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Posts posted by Vaspyre

  1. this. The Assault Specialist (PvP) tree is better with Vanguards since they get a guaranteed proc of plasma cell, which means they always can use Sweltering Heat and slow peeps. Plus the Harpoon, and gap closer jump (don't know the name), which gives them some cc and utility.


    Plus there are better bonuses on the endgame PvP and PvE gear for Vanguards. If I could do it over again I would run Vanguard instead of Commando.


    Almost forgot about guard and taunt which get you 4 medals for sure in Warzones without even doing any damage.


    So since you already have a jedi healer, you would be disappointed in the Combat Medic healing tree, so Vanguard becomes a clear and better choice.


    Im 50 on my commando 3/12/25 spec and kick some serious butt. If you want to be close range (and yes they have guaranteed procs with plasma cell but its a 10m range, almost have to be on top of them) be a Vanguard. In Ilum having that 30m snare is great for runners. Spamming hammer shot itll go off very often anyways. If you get jumped by a melee use concussive force and just kite them around with plasma cell up.


    I have 2 knockbacks, insane crit chance atm (33% ranged 34% tech/37% if im using plasma cell) I have crazy survivability even without speccing into any heals. If im getting in trouble use the 25% dmg reduc shield, the HoT, and drop both the insant and free cast abilities, use the slow casting heal to instantly heal yourself for a good amount, then use a medkit and that usually brings me back to full. Cant tell you how many times I healed a runner with the ball getting beat on at their goal area and because I was healing them they got the goal, even with my slow heals.


    My High Impact Bolt does insane dmg if im using armor piercing (35% armor pierce through the cell, 30% through assault line, its free to use since it costs 1 ammo and I gain 1 ammo and refreshes often with full auto and charged bolt.


    The only drawback is that vanguards get some easy medals, the only 1 I get through my commando is 2.5k heal. Could get 75k heal if I tried tho.


    Honestly at first I wish I went vanguard but im really loving this class now.

  2. I run a 0/12/28 spec commando and the mobility is amazing. I can be a turret if I need, but high impact, incendiary, sticky grenade, hammer shot with either armor piercing or plasma (if I need to kite) is all instant, full auto refreshed high impact almost always. I love the spec
  3. So I'm 50 now. Maxed out crit in medic and put 1 point in reflexive shield. Since 1 point in reflexive gives yout a 50% chance to lower the cooldown on reactive by 3 seconds and it only works every 1.5s, 2 points is 100% chance but still only works every 1.5s I felt like 1 points sufficient. Atm my crit chance is 32% surge is 71%. this spec is really fun. still want to try the medic/assault hybrid but it's gonna cost me 100k atm. Gonna wait that out.
  4. I've also been looking into a hybrid 3/13/25 to see how that works. I give up Burnout in AS for Concussive Force and GR in Gunnery. I might change my mind about GR though and put at least a single point back into Burnout. Something is better than nothing.


    Thats my build except dont use gr, better off using charged bolt when full auto is on cooldown to try to get high impact to refresh. I alternate between ap and plasma cells. Usually stick to ap since it makes high impact free to use and hit like a truck. Constant crits for 2.8-3.5. Lot of mobility and the knockbacks are great.


    Gonna try a medic/assault when it's cheap again. All the assault skills I use with my current built but 12 in medic. Focus on shield, break snare, uninterrupt, no pushback quick reuse shield. Lose knock back tho

  5. Thing is.. With my build anyways which is 12 in gunnery for just the knockbacks... couple in medic rest in assault. I use armor piercing mostly. high impact hits hard as hell. Refreshes alot with full auto ignores 65% armor and is free to use. I almost always top dmg and kills in wz. At 48 I'm critting high impact for over 3k. If my targets on fire most of my attacks do 9% more dmg, with armor piercing ignoring 35% even hammer shots hitting pretty hard.
  6. This is BY FAR the best Theme Song for Troopers



    We are the ones who will never be broken, with our final breathe, we'll fight to the death, we are soldiers! we are soldiers!


    We are the ones who will not go unspoken, no we will not sleep, we are not sheep... We are Soldiers! We are Soldiers!

  7. Im 48 right now. This is how my spec looks.




    I will probably take either reflexive shield or Quick thinking for my final 2 points.


    Im contemplating trying out a medic/assault hybrid which would look like this.




    The Shield would be pretty interesting. You can break snare, and never be inturrupted from healing, all while regaining the ability to use it whenever you get hit. You still could do some nice dmg with the assault line.

  8. Almost like my spec. I'm more assault, just enough for knockback in gunnery. High impact crits for over 3; and refreshes alot. Gonna try a medic assault combo. Shield would let me heal with no interrupt, remove snare and refresh quicker when I'm hit. Lose the gunnery tho
  9. Your def talking about concussion charge. I do it to force leapers all the time. As soon as I get rooted I know a leaper has... lept, right as they are about to land i use it and they are flung right back and I unload hell on them.


