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Posts posted by darkwaffle

  1. I do not think it is the F2P crowd that is the problem, they are probably the scapegoats of the real issue, the OP mentioned.


    I am a subcriber, and have recently returned. I have 3 50's previously and started a new alt to level up. I waited approximately an hour to get into an FP, and when I accepted to join I teleported into the starting area of the FP.


    When the first dialogue encounter came up, my game crashed to desktop. Something completely out of my control, and when i log back in, the tank drops the group, and the healer calls me a dumba**? Attitudes like this are what make people drop games like a bad habbit.


    Edit: the healer and tank were both subscribers

  2. "entitlement" what is this the ********** primaries? its not about "entitlement" its about not wanting to get chased around by a lvl 50 in a leveling area because he has 2-3 days to max before I even saw the first planet...


    You are obviously not prepared for a PVP server. The fun times are escaping those impossible scenarios. Avoiding it by leveling with the first on the server makes you the crybaby type that grabs his main whenever an alt gets camped. This makes you a target that is fun to camp, tryhard.

  3. The real problem is the sense of entitlement, nothing has changed, everyone was aware of this before. But the heavy QQing has arrived because they thought they could hold out and now their willpower has proven weak.


    With the large majority of players logged in supposedly being Empire, it is very likely the crying is coming from the Republic!

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