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Posts posted by Zoobert

  1. Hilarious, only problem is this character was levelled by little chinesse people, and this is proven by the fact of how many unread messages there are, when being power levelled the guys don't bother looking at mail from the quests.


    Would be legendary if it was actually you who did it bud....


    From A real sith warrior!!


    It's not *proof*, but it's a good indicator something fishy is up. Just because he has 50 emails waiting doesn't mean for *fact* he was had this botted, though - keep that in mind.

  2. Seriously, Ilum is a joke, in wz's imperials completely outgear us and really its embarassing. I hit 50 2 weeks ago and I'm bored, my gear is crap compared to imps and we are outnumbered. I play on infinity gate. What is your response to this imbalance? Does every single republic player have to quit or reroll imp for you to do something?


    Why should BioWare do anything about something WE (including YOU caused)?

  3. I would like to see this change to. I have a similar problem. I work nights so I cant always pvp during prime time and before work i sleep so usally I try and pvp around noon server time before i have to sleep but i only have time for usually 5-6 games and if we keep loosing i just miss the daily that day. I dont mind playing the games it just sucks that with the 50 bracket i get no games in the morning when i have time to play and then when i can play usually the teams are so bad i loose alot.


    So make it EZ mode, and not rewarding -- because you work an odd schedule? Roll on a server across the world where they're all awake when you are - not ask for BW to give hand-outs to ppl that don't want to put in the effort.

  4. You already get a bonus for winning, why do you need the quest to be a bonus too.


    Some of us don't wanna sit around playing warzones for 10 hours a day.





    But if you don't, don't still expect to be rewarded. All I can picture here is entitled little nits that loved WOTLK.

  5. I'm quickly finding out that it's not so much that sorcerers, mercs, and other cc spamming profession is the problem. The problem is with physics/mechanics in the game. There are several minute problems with the actual system that mysteriously put the Empire to the advantage. For example sorcs have lightning that when used applies instant damage, where the mirrored sage's telekinetic throw takes travel time to the target. It is little minute things like this that gives them the advantage, and yes every little bit matters. There is a whole list of things somewhere, someone has already tested everything to be sure.


    On a side note, BW devs play Empire....


    I play a Madness Sorc, and beyond my Death Field - I have pretty much just DoTs. I get destroyed by folks who are critting me for 3k or more, in no time. Maybe sorcs are being targeted more frequently because I've noticed in PVP, I die fast - long before my DoTs do any kind of similar damage.

  6. Nah I still agree with that reply 100% regardless of that mistake, but have fun playing when SWTOR becomes F2P and the servers are dead because everything is fine in your eyes while people are leaving at such a fast rate you'd think this game has herpes.


    You say that with no factual evidence to back it up - heck, the most recent news figures fly directly in the face of your factoids (ahem, go look up factoids - it doesn't mean what you think it means).

  7. This furthers my point. You play in a organized group that likes to chain cc a target. You know its broken and you are the first to defend the current set up. Just sad


    Your argument just failed here. You've made it into a "a better team is using game mechanics smartly - and I call the game broken because my worse play and pug team can't compete."


    The problem isn't the CC, the problem is your expectation that you should be able to stand toe-to-toe with a group of people who are in sync, and playing well above your abilities.


    Leave faceroll play style to WOTLK.

  8. What is it with these Datacrons....some are near impossible to get. If I wanted a Super Mario jumping game I would have bought one and if I wanted a search and find game again I would have bought one.


    I can understand a certain level of difficulty in finding and obtaining them....but the jumping part of the game has got me beat. It is annoying and frustrating. I have played wow for many years and have not had this much trouble in getting achievements.


    I have given up on the datacrons (whether good for my class or not) lets just hope the rest of the game keeps me interested for longer than my prepaid game time.


    Also a list of Codex to work towards ingame will also be helpful as some of the Codex are class and faction specific.

    We've heard your complaints, and are in the process of mailing the datacrons to you in-game. We're sorry we didn't just hand these to you when you first installed and logged in.


    PS: WoW is easymode.

