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Posts posted by Halorin

  1. Almost finished my application process with PAX.


    My thoughts of the process is that it's a very natural feeling process. You meet some folks, hang out and chat about yourself, interests in and out of the game as well as having the chance to ask questions you may have about the guild etc.


    As much as any guild application is about a guild learning about the applicant it's what the guild has shown me about itself that makes PAX exceptional. I've had no less than six different members participate in my recruitment forum thread on their web site. Each commenting or asking questions that kept the process going all the while making me feel welcome. If you've ever been in a social situation where you are the outsider breaking into a group of established friends; those in the group who keep the conversation flowing, asking you fun questions or sharing about themselves are a godsend at times. From my experience with PAX they have plenty of those types of folks which should make going from the new guy to one of the gang rather pleasant.

  2. I just noticed today that on my JK if I mounted and rode between quests on my speeder (not the taxi's my personal speeder) that I needed to resummon my companion EVERY time.


    Is this working as intended?


    Before I could summon my companion do some fighting...mount, ride to the next group of mobs or quest area if they were far apart, dismount and my companion would appear without a resummon.


    I'd even drive into a group of mobs and attack from my speeder (dismissing the speeder when I attacked) and my companion would reappear and assist me.


    Anyone else notice this behavior?





  3. Just curious, but what do you think is better for the overall health of the game:

    • Running an FP/Op with less competent player in their alternate spec (which btw will also give them a chance to improve at said spec)?
    • Not getting to run the FP/Op at all because you couldn't find anyone to fill a needed role?


    As far as FP's/OP's I'd rather folks help build community and join/start some solid guilds.


    So can i answer C) neither of the above?


    I do see where you are going...especially with people having the chance to improve at playing their second spec but I have personally found folks who are used to one spec have a tough time adjusting their mentality to be effective...may just be the folks I've played with in the past where dual spec's were the norm.

  4. No No and a big heap of NO to Dual Spec's!


    I'd rather see a player become skilled at a particular spec than be able to jump into a alternative spec that they may not be competent at just to get a spot in a Hard Mode Flash Point or Operation.


    I like the make a choice ans stick with it approach personally....I'm not even a fan of respecs (even at cost) unless powers are changed by a patch or something.


    But that's just my 2 credits.

  5. I agree with Mash and Jennings...it is a fun fun game.


    No other MMO has had me wanting to quest quite like SWTOR...I literally despise some of the NPC's in my class story and want to harm them/seek justice...the story motivates my desire to play and I have found lots of immersion and enjoyment thus far.


    However, (and this is advice from my wife btw) if what you are doing in a game that is meant to be fun is frustrating, due to bugs or mechanics or even the folks you group with then don't play that game or choose another aspect of the game to play in.


    Most of us have limited play time...use it to do what is fun for you even if that means playing something else.


    Just my 2 credits

  6. To sum this up: Ilum is split evenly in two, right down the middle. With a PvE side containing PvE quests and dailies, and a PvP side containing PvP quests and dailies.


    What this latest update will bring us is just a refining of the already existing PvP into pure PvP not just win-trading.


    In case ya missed it the first time the above quote is the reality of the situation IMO and apparently Grovan's a swell :)

  7. If they're going to listen to whiners this much, I may have to cancel my subscription. This bodes ill for the future. They should have beefed up the other crafting skills instead of nerfing one. That is a stupid mistake all MMOs seem to make.


    I'm a beef up others before reducing/nerfing one personality myself.


    However, the way it looks from here is someone put a decimal or multiplier in the wrong place, especially for class 4 lock boxes as they often yielded a greater profit than the top level ones

  8. I think this is a great start to community events on the server!


    I also think Friday nights are a great choice...but maybe start em a lil early (6-7pm cocktail hour?) just so those who are visiting their RL cantina's or have 'date night'/wife aggro management evenings planned can get in on the fun?


    Advanced thanks to those who are behind the scenes getting his event up and running! :)

  9. I preordered on Dec 9th and feel like every person who preordered before that date should get in before me.


    Bara you are the type of person I'd like to game with...im not in either (Early Dec. pre-order) and similarly don't see the big deal of someone doing something first, leveling ahead of me or having to wait a few days.


    Heck I may get in early (hoping the 19th) but will then may need to take a break till Dec 25th when I can hopefully find the game under my tree from Santa.

  10. They won't be that different from every other game out there. People aren't going to change just because it's a different title.


    Good point Sciborg...I think I should be prepared for the worst and hope for the best regarding the community :)


    That and stay outta the "General" forums

  11. Its making me sick, and I'm losing faith in humanity. Congratulations.



    +1 I so agree...General Forum Posts have only damaged my hopes for this games community...if there are this many goofs in the forums complaining about such a small thing as not being granted early access the moment it opened up I fear what the in-game community on the servers will be like.

  12. It's the journey not the destination (and a lot of the time who accompanies you on that journey) that matters.


    My guess is that BW may do a little data mining and notice the characters who are doing the PvP exploit thing and have them re-roll.


    A early access total character wipe is unlikely IMO. However, that said BW did only advertise a maximum of 5 days of early access for pre-orders...they could use this as a shield from the inevitable flame storm that a complete wipe would cause.

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