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Posts posted by Droidist

  1. This is their game and they've done what they want with it. At least they warned us. I for one am taking a break to see how things shake down. Been playing on and off in solo mode since this game came out (early release) and spent probably too much in the cartel market.


    I don't think this new game is aimed the established player base, or that we really matter. Rather they are aiming for a new player base that doesn't know what the old game was like.


    No you can't have my stuff, it's cached under a rock on some frozen planet, just in case.


    Have fun!

  2. I love that companions are actually like real people, they can switch roles. This is one good thing the expansion brought in.


    I hate that we have to grind to get our companions back, so I've avoided that... I also HATE that you can't customize the new ones you get. Played only one of my characters through the expansion only to find I don't get them back without a STUPID grind. So I'll probably unsub soon as I finish the last two story lines I have to complete - gun slinger and commando.


    I also have zero desire to spend any money in the cartel market anymore because I can't customize my characters. I do mean zero, not even tempted where as before I'd get stuff even when I probably shouldn't have...:)


    I think someone didn't really ask the players what they wanted... in other words, market research.


    The game will probably be better off without me, I'm only being negative anymore with this game. The expansion is responsible for that I suspect.



  3. Yes, I put one character through the expansion, and no more will go because you loose the ability to customize companions. This is a REALLY important feature to me, and all of my companions are customized, and I have gathered entire outfits to mix and match for different effects. I can't believe they would just drop this feature.


    If they are bringing back character customization like the original characters then I'll be happy. I have lots to do still while I wait and see what will happen. If customization through clothing/armour doesn't come back, then ya, I will be really disappointed, and then I have to weigh my opinions with other games that still have customization. The outfit is half the story... and I don't want stupid "cube" outfits instead of actual clothing.


    It can't be that hard to keep a feature in game they already had... can it??

  4. First, I think there will be some bad and not all good to level sync. I am not sure what the justification was for this change. I'm sure it's posted somewhere, but these things are usually dressed up as being good for you, and keeping the game exciting, etc. Why would they say anything else?? Really??


    Second, if I don't like it I am free to take my sub and go somewhere else, I've been playing this game on and off since early play and followed it online for a year before that... so I'm going to wait and see what actually happens before I get worked up about all of this... I also have my foot in a couple of other MMO's atm, and they don't have level sync... thankfully. They are doing just fine. I do like Star Wars and hope I can continue to enjoy this game... So another reason not to be worked up about this... just yet, I can always go somewhere else.


    Third, I wonder how many gamers play this game and don't bother to check the forums, and who will log in on day one of this expansion and wonder, OMG what did Bioware just do?? - how will they feel?? A big chance is being taken here.


    Fourth, I was playing SWG (was in from the beginning of that one too) when the NGE hit and it sorta rolled out like this in some ways, a lot of peeps on the forums saying it was going to be all good, quit your complaining and whining and bang within three months (player activity actually went up for the first of couple of weeks) the game was pretty well dead... my entire guild was gutted, etc... and the rest is text book history. Heck I even remember when someone posted about all the changes and no one believed him lol. Boy were we wrong... BTW, the NGE was supposed to simplify the game and make it more interesting for people and increase subscriptions. Those were the justifications. The point being that most people don't post on the forums, so what's the general consensus here, probably isn't the general consensus in the game.


    So, radically changing a game is a big chance for dev's... "someone" is saying these changes must be good, and only time will tell. I do know that no dev makes changes they think will be bad, they just sometimes think they know better than the player base... is that happening here, who knows? I would not be surprised that economics is playing a big factor in this particular decision.


    I personally hope they put in a toggle. People who want a "challenge" can get it - since someone must have been whining and asking for this sort of change... and peeps who want to do the RP, or what ever, can do that too. Win-win and no one can really be sad about that. Call it an insurance policy for the devs.


    My two cents.

  5. Going back to over level and explore old content is a HUGE part of many MMO's, in fact, some devs encourage it. I think they will have a toggle, which is the way I want it. What is the point of leveling, if everything is still a challenge, even the stuff that you did when you were lower level. The whole idea doesn't fit with gaming theory even where by your character becomes more powerful if you really don't become more powerful??


    In fact, many solo players experience group parts of the game by over leveling, and I can't believe they would just tell those people to "stick it, and please leave our game".


    So toggle is the only way.

  6. I want a toggle for it. I will promptly turn it off and leave it off. I really like going back and soloing old content, and I really don't want to loose that...


    Sheesh, I am also almost 60 and wanted to do the old HK quests.


    Win-win, high successful people and companies do this!!


    Thank you Bioware!