  9. DarthMoord just shut it no one cares about your arguing points as so many others have said its based off of opinion. and at some point someone said he was "one of the strongest JEDI of his time" not sith as you keep saying but jedi. And when he's fighting the emperor he's doing so as a JEDI so stop comparing him to sith that's his former self not how he is now. And as for you saying Caedus is so pro. not so much is hack job sister cuts his arm off and he continued to fight even at the expense of his injuries and he dies. well now sounds like a great death for a sith lord i mean it took Vader throwing the emperor down a nearly bottomless pit but he loses an arm and then has the stupidity to continue the attack with one arm and unhealed wounds instead of being smart as he has proven himself to be in the past very strong indeed. so in conclusion no one cares its a matter of opinion you may have some facts but not all of them. revan could be capable of so much more then he is now only the creator of revan has an idea of where he will end up. death is immanent in his future but his story has been a good one and many people enjoy it. and if you dont believe revan to be strong then his symbolism that has held followers for centuries and produced darth bane. im seeing that yes he was powerful but in a way the other sith never were and that was that he had charisma and he was an intellectual beyond his years and that my good sir is a strength far greater then raw power in its own. so checkmate and all that other malarky and just cut the crap.




    This....this is a stronger fanbois than even the OP.

  10. Wasn't going to post, but LOL'd at this one.


    That's like saying "Updating the description is harder than changing the algoritm behind the effect." Seriously?


    Open code, highlight old text, type new text, save, push out in patch.. not rocket science


    You have no idea what the crap you're even talking about, dork.


    Even the oh-so-referenced-glorious WoW does these things - fix something and update the tooltip later at a larger patch update. Quite frequently, even.


    What are you, 12? LOL, sound advice you got there, junior.

  11. Because the Area is no longer flagged as PvP, so i.e. you can not use pvp consumables.


    I have HeroBlade myself and all you have to do is right click on Ilum area in regions browser, go flag properites, toggle "pvp", k.


    I'm in Ilum PVP - it shows me flagged for PVP and doesn't give me the option to toggle it (grayed out on clicking my portrait).


    So that's not it - because I'm not getting the Battle for Ilum quests forcefed to me, or *any* kills or valor ticks.

  12. I've been busy playing TOR, and enjoying it despite its flaws. It isn't perfect, but I enjoy it, so that is all that matters.


    However, I keep seeing people insult, sometimes downright lie, about the game. It's getting to the point where its depressing, because I feel like this game I'm quickly falling in love with might disappear.


    I mean, is there -anyone- out there that enjoys this game? It doesn't look like it from what I'm seeing... and that sucks.


    I see the potential in this game, I remember countless other MMOs which had faults, and became something great. Right now, TOR's going to hold my interest for years as is, I don't want to think what it'll do my social life after some more patching and features.


    Legacy system looks awesome, especially for role players like myself. I don't even know the point of this post, really. I guess its to say I've watched good games die because people these days are so full of hate and malice for anything they find the slightest fault in. It has gotten to the point where if someone likes the game on these boards, they get insulted, and verbally soul-punched for even mentioning the game is fun or they enjoy it.


    I swear, I honestly think there's a smear campaign going on against SW:TOR, and probably backed by Blizzard under-the-table.

  13. To whomever it may concern,


    I find the lack of creature-based mounts disturbing, all we have are Space-Segways, Space-Motorcycles and Space-Cars. There is a wealth of domesticated StarWars creatures at your disposal for mounts. Falleens, Bantha and even Hssiss. My personal favorite being the adorable Dewback of Tatooine.


    I urge you to reconsider your decision for "technology-based" only mounts and bring on the Dewback!


    Don't be so greedy - that's the whole point of growth and expansion - to add things as the game progresses. It's an MMO with future growth - new stuff introduced to keep people playing.


    So, patience, little guy.

  14. I really like the fact that this game has brought story in to the MMO-genre for real, but it bothers me that there is absolutely noe gain from being neutral.


    I'm playing as an imperial agent. In my eyes his first loyalty is to the empire and the second is two money. The problem is that doing everything for money gives me dark side points, but wanting to help out the Empire with the war effort sometimes give me light side points. Which means that while im playing my character as i do I remain neutral and therefor I get no benefits in form of armor and such which requires that and that light or dark side points rank.


    Don't you agree with me? I think that Bioware with its enormous story focus should make playing as neutral an opportunity, even if you want to gain from your choices.


