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Posts posted by Starwitch

  1. I was one of those Amazon customers who did not have release day shipping available to me. My Collector's Edition arrived today and I want to thank Bioware's customer service reps and Amazon for their hard work. I've been a loyal Amazon customer since the year of its launch and never once have they let me down. Thanks Stephen and staff!
  2. 'Such prohibited third party software or devices can include, but are not limited to, those in the nature of “addons”, “hacks”, “cheats”, “trainers”, “mods”, or the like by any name.'


    Even though, I have a G13, I don't use the macro system but I would assume you can judging by the language. The old EULA used to include macros on that list but I guess they took it out from the confusion on whether or not products like Naga and the Logitech G series macro system would violate the game.


    But I don't know.

  3. Having a 50 Vanguard in beta, it is possible to solo boss level mobs equal to your level. However, by 40 most of the bosses are immune to slow and incapacitating effects. Also you can play hide n seek with alot of ranged bosses. Just plop your healing companion down and use line of site.


    Having said that, some kite and HnS fights can take literally half an hour to do. Its just easier to type LFG and save your fingers premature arthritis.

  4. *Reposting this here because it is impossible to have a discussion in general chat at the momemnt*


    I just reached level 16 as a Trooper and was given my starship. Zero fanfare or sense of achievement. Just a nonchalant "Hey take this thing". Minutes earlier I sat through line after line of boring voice over for glorified kill quests spread throughout an unnecessarily massive area of lower Coruscant. This all got me thinking about the main feature of this "story" driven MMO.


    Is the trooper class quest more boring than the others? Is every class this way? Does a Jedi defeat a Sith Lord only for the quest giver to say "Yea that was cool, go do it again on the next planet". I thought the class stories were supposed to make this game unique and interesting. At this rate the class quests are like every other quest in the game, except they don't end. I would roll another character in a heartbeat if I were told that his mindless dribble doesn't extend to every other class story.


    Having played a 50 trooper in beta, you won't be disappointed. You just hit a slow point in the story line. Without posting spoilers, it gets slow from 16 to 24. then the rest of the way it gets awesome. Let me put it to you this way, I wasn't planning on leveling a trooper til 50. But by 30 it was so good, I just flew all the way to 50.


    Some classes lull at different levels, like SW kind of drags a bit at 28ish to 34. So it just depends on the story. But it does get really good.

  5. I feel for you guys who didn't get in yet. Nothing aggravated me more than those people coming on the boards on day 1 who were thumbing their noses at everyone else, when they should've been just playing the game.


    That being said, the OP is correct, you won't be disappointed. There are very few bugs. The only one I can think of in 12 hours of play is some sort of map FPS lag. I was a closed beta tester for the last 4 months and I'm even surprised. Its worth the wait.

  6. http://www.vgchartz.com/charts/preorders.php


    This is just USA charts


    Week ending------------ total Preorders:

    10th december----------939,358

    03rd december----------916,490


    26th november----------900,756

    12th november----------753,132

    5th november------------698,589


    29th october-------------654,810

    22nd october------------606,078

    15th october-------------548,505

    8th october--------------518,222


    24th september---------426,136

    17th september---------402,915

    10th september---------386,137


    20th august--------------301,650

    13th august--------------264,924

    6th august---------------203,931


    30th july-----------------119,260


    Statistically, there were more pre-orders (203,931 approx) between 21st - 6th august (8 days!) than there was over any other month.


    Also assuming that Europe will almost have had more or the same number of preorders over the days 8 days (200,000+ again) we can assume that less than >350,000 invites were sent out on day one.


    November showed a incredible increase of pre-orders.


    Within logical reasoning, we can believe that Bioware have used the past 17 hours since the last wave of invites to assess the success and failure of servers. This is in fact a stress test, and Trial and Error is a common method of stress testing.


    TL : DR We should expect more than 5 waves today, on the 14th of December including around 200,000 additional players that pre-orders between July and september.



    ps: Ill make a thread about this data as well!


    I haven't seen the preorder break down but you can definitely see the trend line on where the invites would lie. I wholeheartedly agree with you, despite what Reid says, it is a stress test. I'm also guessing that they are holding back some resources to see where they need it the most as the days progress.

  7. Yea, but since 13th of December isnt one of the days that would make or break any of the Biowares employees career (or maybe some yea, but not for the managers), they could just go home. Ppl will still play this game no matter what mess you can see on these crappy forums.


    The managers are even more at risk. Do you know that a couple of rating agencies upgraded EA's stock partially because they think this will be a smashing success? If the MMO pattern holds true and this isn't a success, you better believe some of the managers will be fired. Trust me, this is the career defining moment for alot of the people working on this project.

  8. Even Bioware are only ppl.

    Do You work 24 hours a day every day in week?


    I dont think so. Let them work their 8 hours and go home to their families like every normal human.


    Ever had a presentation due that could make or break your career? Well I have, and you don't work your normal 8 hours and go home to your family.


    Also, give them a break. This is the first time they have ever launched an MMO, and maybe they want work out the kinks internally (not just server load and stability, but personnel performance as well) for the next week, figuring out what needs to be reinforced, and making sure that everything runs smoothly before letting the masses into the game.


    This is anticipated to be the largest release of any MMO ever. The amount of pre-orders is astounding. Give them a week to make sure everything will be ok for release. I would rather they find issues now than when the floodgates open.



    I agree with you for the most part, but the implementation of the EGA shows a lack of experience that Bioware has with MMO's. What MMO does a staggered launch? It was probably some marketing exec who made the decision to get more money upfront to fund the game, not understanding what MMO launch is like.


    Personally, I'm going to just chalk it up as a learning experience for Bioware and move on.

  10. I ordered the CE from Amazon as soon as it was available, but I didn't check my email because I went on vacation to Hawaii, Tahiti and Thailand a few days later. Came back a few weeks later and realized I had to enter the code.


    Its no skin off my back since I got friends who saved my name for me, and I was in closed beta for a while.

  11. I think the staggered launch is going to be a bigger issue for the most populated servers. Guilds are going to be firmly set and their late arrival friends will join them. Because the EGA people will be less apt to move because they've leveled already, you might see some really big queues.


    But for some of the other medium sized servers, it shouldn't be an issue.

  12. So,

    100 Servers


    Lets say each can take up to lets say 5,000 without lagg



    that equals 50,000 players at any given time


    Now you release the pre-access launch to everyone,


    And the Queues are up..and you wait for 2-3hours..then you get in..


    And in the end everyone gets equal gaming time







    Bioware are so innovative, Voice over quests.. pre-access email send outs..

    ohh the creativness


    100 x 5,000 = 500k

  13. What could have alleviated the rage is if they invited waves from 8 am to 12 mindight


    Could even be same amount of players as were invited today but the image would have been of them working around the clock to get up and running


    Stopping at 3;30 pm est was the ENTIRELY WRONG MESSAGE TO SEND and has honestly caused most of the back lash.


    What could haver prevented the rage


    Equal access to all - simple


    Treat everyone equal and most rage goes away!


    Oh sure you will still have a acceptable amount of anger over servers/lag/ even names in some cases but over all, most of this would be gone.


    But Bioware/EA made artificail social status for groups and the people have played them to a t


    Those in the launch posting here, man you cant get much more self satisfied and arrogent then they been


    And some of those out have railled like end of world is happening


    they played their social status roles to a T


    So what could have prevented 905 of the rage, BETTER CHOICES BY BIOWARE/EA!



    I agree with alot of what you said but there is quite a bit of whining going on as well. But I think that Bioware's relative inexperience with a MMO has a large part of the rage. I don't think you'll see a staggered launch again in an MMO.

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