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Posts posted by Kathor

  1. Hmmm... This seems like a direct nerf to my spec. A shame, sort of...


    I pvp as telekinetics and have been outdamaged in wz about 2 times in the last month not even being full bm geared (sockets towards crit/surge since alacrity is useless for my spec)... Basically I always do more than 300k dmg per game.


    PoM not being able to proc instant telekinetic wave will be a huge dps nerf... I can understand this though, I always considered it extremely stupid for telekinetic wave having such a short cd to do more dmg than disturbance and even up to 5 targets (so critting from 2-3k on each can even do over 10k - though rarely). I'm fine with having to mix up my rotation. I'd like to see disturbance buffed somehow though cause 6% extra from talents wont be enough considering telekinetic throw is getting nerfed...


    I don't feel sage is a very strong 1v1 class and would hate to be forced to switch to the dotting playstyle to stay viable...

  2. On one hand it really is a problem when a group of 4 50s - probably queueing together goes against a team of 20-30s... Playing late at night i encountered this situation and while I can't really 1v1 a good lvl 50, being ganked by 3 with a healer makes the game even more painful and leaves no hope for victory...


    While this is surely annoying for me and for others, I don't consider it a huge problem because in a few weeks there should be mostly lvl 50s.


    Still I agree that brackets 1-45 45-50 would be optimal.

  3. I don't think WoW can be threatened by swtor... It's an okay game with a bit too much hype. The trailers were extraordinary, the game itself is just a decent WoW copy. What makes it special is voice acting and the Star Wars climate. Fun to play but I'd rather they made Kotor 3...
  4. Not saying anything is wrong with your build, but to me, Telekinetics seems like a raid tree, like the Arcane tree for Mages in WoW. It doesn't seem as good as Balance for PvP.


    Perhaps... Will just have to test it out. Speaking in WoW terms the most common pvp spec is a warlock type of character. Telekinetic wave is an aoe, maybe that will give me some advantage as well as speccing for force shield talents for increased survivability against melee and increased range for attacks. Maybe the difference will only be in the playstyle... I expect this spec to be more rng though cause you rely on 2 procs for instant casting - hopefully the burst will be worth it.

  5. I'd say we go 50/50 on basilisk droid... There are times when 4-5 same sith 50s queue and we get steamrolled a few games in a row but that will even out pretty soon. The scaling for low lvls in warzones is a good idea but it doesn't make up for the missing skills and talents to go with them.
  6. When it comes to WoW arena most of the comments are unfair. Yes, the composition was a huge factor but having played a retribution paladin at really high rating I felt it was truly high-end pvp with skill being a huge factor. You did meet counters but communication with partners, using line of sight, timing your cds - everything was important.


    When it comes to swtor - warzones are a nuke fest, everyone has nearly the same abilities (snare/interrupt/stun/cc/knock back) which is both good (balance) but also a little boring. However, introducing arena would probably create a ton of issues for example some specs being unviable, unbalanced etc. Warzones will get boring eventually though. Arena in swtor - very problematic, world pvp... that's extremely tricky to pull off...


    Perhaps space pvp is an option for the future as to avoid warzone boredom?

  7. Im planning on an instant cast type sage for pvp unlike the dot type everyone seems to be rolling... With telekinetic proc to instant cast you can: weaken mind, project + chance of extra dmg, telekinetic throw -> proc leading to disturbance + chance of extra dmg + chance for telekinetic wave instant, force in balance whenever you want it. Should provide some nice burst dmg.


    If that doesnt work you can go for an instant cast/dot type dmg dealer casting mind crush when you get telekinetic throw proc, investing talents in dot dmg/uptime and throwing disturbance/telekinetic wave in there when both dots are up.


    Best thing -> basically no casting time (except telekinetic throw - but no cd talent here). Turbulence would be nice to have but unfortunately too high in the tree.

  8. No, leave them alone. Damage they do is fine and offset by weak armor. Get close and interrupt their casting, all of their abilities are channeled.


    Actually I basically dont cast other than telekinetic throw... Weaken mind, project, telekinetic throw -> instant cast proc and then whatever else, force in balance when needed. Try casting in pvp where everybody and their mother has a short cd interrupt. Then again I've recently passed lvl 30 so maybe at 50 its different but I doubt it.

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