    You should probably read the development notes / tracking threads - because they've talked about this a few times already - that introducing neutral gear is coming soon.


    So - what's your point, then?

  15. Is anyone else finding endgame content rather "ho-hum"? Personally, I don't care for flashpoints, so I guess that part is of this my own fault (that I am missing out on those).


    Beyond the missed flashpoints, all I have found to do is some rinse and repeat dailies on Ilum and Belsavis.


    I guess I should stop complaining. Leveling was a blast, I loved it. There are so many cool things about this game, but my interest is starting to wane a bit (quite a bit). Participating in a couple warzones a day are fun, but more than a few becomes mind-numbing. Crafting is easy to max out, then almost pointless. Ilum daily/weekly pvp objectives can be either frustrating or boring, depending on how imbalanced your server's pub/imp population ratio is.


    I want to love this game, I really do. What am I missing (besides flashpoints and leveling a string of new toons) that can keep this fresh?


    End-game is FlashPoints and PVP. You have the ability to finish out certain companion quests by leveling their affection, there's more "scenes" in these when you flesh those out.


    If you haven't done the Bonus Series quests, they're large story arcs, as well.


    Lastly, the quest story lines are fairly engaging -- you have tons of options to replay different classes for their quest lines (which I will do, but will wait for Legacy system to kick in, first).

  16. We had a similar thread on the Beta forums and I'm sure many with me still think it's a sad part that our only Apprentice is not turnable to the dark side.


    Running around with a Lightside crybaby when you are "Darkside 5" yourself is annoying and laughable, hardly think it's fair. Either give us an option what side she will belong to or make her turnable in some way.


    Maybe that she gains Darkside points the same time we do? (Perhaps at a lower rate?)



    Maybe it can be an option in an expansion. Don't need to be given *everything* right out the gate. The whole turning her super-dark can be a nice big fat storyline arc for future expansions.


    And "official thread"? LOL.

  17. I didn't have any success trying to double DPS elites. I've always needed either a tank of healer companion. Therefore Ashara will be more or less useful depending on your spec.


    Madness spec here, and she's my go-to companion. I put her in PVP gear at 40, and kept up all her mods. She's a brick !#@$house that can take a beating and enough DPS to hold their intrest, while I DPS from the back.


    Even Xalek craters before Ashara -- she's my goto gal. I have no problem taking on 1 or 2 elites plus 3ish strong/weaks with her as my companion.



    Guess its just playstyle.

  18. Oh look, yet another post from a PVPer who can't cut it in a real shoot em up (aka BF3, etc) - and whines here in an MMO, about how the whole game didn't revolve around everything they wanted.


    Go play BF3 and your little maps there. Maybe you'll have more fun without all the issues.

  19. I fully agree.


    Fortunately for me i unsubbed and wont have to deal with any of their problems until these are fixed.


    Mass Effect 3 and real life for me, hopefully by the time I finish ME3, SWTOR will have added all the features it needed, fixed performance issues and ability delay, and remove all the needless filler like orbital stations, etc.


    Game has potential to be great but is just handled by the wrong company. Blizzard would have made SWTOR possibly the greatest GAME ever made.


    I don't care about you or your subscription. Go play outside.

  20. This new patch is a joke and obviously everyone else feels the same way. Not only did you managed to totally avoid balancing anything out, leaving PvP a broken mess for balance, but you also managed to make the game worse with even more bugs.


    Illum is a slideshow on any computer and about as engaging as pressing tab and hitting your most spammable long range attack.


    Loading screen bug, this one leads me to think you honestly did not test the patch in the slightest because how could something so blatant slip past?


    Warzone environments disappearing again, Huttball would be a lot more fun if I wasn't constantly falling off invisible ledges and having to angle my camera just right to actually see the map.


    And to top it all off you're still pumping out new content, probably buggy too, instead of just focusing on making the game playable.


    And I'm pretty sure WZ victories still have the great habit of not counting for anything, that's pretty major.


    Oh look, another whining PVPer. I'm sorry, you'll have to take a number behind the 9,000 other whiny PVPers behind you that *also* can't cut it in BF3 online and cry here. In the meantime, please wait patiently exploiting valor in Ilum - or maybe just hide in a corner racking up Heals Done to your self for medals.


    We'll get to you soon. Promise.

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