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Posts posted by Davelakos

  1. In simple numbers they actually treat the 95% of their customers in one way and the 5% in another. I do not say they not gonna fix it. But the fact and only they did so for these 2 weeks can not change.


    i am sure before 1.3 all will be fixed and so on. But the dmg is allready done. They can not change the fact they actually decided to treat equal paying customers in 2 different ways:P

  2. I kinda think that this whole 3 rp-pvp servers has started feeling like the greece economy problem...


    Let's just wait and chill ppl. I mean if till 1.3 Transfers have not opened they know and we know that 90% of the servers population will quit.


    If this is their decision let it be. But personally i think it will be solved till then.


    On the other hadn i was hopping I would rule the galaxy one day...

  3. ok french guys actually answered regarding how this is going


    here is a (maybe bad translation of what he said)



    If you want a slightly more detailed view of the processes involved in any decision, consider the following:


    - Team A indicated its plan to Team B.

    - Team B passes the message to the team C.

    - Team C Team B comes back shaking his arms in the air by saying that the plan is not viable.

    - Teams B and C converse at length to be sure to be on the same page.

    - Team A listens to the grievances of the C team as understood by Team B.

    - Team B Team C comes back with a new action plan.

    - Team C approves and sighs a big blow.

    - Team B announces that in fact the plan has changed dramatically due to factors not previously considered.

    - Team C sighs a big blow and then approve.


    Steps 1-8 can be repeated indefinitely, hence my lack of commitment. I hope to tell you more soon, but as this decision is not my responsibility, I can promise you.



    At least they are kind enough to answer in comparison with our worthless CS.

  4. Hi folks, as promised, I have a bit of an update. We are still examining this unique situation with the three European RP-PvP servers and we are working on various possible scenarios and what their impact will be. Rest assured that we will communicate to you as soon as we have the most optimal scenario. Thank you for your continued patience with this.




    At last good news... Now Everyone will quit Lord Calypho and i WILL MAKE MY DREAM COME TRUE!!!!


    Will Be the ADMIRAL OF THE FLEET!!!! Hoping from planet to planet all day!!!


    Oh my , my right hand , Co-Captain Pig will be so happy to hear about this!!!


    Pig: *oinks* Yes SIR!!!! Report for duty Sir!!!!

    Davelis: Set Sail PIG!!!! We are going to rule the world!!!!


    The Pig and Davelis *music sounds like the pinky and the brain soundtrack*


    Thanks So much, Joveth!

  5. It's "just in case" safety button crap although executed poorly. Who has capability of doing anything if not the damn game developer, is that Snow White?


    Not snow white.




    But seriously, for once more bioware managed to dissapoint it's customers. From the day you made this game all you accomplished is to make me any respect i had for you as a company:(

  6. And i think it is time for ....


    5 people alive at the fleet , we threw one down passed him around, 4 people alive at the fleeeet*music plays on the backround*


    4 people alive at the fleet , we threw one down passed him around, 3 people alive at the fleeeet....


    Doom Dim dam Doom :p


    You know the lyrics , have fun with us!!!


    Apart from joking this is how Lord Calypho is atm I am typing this :p

  7. The thing is ...


    Ok Yes I enjoy PVP as well, But as the situation is atm, leading us to Tomb (which allready has a 25 min queue in peak time- with LC there might be 1 hour wait), I really doubt it will be good. I mean waiting 1 Hour to Log to game?


    Hell no. 10000 times i would choose Progenitor over that. World PVP Is Pointless at this game , and you can always have your pvp flag enabled when new planet blah blah for open PVP.


    But seriously having to wait like 1 hour to log in... I would prefer the RP-PVE over the PVP one , only for that reason:(


    one more reason is all my names are taken at tomb:((

  8. Props to you and your team putting up with all these anxiously rude players out there. I'm reading through all these comments of anger and I have no idea how you guys have not exploded on these impatient people.


    Well you probably got your transfers allready i pressume right?


    Imagine that in our fleet we are actually singing smt like the Pirate Bottles Of Rum Song nowadays...


    It goes something like that...


    25 people left on the fleet, one jumps down

    dies on the ground, 24 people left in the fleet ...


    And so on...

  9. What i think would be one of the best solutions:


    1.) Merge all RP/PvP. That adds a somehow better start.


    2. Then enable all french to go to any fench server and the same with the germans. So those who are not happy with english can go back. Most RP are anyhow educated people and able to communicate in english.


