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Posts posted by Gomatoe

  1. Everything should be updated. I'm currently working on some minor formatting issues with the spoiler tags and I'm planning on removing linked forum posts (slowly). Additionally, I'm reordering the operation list so that more important things (EC > KP/EV) are near the top. Please alert me to typos.


    Thanks for the update! Much appreciated.

  2. If I am not mistaken isn't Jung Ma the only remaining RP-PvP realm? I expect that this is, among other reasons, perhaps why free transfers have not been given, or at least why none have been openly spoken about yet.


    All of us CHOSE to roll on an RP-PvP realm.. Be it Ajunta Pall, Jung Ma, Ven Zallow... It is not Bioware's fault that the majority of the SWTOR populace has gravitated towards different realms. Straight PvE or PvP realms have always been more popular in the MMO world and I don't see why Bioware should OWE anyone a free transfer just because this server category is less popular.


    I understand that some of you are upset, and I understand your desire to move off of the server, but I just don't understand the purpose in firing up the internet hate machine against Bioware. They didn't make you roll RP-PvP :p


    I am sure transfers will come eventually, just be chill! Be reminded that there are guilds on both factions that regularly engage in PvP and PvE content. If you feel like you're just not getting an adequate "fix" perhaps you might want to consider applying with a new community.

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