  7. I am expecting some new hair styles, however, I highly doubt any additional character sliders or anything. I imagine that would take an entire rewrite of code somewhere, also additional data to be downloaded by everyone for each character they see, so more lag, especially in pvp. They might be able to swing some more faces thou...


    I would be happily wrong if they did give more character customization. I didn't realize how important to me it was until I logged into another game to look at new models, hated them all and logged right back out. It's a sure fire way to ruin a game in my opinion.

  8. I have done this fight as both sage and shadow. Yep, put companion on passive, run away soon as he grapples you, then force run back to him once he's done so he doesn't get too much damage in while you are closing in on him (as shadow), for sage, just bubble and heal/dps after running away. You must run away no matter what once grappled.


    There is also another fight later (same planet) that still bugs where your companion leaves the room and won't fight with you... that one was annoying.

  9. Hi,


    Well Star Fighter is out, and I guess it's good for PVP and I hope you PVPers are enjoying it.


    I was just wondering what might be coming our way for PVE content. I figure quite a lot as they must be making a killing with the Cartel Market.


    - New profession - hopefully droid maker... making our own companions (or selling them on the GTN) would be cool.

    - Bar(s) where we could pick up new companions - yep this could be good :-)

    - New planets with lots of PVE content. Solo and group.

    - New ways to level on above said planets so leveling an alt would be refreshing and not regrinding.

    - PVE "off the rails" space content with player or capital ships.


    - A monthly release of new PVE content. Keep it coming.


    That's about it. Any other new ideas?



    Hopefully everyone had a relaxing holiday of some sort or another lately.

  10. I signed up to play Star Wars, not Sleaze Wars. You are appealing to the wrong customer base with the nearly-naked Sleaze avatars BioWare. You are going to lose a lot of good customers who dont want to see it. I know my girlfriend doesn't want me to see it. This may sound a bit coarse but I did not bring the coarseness into this game, you did BioWare. If I wanted to see that crap in an mmo, I would play an adult mmo where you could have your every sick, twisted fantasy fulfilled. I lead a family friendly guild. There is nothing family friendly about sleaze wars.


    For the record, I dont have a problem with the following game content or features:


    Same sex companion/master relationships.

    Skimpy costume wearing club dancers or even club dancer costumes as long as those costumes look like star wars costumes from the star wars canon.


    I do have a problem with sleazy elements from pop culture being injected into SWTOR including big hair, jog bras, tube tops, string bikinis etc. I am not interested in playing some cheezy, teasing adult MMO. Those elements just demean a great game and canon. I want EA/BW to show some respect for the game.


    To make matters worse, I play on an RP server. I am a rolepolayer, I lead an rp guild. You are turning the game into a joke with this Sleaze wars crap. Half-naked club dancers I can understand but jog-bras on jedi and sith? Seriously? Please remove this crap from the game or at the very least RP servers. I am a star wars fanatic but I am no prude. I have read all of the novels and graphic novels on ToR. There is nothing canon about Breasts butts, big hair, string bikinis and lightsabres.


    You are going to lose a lot of good paying customers over this BioWare, me and my guild for starters. Enough of this crap, do something about this BW. We have a profanity filter, how about a sleaze filter? Make it client only, allow us to freaking turn it off or something. And please, please remove sleaze-wars from RP servers.


    For the record, I am not alone in these sentiments. I lead a multi-gaming community with over 2,000 members in WoW, Guild Wars 2, PlanetSide 2 and SWTOR. The leaders and officers of our guilds are in broad agreement with me on this. We have a lot of couples and families in our organization. Our organization is a family-friendly organization and we will not support any game that is not family-friendly.


    Ok, just because someone else has different values than you, does NOT give you the right to impose your puritan values on someone else. The universe is a big place, if you are so ethno-centric then go home and play on your own planet only.


    Besides, families on other planets also agree their culture is normal and that you are acceptable as long as you recognize that in a democracy such as the republic you value diversity and tolerance of others. Heck Jedi died protecting your rights to express your opinion and you should respect the rights of others to express theirs. It will be a sad day in the republic when only one set of values is allowed, one could even say draconian. So if you love only your values join the empire, be evil and be intolerant of others. Not very family like, but hey.

  11. The variety of clothing in this game is one of it's biggest strengths in my opinion. Keep coming with all types of outfits. I think the fact that you can mix and match, dye, etc is a very powerful customization feature that is slowly getting better all the time. I don't mind the skimpy or the covered up look, the powerful, the plain, they all belong, as they allow player freedom and expression. Bring it all on!


    In fact this is one of the major reasons I like this game.