    3. Then enable all other EU servers to transfer to single PvP/RP sever left.


    That would funnel people who want to the only PvP/RP, people from non english servers could choose what they want, to put up with a english community to stay in PvP/RP or rather have their choosen language.


    4. All are happy.


    Ha, i don't even want money, but you can offer me a job :D


    PS: I made a new thread becaus this is a viable train of thought we should discuss here!


    In theory it would be could but unfortunately this will require extreme amounts of work to be done :p


    Even though i would like it as a plan i am 100% that is can not be done:P


    We do not even get one transfer imagine telling em to do all these.


    You will probably get banned for proposing such ammount of work:P

  10. Dont forget that after the weekend can mean 3 weeks from now. Thats also "after the weekend". Lets rather say we want a response by tuesday next week.


    Well Vic as I told you in game as well i am off on thursday if nothing has changed:p

    Subscription ends then and i think the 19th-24th are when a lot of the subs of whoever was playing from day 1 will end:P


    let's just wait and see *eats popcorn*

  11. Hi folks, as we are still not done with this initial character transfer phase, we are still examining the options. We've taken your ideas into consideration and will compare them against what is feasible.


    It is my hope that we will have more to share with you after the weekend.


    Thanks for the tme line , Waiting to hear from you after this weekend then:p


    Give us a solution to continue our swtor experience:P

  12. Any kind of merger between English, French and German servers is NOT a viable option, I don't speak French or German and the fact that a French person or a German might speak English as a second language is irrelevant, it's not right to ask them to speak English so i can understand them in a group or ops setting. Then there is the problem of General chat, it would be a mess of different languages and again it's not fair to force them to speak English.


    They will not BE FORCED to come to the english ones. If they want they will, if they want to continue playing in their native language they won't it is really simple ryofo. No one will force you to come to us.

  13. However I do disagree with the suggested remedy of unifying all language types of RP-PVP servers. There is no point on having three mini servers on one server, and trade chat would be a miss-mash of three languages.



    They are not 3 mini servers actually the french one is standard population so if they want to keep server type just open transfers to the english one and let the french and german decide if they want to stay in their own lagnuage or come to Lord calypho...


    It is not gonna end up with a FULL server but at least it will be playable.

  14. Thing is that whatever you decide over there at biowar It must be done asap. If you do not react now I personally do not see any reason to continue playing in a dying server. Regarding me you have 6 days till my subscription ends, and all those who are playing from DAY 1 Of this game have subs ending on the 20th or 21st. So just to make things clear, unless a decision is made till then i am not gonna resub even though i would love the 1.3 with rated and all.


    But really if you do not act now, you just doom us into playing not an MMO rather than a game that we could be playing at any internet's cafe's Local pirate server since the ranked teams will be like 4 -8 AT BEST in lord calypho.


    And Even though I might resub for 1.3 I really doubt i will tbh , since summer is here and all my *need* to play this game will probably be gone till then. It will just be another game in the shelf i guess:P


    You asked what we think. We said what we think.


    Time has come for you to decide.

  15. on LC, there's a guy named Darth Darkmember Darkmember, and he is the guild master of the biggest guild on the server. does it seems to you an RP name? LOL


    If by LC you mean Lord Calypho we Have never seen the guy you refer to and we should have IF He was the gm of the biggest guild in the server, unless you talking about a 400 member ghost guild from early days with 5 active players.

  16. Your other options are not viable in my opinion. I believe combining all languages RP-PVP will still end up with underpopulated server (or at least much less populated server than current destination servers) and not all of the people playing in French and German servers necessarily speak English. Making us a destination server is unfair to PVP and RP-PVE players for the same exact reason we should be given a choice - you can't decide for them.




    What Joveth asked is not ONLY for Lord calypho is Something that has to do with the 3 specific servers, just open transfer from one to those 2 and english one should be the destination imo. That is THE easiest way to do it.


    Regarding population the french one is standard Population last time i checked = all 3 combined should be could enough.


    It feels the same for me to see people who talk french in genelral, like we do not have russians now??


    So without messing other server types just sent all three to one


    BUT What i want to see is something done. DO NOT CARE where i will go or with who i am gonna be as long as they open transfers to a populated server. Whatever solution they provide us with, we'll have to take that anyway.


    And if it does not Happen LIKE NOW. I am not gonna continue subscription. As simple as that for me

  17. Hi folks,


    I've seen a lot of back and forth from RPers that want people to stay on their servers and from people that want to option to transfer out to a different PvP server. There are, understandably, concerns on both sides.


