbered badly by Empire and all they do is run around in large raid groups. Not to mention the lag in the area is absolutely horrid now. Bioware needs to work on their performance issues in this game (not to mention fixing pvp in general) before they add new content or they will just keep losing subscribers.
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