    I also do it to Juggs however and more often than not they never get knocked back because of the skill they can get that makes them immune, the bastards.

  10. copied and pasted from my post a few days ago


    Right now im only 46 so my spec is like this




    By 50 itll probably be something like this




    Maybe take the 2 out of Field Training to put them in Burnout or Reflexive Shield, however I feel like burnout isnt that great personally. Reflexive is good but it depends on if you want to lose out on 4% crit in both tech and ranged. Quick thinking is great for pvp of course.


    With this build you have a ton of utility for warzones. You get the crazy far aoe knockback, and the knockback on stockstrike, The 18s incendiary dot to help stop people from capping points and arming/disarming the bombs, increased dmg with charged bolts and I believe incendiary rounds since its considered a "Round" Increased tech crit with plasma cell on, lowered ammo use on charged bolts, which is now alot better to use when full auto is on cooldown. Lowered pushback on charged bolt and full auto.. which is still bugged but hopefully gets fixed soon...


    Stockstrike is great to use on tracer spammers since it knocks them back stopping them from casting, when they cast again do another knockback with concussion, by the time they land stockstrike is up from cooldown and you can hit them with it again, usually by then they are dead if you have been hitting them as you are sending them flying.


    This build makes melee no problem too since you have 2 knockbacks on a relativly short cooldown (even shorter with 2 pieces of Eliminator) and a snare from plasma cells. Just keep kiting them around, throwing stickies, high impacts and hammer shots... when you use conussive force use full auto or charged bolts a couple times, then repeat the kiting. If they snare you, you can break free with the snare break from Reactive shield. This is assuming they dont force leap you, which is why i usually save my concussive force for the leapers.


    If you feel like you dont want/need to use plasma cell, you can use armor piercing which lowers high impact ammo useage to 1... and when you use high impact on burning targets you get 1 ammo back so its free! Also hig impact ignores 30% armor in assault, and armor piercing ignores 35% so high impacts hit hard. So with Armor piercing High impact does 9% more dmg to burning targets and ignores 65% armor and refreshes alot with full auto and charged bolts , does 30% more crit dmg.. and is free to use.


    I love this build because you can be really mobile with just using incendiary round, hammer shots, high impact, stickies, plasma cell and the knockbacks. Or you can be a turret with charged bolts, full auto, high impact, and armor piercing if you feel like it.

  11. Right now im only 44 so my spec is like this




    By 50 itll probably be something like this




    Maybe take the 2 out of Field Training to put them in Burnout or Reflexive Shield, however I feel like burnout isnt that great personally. Reflexive is good but it depends on if you want to lose out on 4% crit in both tech and ranged. Quick thinking is great for pvp of course.


    With this build you have a ton of utility for warzones. You get the crazy far aoe knockback, and the knockback on stockstrike, The 18s incendiary dot to help stop people from capping points and arming/disarming the bombs, increased dmg with charged bolts and I believe incendiary rounds since its considered a "Round" Increased tech crit with plasma cell on, lowered ammo use on charged bolts, which is now alot better to use when full auto is on cooldown. Lowered pushback on charged bolt and full auto.. which is still bugged but hopefully gets fixed soon...


    Stockstrike is great to use on tracer spammers since it knocks them back stopping them from casting, when they cast again do another knockback with concussion, by the time they land stockstrike is up from cooldown and you can hit them with it again, usually by then they are dead if you have been hitting them as you are sending them flying.


    This build makes melee no problem too since you have 2 knockbacks on a relativly short cooldown (even shorter with 2 pieces of Eliminator) and a snare from plasma cells. Just keep kiting them around, throwing stickies, high impacts and hammer shots... when you use conussive force use full auto or charged bolts a couple times, then repeat the kiting. If they snare you, you can break free with the snare break from Reactive shield. This is assuming they dont force leap you, which is why i usually save my concussive force for the leapers.


    If you feel like you dont want/need to use plasma cell, you can use armor piercing which lowers high impact ammo useage to 1... and when you use high impact on burning targets you get 1 ammo back so its free! Also hig impact ignores 30% armor in assault, and armor piercing ignores 35% so high impacts hit hard. So with Armor piercing High impact does 9% more dmg to burning targets and ignores 65% armor and refreshes alot with full auto and charged bolts , does 30% more crit dmg.. and is free to use.


    I love this build because you can be really mobile with just using incendiary round, hammer shots, high impact, stickies, plasma cell and the knockbacks. Or you can be a turret with charged bolts, full auto, high impact, and armor piercing if you feel like it.

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