  12. To the OP - I agree it would be nice to see more story.



    Voice actors, etc., cost lots of money, we aren't going to see any more of that at a class specific level (notice the companions in the latest space fighter expansion have no voices?). Even the devs at wow dropped class specific stories for the most part because the inventors don't see the rate of return they would like - corporate greed at it's best (why settle for 10% when you can get 12%?). So... what might we see?


    1) Perhaps generic companions that all classes can get with a generic story line. These might even be romance-able by both sexes, and even cross faction, so that way the entire game gets them. Or... they might just sell them...


    2) Over arching stories that all people can do.


    That's about it.


    I could be wrong on this, but my bets is EA wants to see way more money returned on their initial investment before they ever agree to investing lots again. Thus, the micro expansions, and even the exploration of what the game is all about - ie., the pvp only space fighting expansion just to see how it does.


    On the entire MMO front, I think all devs are a little worried. It's a cut throat business, and even WoW is loosing people because nothing "new" has been released, ie., same old dailies, raids, instances. It's all been done and rehashed a few times over now.


    Stories are what sells novels, and in the end stories will be what sells MMO's, otherwise they are really FPS in disguise.

  13. I currently have a windows 8 phone and I am switching back to iphone the second I can afford it. It was the stupidest move for me personally I have ever done. Mine was made by samsung, but others might be better - freezes, no service while others on the same carrier with iphones do have service, updates not working or even installing, no legacy support, etc... the lack of features and bug list goes on.


    I can see why they don't support windows phones atm. Perhaps later. My experiment is over and I will never go back to another windows phone again.

  14. /waves hand at devs


    "You do not like shoulder pads, you want to go home and rethink your creative style. You do NOT want to re-create WoW style armor with FREAKING HUGE SHOULDER PADS!!!!!"


    Devs - "For shame... (wailing and gnashing of teeth) We want to go home and rethink our creative style. We will not have WoW style armor with FREAKING HUGE SHOULD PADS..."


    ... and all is well...

  15. I thought it was pretty cool. I also liked that unlike some other trailers (hope), they don't have a person who doesn't really exist ability wise in the game. I would still LOVE to have a double bladed saber on my jedi knight lol, or a jedi shadow that can actually use the force like Satele Shan did.
  16. Any system containing forced PvP has no place on PvE servers.


    This a thousand times; you can't or shouldn't force people to pvp if they don't want to on pve servers. That's why they exist, and why all content for pve servers should be just that, pve only unless the players want to pvp by selecting it.

  17. Almost nothing divides the community like solo versus group gameplay. I guess it all depends on how you define each term. Solo usually meaning by yourself, and group usually meaning in a group of two or more.


    I believe that MMO's need a community of some sort. I think that group finders, etc., are what ruined group play for me. I don't even try anymore, as I you never know what kind of jerk you're going to end up with. As well, after serious raiding at one point in my gaming career, I simply decided I don't have the time anymore. So, I would define that community for me as people showing off their stuff in the fleets, cities, etc. Guilds are there too, social and progression and can be a lot of fun.


    Right now this game holds my interest because of the story lines, in fact, I haven't maxed any of my toons on purpose, because although I'll still have things to do, the returns will be stupidly low, verse the effort and time put into obtaining them - in my opinion of course. So my highest is 53. So I agree with the OP.


    I suppose giving daily bosses loot mechanics might be a way of giving solo players access to loots that currently only group players have. There are lots of solo "bosses" out there right now too, especially if you count the bounty hunter dailies. This isn't quite what the OP wanted, however, it still gates some content for group only, and yet allows a solo player a chance to gear up and make dailies easier, etc., from doing just that - dailies (which are boring as hell in my opinion too after the third time).


    Currently, I think eventually the new gear and different mounts, etc., as rewards is only going to burn itself out as a game play mechanic to keep the solo player interested, and as the devs of wow found out, players won't be herded into activities they don't want to do (group play for example) if they don't like it - they quit instead. So eventually this issue is going to have to be addressed by a MMO out there somewhere. I think the one that does get it right will see their playerbase grow through the roof - my opinion again. Take a look at any older MMO that has tried to keep people going on the gear grind, while only giving solo players second fiddle - a new expansion increases subs, because the solo players come back to check out the new stuff including gear increases for them, max out for solo stuff and then leave again... subs drop. End game for solo players can't be ignored anymore.


    Good luck to the OP I hope too that we get "real and value" solo activities in this game.


    My two cents...

  18. My wife has the 4 gig of ram, 27 inch i5 imac from last year (2012), she played the game for awhile using boot camp and window 7, and it ran fine using a 50 gig partition. I did install some fan control software so she could turn up the fans, but other than that it worked perfectly.


    I am thinking of getting a mac for my next computer too, she loves her Mac, and I love the fact that I never have to worry about drivers, etc.

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