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Posts posted by Daot

  1. Where are my boys at?! GoE KTD GRD......Bomaz, Kham, Youllbe? Anyone?! We got a server where a majority of folks are at??

    Hey man good to see you found your way here, seems as if most of Bria split off to Veela Server or Helmet of Graush. I'm rolling with daakal, shox, alot of others on veela with FTW. Kham is playin with ato on helm, tho I'm not sure anymore since I saw an LFD tag running around today.

  2. Holy crap...I can actually post now??? I guess they figure put the premaban on now and save some time.


    Thiweo from RFR checking in. I'm on Warriors of the Shadow.


    Now thats a name I have not heard in a long time...good to see you made it over here. Im on veela with shox and some others guys not sure where Ill end up tho have another toon on Helm

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