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Posts posted by Masenken

  1. "FiB only hits a maximum of 3 players, not "everything within 8m. "


    Last I checked, they took that limit away, it hits everyone in the blast radius, trade-off is it no longer crits or consume force potency charges... so you're lookin' at something between 1-30% heal depending on how tightly packed a group is.


    I don't have the client open, so I can't confirm off-hand if it says that in-game, but from the notes, it doesn't mention there being a 3 person cap anymore, so if I'm wrong, I stand corrected


    if that 3 man cap does still exist, then I would indeed say Slow Time just became superior


    edit: just got online, so I was wrong after all... Slow Time just became crazy awesome

  2. ****, it's just gear. Get over it. I'm personally praying this game becomes more skill based than gear based. Whoopty f***in' do, some of you grinded a million hours to get your gear, and others ground a whopping 10, rollin' full champion set, and then some for their companions. Yay, you got your high end gear, while those of us who work all hours of the day among other things, had to deal with constant RNG, and get nothing for the effort. It's already entirely too easy to run from lvl 1 to 50 in a matter of a couple days, and you honestly think someone would want to spend weeks on end trying to acquire endgame gear?


    If your enjoyment came from having high end gear vs having actual competition in (omg) a competitive setting, then you need to get your priorities straight. I want to see matches run down to the wire, and both sides have an equal chance of succeeding at matches, not a constant lol faceroll 'cause one side is geared and not the other.


    You talk about the fun being killed, but your fun =/= everyone else's fun. But I think we can all agree we want to be competitive, not getting our a**es kicked for hours on end only to HOPE we actually get something from a bag or two... add to that, the d***ed game just came out. New gear options, tiers, etc are going to be added.


    I'm not saying there shouldn't be a challenge, but the challenge should be out in the world, and in Warzones, not getting a handful of worthless comms.

  3. I'm not going to quote half the people out there who think this is ok, but let's just get down to it. PvP on an open PvP world is all fine and good, but not when it comes to spawn camping. Imps have the numbers to pretty much spawn camp 24/7 if they so chose (exaggeration, but not far off) meaning pubs will rarely if ever have a window of opportunity to fight back, and say this is a valid tactic is asinine... That is NOT pvp, and will only lead to further imbalance since pubs will have zero reason to come to Ilum let alone roll through the endless premades in warzones, when we have very little chance of ever getting geared in any decent amount of time. To think that it's ok to do this for hours on end is delusional at best, and cruel at worst.


    Bioware dropped the ball, yes, and yes again they could've handled it better, but that doesn't make the players any less accountable. Fighting each other back and forth is one thing, even at and around each other's base, but not where no one can even so much as blink before they're AoE'd to death. Even FPS's frown on spawn camping, but unlike FPS's there's no hard cap on the amount of players allowed on a map, so you can't just go out, find the poacher, eventually head shot him and get back in the game, you have legions on your doorstep and are 100% helpless to do anything about it. THAT IS NOT PVP! PvP assumes there's actual combat between opposing sides, not a one sided curb stomp

  4. sorry OP, gonna have to disagree. As a shadow I've had my fair share of moments where I got focused down in seconds and times when I had crazy healer support and became an unstoppable wrecking machine. Our queue times are 10 minutes max, but I've only seen that when running premades. Tarentatek is a heavy imp server, but rebels still keep pressing on regardless. we're still trying to catch up and even out the playing field and fight down the insane number of advantages imps have gotten, and 8'm personally patient enough to let Bioware work. I don't find it reasonable to argue they've had 5yrs etc considering how large MMO's and how nay people they're dealing with come launch.


    back on topic, I'm not going to yell at you and say get good or anything but rather leave and come back if that suits you better or buckle down and wait. And yes level an alt, play with your skill tree, explore, raid enemy territory, etc.


    I've said my peace. have fun out there :)

  5. For me (sage) the most OP class is a Sith Assassin. Bear in mind this is a 1v1 and I know some classes arent meant to be able to counter all classes. (Disclaimer)


    1. CC doesnt seem to work on them, I have no idea why. I stun them, they immediately get out of it. I slow them, and they always catch up with me.


    2. Along with the first, they are unkiteable. I have encountered a number of them, cast slow on them, and they are still right on me no matter what I do. I never stop moving, yet I cant get away from them.


    3. They do massive damage. 3-4K crits in one hit.


    4. They can do massive damage at range. I have no idea what the ability is, but I have had assassins hit me for 3.5k damage from 30 yards... I thought this was a melee class.


    5. And the most annoying. You are winning, (if possible) and they just stealth away from you. So stupid.


    I dont think I have ever won an assassin 1v1. Perhaps sages were never meant to. I'll keep trying though til I get it right, or know for sure that its impossible.


    you can't kite/run from an assassin/shadow... their official descriptions even point this out. as a shadow, a certain combination of skills and procs can drop a massive burst in your face... and while force cloak may sound cheap, an AoE in the area they cloaked in or a DoT will bring them right back out.


    As you pointed out though, we have an anti-stun, and if you root and they spec'd it in their skill tree, force run counters that, And last Resilience drops all negative affects... knock downs will usually put a sin/shadow down. I can't count how many times an operative walked over me after a knock down and just put me out of misery lol


    what a lot of people may not know is that a shadow/sin's skill set is murder with the current layout. without a lot of practice it's hard to effectively put all our skills to good use And stay effective due to how varied they are

  6. 44 Jedi Shadow here.


    I've never felt that any class is op minus a fully geared 50... Especially tanks. I can't touch them. but anyone else, I've been able to hold my own with and during matches where all parties involved support each other, pair off and run as a group it's Never resulted in a face roll and more often than Not we win... and I almost always pug. there aren't nearly as many CC's and stuns as people believe to any one class. it's walking into a group of people and getting focused by 3 or 4 people that all that kicks in. and you should expect no less for being the dummy caught with your pants down and no back up in sight.


    I don't think there's any question of how imbalanced the population is between Republic and Empire and more so how many more 50's exist on Empire side vs republic, at least on my server. however we're all coming up And the playground will eventually even out if people keep pushing and spend a little less time crying.


    game isn't even a month old and I do believe the devs are listening, but you can't just make snap decisions overnight and then make it happen. they have to have data to support those changes. they already stated they're going to put 50's into their own bracket, and there will be more maps as well as addressing world pvp but What specifically about world pvp I dunno yet outside of making ways to gain more valor.


    back on topic, I don't feel any class is particularly OP. I will say BH's are the strongest players I've fought against, and that's only because I've never seen not use their surrounding to their advantage. I think they have great mobility for their class and hit like a mac truck

  7. I just did it yesterday, I thought it was strange that whenever I triggered an event that sent out his minion, they ALL came out full aggro. twice I had to fight off more than 10 troopers, all shooting on full auto, with no pause in between. Needless to say, I died, but after I respawned, they took their assumed positions and I proceeded as normal. Nonetheless, I thought it was odd that it happened like that.
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