    My question to you all: as a community on one of these three servers, what ideal solutions do you folks have in mind? I'm not saying we have the capability of doing anything, but I genuinely want to hear your thoughts.Thank you!


    At last an answer. Nice to see you actually saw our Agony to continue playing your game and not quitting cause of one more bad decision you were about to made.


    Thanks for that by the way.


    Now regarding what I would prefer.


    I am gonna give you 3 Suggestions, that should be applied to all 3 languages of RP-PVP servers who have the problem atm, and whichever you think it would be the best for Us just try doing it.


    1st) Make Lord Calypho the destination server of the german and french RP-PVP ones.

    I know that this may End with language problems , but after all it is the only way to actually save these 3 servers without Changing the type of the servere as you said that you would like. English is a language most of them would know anyway and I personally believe it would not mind the germans or the french to come to us if that allows them to play the game in a health population. Of course communication problems may occur this way, but isn't that better than being on a server where the only one left to talk is the NPCs?


    2nd)Make RP-PVP (french, english or german ones) the destination servers of low populated PVP servers or RP-PVE ones

    I really think noone from a pvp server would not mind comming to an rp-pvp one which will be crowded. After all their main aspect of the game which is PVP will still be there. Same applies to RP-PVE ones , rp will be there and PVE is always there. You can say that RP-PVE would have a problem with ganking etc. Not true since the way laveling is designed there is Very Slight Chance of the 2 factions to actually meet Somewhere in game.


    3d)Give The RP-PVP 3 servers the chance to actually move to either A RP-PVE server either a PVP one

    That would have some disadvantages meaning that if You actually do that the rp-pvp guys will actually lose one of the 2 abilities their server have. RP or PVP . BUT As the things are now Even that would be an acceptable solution for us. I mean it is better to play somewhere where they will be someone to play with rather than playing alone. Some Suggest we should be allowed to move to either PVP either RP-PVE by giving us a choise about where we would like to go. I think That this , even though it may sound like the ideal Solution keep it mind that it is kinda UNFAIR to ALL THE OTHER TRANSFERS. I mean why should we get special treatment and have destinations to pick from, so personally i think that would be unfair to the majority of the players of this game.


    And that were my suggestions regarding Your question. Hope to hear from you soon, although the fact that you actually want feedback from us proves that you will do something about it in the end, since if you actually do not you will be treating a 1-2% (if we are so much which i doubt )of your clients in a different way than the 98-99% of the players.

  18. Greetings folks!


    As a gentle reminder to everyone, please remember the following:



    • Insults - Please do not resort to or use them in any way in your posts. Posts should be productive, not destructive.
    • Trolling - Please do not post messages that are purposefully designed to provoke, antagonize, or otherwise elicit a negative emotional response.
    • Agree to Disagree - Be respectful of others' viewpoints even if they are opposite of your own. Discuss disagreements constructively.
    • Report, Don't Respond - Utilize the Report Post feature to report possible rules violations, rather than responding to or fighting them. As a reminder, public accusations of trolling are considered rude. We again encourage you to report posts that you believe are trolling.
    • Ignoring - If you feel you simply cannot get along with another community member, please place them on your ignore list.


    Thank you!


    Well since this is the actual 1st responce we are getting after 50 pages of suggestions etc , only thing we can actually do in order to be taken seriously is to start posting at a threat they are actually watching...


    I posted something there back me up if you feel like it...



  19. How is this not an answer?


    Okay, admittedly, they did not say: You will be able to transfer to so-and-so. But still, they admitted it is an issue and are looking into it. Just like everyone else still waiting for word on their transfer: Be patient. Your situation is even more complex than all the others. So it is normal for you to come last because of that, isn't it?


    You are right , what i am saying is that ok yes they say that: we are looking into it, but what i am saying is that it will be to late. People have allready started quiting when they decide to treat us diferently FROM ANY other server in this game. Fair answer for me it would be : Yes Your situation is exceptional , you will get transfers as well but you will be last since it requires thinking to actually see what we are going to do with you. What they said is . All Of you are getting transfers the 3 rp-pvp won't.


    And this is all WE Want to hear tbh. That we are going to be equaly treated like everyone else. Nothing more nothing less. I really can not see why is it so damn hard for em to just Say THAT THEY CAN FIX this, but just we are going to be last because it requires more thinking and atm the other servers are comming 1st which we would tottaly be ok with.

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