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Posts posted by Darkeus

  1. I just made my way back to on the Shadowlands Sever. You wanna talk about a long time. I was a founder. I really have not played (other than jumping back on to see what was new and logging off for another large amount of months.)


    So yeah, this kind of information is helpful! I am really behind on the new stuff. And now the new expansion will change things again. :p

  2. Having gone through much of this thread, I see that many of the people who deny that there are problems with server populations cite the in game indications (Light, Standard, etc.), along with insisting that, at primetime, no servers have problems. Okay. Personally, I'd like to dispense some choice words in your direction about what ridiculous arguments these are, but, instead, I'm going to see if I can't enlighten you a little.


    I play on Imperial on The Courageous. Right now, it is 7:40ish, EST on a Saturday evening. I think we can all agree that this is going to be one of the busier times, if not the busiest, a server is going to be on any given week. Let me give you some stats.


    First, let's look up how many people are on Fleet, which seems to have become the common benchmark: 28


    Now, Dromund Kass. For you rebels to be, that's the equivalent of Coruscant, so we're talking people in their early teens: 60


    Not terrible. How does that progress? Balmorra. Again, future rebels, that's the equivalent of Taris, so we're talking late teens, early twenties: 28


    It just gets worse, but lets keep going. Nar Shaddaa: 23


    Tatooine: 21


    Alderaan: 23


    Taris (late thirties): 13


    Hoth: 9


    I don't need to keep going, do I? Oh, by the way, The Courageous? Right now, it's listed as Standard. Look at those numbers again. That's Standard. Now, look at the server list again. How many Standards do you see? Yeah. Bioware needs to bite the bullet here and consolidate some servers.




    77% of all numbers on the internet are made-up. Please be able to back up your stats....

  3. I think some people need to get out of the WoW mentality and get into the SWTOR mentality. Companions use the same gear as player characters. What is the problem with rolling need for a companion? My friends and I do it when we group together, it is called adapting to the game that you are playing. This is not WoW, this is a different MMO with different rules and design. Everybody has a companion and they use they to play the game.


    Some old fashioned ideas here, ideas that do not apply to this game.

  4. It's not some conspiracy. You simply have a more popular server/ better player enviroment/ or some other factor.


    My experience remains though. I can't find a group.


    Maybe, maybe not..... Don't know.... I am just here on the forums waiting for the game to install to my new laptop. I will be playing and grouping soon. Sorry you have been having so many problems finding groups....

  5. Lol, another person claiming (Falsely it seems) that there is no-one to group with. Either Thana Vesh (The server I am on) is some super server where everyone is nice and groups together and talks or these threads are highly exaggerated....


    I am going to go with the latter. I am sure there are some low pop servers but most of the time it seems to be pretty busy during peak times.


    And plus, I don't know about you guys but some of us work. Some of us work and go to school. I have played twice this week but it sure wasn't because I am bored or can't find a group. I don't have time to play everyday....

  6. 3 phases of new MMO's.


    1. Early Access - WAHHHHHHHHHHHHH I WANT TO PLAY OPEN 1,000 servers I don't care. There has to be room for me to play, it's not fair. WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH


    2. Queue times - WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Open more servers I want to play and I don't want to wait. I would rather play by myself than wait in a queue. WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH


    3. Month after launch - WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH All the servers are dead, you made too many I can't believe you fail this hard. This game is dying and you don't even care. Why make so many of them? I told you I would sit in a queue to avoid having this issue in a month or two. WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH


    I could never run a MMO because I would have access and street information to these peoples houses. I would be in prison.




    I never realized that some MMO players are so damn OCD! And half crazy. Seriously, some of the most ungrateful and unsatisfied people on the damn planet!

  7. To be fair, I think he is talking about the career haters and trolls that have frequented this forum. I am sure they realize, along with many of us, that the game is not perfect. I don't know if I would go as far as the OP but there are some bugs and some imperfections. However, I feel that they have a solid enough base to make a great game.


    MMO games are about growing with the game as a community. We pay so that we can play and they can improve the game. They have been putting out patches at a fast pace and already adding content.


    Some people may not agree with the decisions they make but it doesn't mean BioWare is wrong. They have a plan and they are sticking to it. Will it work? Well, I think so but that is yet to be seen.

  8. That's all he wants.


    I watch all the cutscenes, too, but people are getting mad at this guy like he's doing something deceptive when in reality, people can just avoid his group.


    Let the people who want to skip cutscenese group together and we all go on our own happy ways.


    I agree.


    I do think this game is not what he is looking for if he wants to skip the cutscenes the first time through but if you have done the content a few times and you want to do the flashpoints without watching the scenes, more power to ya.


    But yeah, in general. The guys is advertising "no cutscenes". Let him try to find a group that shares what he is looking for. No reason to give the guy hell.

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