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Posts posted by Surefiremm

  1. Let's just examine the facts shall we? I used a word, and you stated for fact it did not exist. I being the nice person I am, posted you the definition from the English dictionary.


    Now, having had your 'fact' shown to be what it was; i.e. false, I am now fixated on it.


    I am not giving up on the argument at all, how-ever, I am giving up replying to you, because you have proven beyond doubt to me, that you cannot debate without insult, and your facts have been shown to be less than credible.


    Being a the nice person you are would involve not being greedy and clicking need for your companion. Your companion should not be a reason to hit the need button unless no one else wants to item, or they say its ok. If your in a group of people, companions shouldnt even be involved they arent in the group. So then that means because your companions take up pretty much all kind of class gear, you are just going to hit need for every good item for a companion? Kinda ruins the point of need. The last thing we need is companions running around with better gear then the people we are doing an operation with.

  2. Oh please.. Ninja is taking something you were not entitled to take.


    Please understand, what you do with your winnings is nothing to do with me, likewise, what I do with mine is nothing to do with you.


    I know you'll be all p*ssed because you lost and then I give it to a companion, but the reality is this. You got a roll, you lost your roll. The story ended right there.


    Well i will always ask what the looting rules are, if people say they are going to take stuff with their companion, i will just hit the kick button, or if im in the group just leave.

  3. According to whom do you "deserve" a piece more? You? An understandable, if flawed, perspective. Each person in a group "deserves" a piece that drops from a downed boss equally. Since each person has an equal claim on a given item, an impartial system for distribution had to be implemented. NBG worked fine in WoW because you only had to worry about yourself; pets, demons, ghouls and elementals didn't require gear.


    Once companions who required gear came into the picture in this game, the paradigm changed, and NBG is no longer sufficient, as a companion's requirement of upgrades suffices as a valid "need", despite disagreement on companions "requiring" a given quality of gear to remain adequately functional outside groups. Since there's no objective determination of that factor, it has to by nature rely on a given player's perspective.


    You're in an instance. I'm in an instance. It doesn't matter what role either of us fill. We were both there along with two to fourteen other people. Each person has an equal right to stake a claim to anything they want which drops as a result of their effort (in conjunction with the group, of course). They don't have to give explanations, they don't require others' approval.


    Ahhhhh, did the companion contribute in the quest? Was he part of the group? If that is the case then sure, but if they are absent why should u loot something for that companion when the person actually doing something doesn't get the loot? Sounds backwards to me, if thats how u want it, gl bringing your healer/tank companion, because bet you no one will want to lose loot to a companion.....

  4. not allow any more Imperials rolls in a IMP overpopulated server but allow REP.


    Soooo, if i like imperials and hate republic, and i want all of my alts to be imperial , i have to go to a different server to put my alts and not be able to play with my friends or guild? sorry but that is stupid no one should be forced to do anything i shouldnt be able to do what i want because your faction is outnumbered.

  5. Here's where you don't understand:




    What is so hard to grasp about this. And for the record, I started a sage on the same server as my Jugg and I'm doing just fine at level 14. Will be doing even better once 50 bracket hits. Stop QQ'ing and go *********** play already, you might actually level up and get some gear if you spent half the time in game as you do here.


    Exactly, these people do not understand the fact that we are playing the imperial side... because we like playing the imperials not because we can just zerg republic all day on illum. I played imperial because i always liked empire, in the movies i always wanted empire to win. In other games like kotor 1 and 2 never made a good side character, always bad and did bad endings, because i liked it better, if i was forced to play a jedi in this game because of faction inbalance, i probably wouldn't play the game at all. I am paying to play what i want, not being forced to play republic. I created an imperial without even knowing about the faction inbalance, and the inbalance has nothing to do with me making an imperial, if it was the other way around i would still be playing imperial.

  6. Hello everyone! We are always reading the forums and working to get responses for topics that are important to you. Your feedback is extremely important to us!


    To make sure you don't miss out on any of our communications, we recommend checking out the Dev Tracker frequently to see the most recent posts from the Developers and the Community Team - you'll often see responses to concerns and helpful information there! We work to make informational posts as frequently as possible, such as this sneak peek at upcoming content from James Ohlen.


    We also use our community blog (at the top of http://www.swtor.com/community) to highlight information we think is of significant interest to the community. For instance, we currently have information about our most recent patch highlighted for community members in the blog.


    Thank you all for providing your feedback on the game, and please continue to do so - we will continue to work to bring you information, updates, and responses to your concerns as quickly as possible!

    THHHAAANNNN***K YOOUUU with just one post you shut up all of the ignorant, inpatient people who are complaining in this thread. I love it

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