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Posts posted by EzronDax

  1. I support this 100%


    They did press for the collections system talking about the Revan mask as an example "if you have it on one character, have it on them all via collections" and that never worked out


    If its impossible to make the mask seperate in collections, add the belt and gloves to the cartel reputation vendor for cartel certs at least make it possible for people to get the ability to share via collections without spending 14m (the combined price of gloves and belt on my server as of Friday)

  2. Was just going to make a post about this but did a search and found yours:


    it would be smart to move these things closer together or even go a step further and have multiple placements for the ship additions (Droid, dummies, GTN, Mail) and allow people to choose

  3. Point us to where they promised it was going to be anything else beyond an animation ...Point us to where they wrote any information or description beyond a naming it as a relaxation chair.


    Same as the guy yesterday. Its a case of YOU built up in YOUR imagination what YOU perceived to be getting. Bioware didn't promise anything and the disappointment comes from only YOURSELF building it up to something it was never stated to be in the first place.


    Saved me the trouble or writing a post, cheers


    I cant wait until next cartel shipment when i can post my outrage at the items not being what i decided they should be

  4. Could you imagine mega servers with the current load problems due to collections


    "I'm gonna need to send a mail Tuesday, but i'll have to log on Monday and wait a whole day for the mail terminal to load"

  5. I do very little at 55, my PVP missions and crafting and the very (very) occasional Flashpoint


    I potter about on lowbies more than anything


    There is plenty of endgame content for me to do but im not a big PVE player and the PVP in this game is boring so i dont do much of it.

  6. Its not the first CM armor set that i havent been interested in and it wont be the last, its not a perfect science... pleasing the masses


    I do think, as a wider topic they would be more successful if they scanned the suggestion forums, picked out 3 or 4 sets that they can actually put in game and threw up a poll on the forums... most popular gets put into the game that way sets that people want would make it in and if a set you wanted didnt make it in BW could just tell you "hey, you guys should have voted for it"

  7. I logged in right as the servers went up after STO's expansion and ive not had an issue playing since, it got laggy once on release night but i had been on about 5 hours so it was time to log anyway, suffered no disconnects (that werent corrected after 20 seconds), no issues with lost characters - basically none of the problems the OP reports


    STO's one server policy can make it a choppy game experience around a content release but day or night all around the world there is a healthy population and always stuff going on, in a few days alot of people who returned only to try new content will have burned through it and almost all of your issues will be gone.


    And as far as daily restarts, there havent been daily restarts but there have been restarts, their update patch was HUGE, new content, UI update, texture updates they changed almost every part of the game and then when bugs got reported... they fixed them.


    I play both games and dont want to knock either of them but..... If TOR put out an update the size of Legacy Of Romulus then i think the game would crash, since they cant do a patch 5% the size without breaking things and cant fix them without having to reschedule the maintenance patch a couple of times - and those would only be for the issues that they even admit exist

  8. Dont usually do these but what the heck, most of these relate to 2.1 as i dont really have a beef with the game otherwise


    Fix the dye system

    Either make it so more are craftable, add in some colour combinations people might actually want to wear and/or allow us to combine primary and secondary dyes of our own (or overwrite an existing primary/secondary with an individual dye so we can create our own combinations)


    If you are absolutely set on the dyes coming from the CC then make it so people can buy limited use schematics for certain desirable dyes or buy a rare dye outright for an increased CC cost


    Make the collections system more useful/user friendly

    Requiring full sets be unlocked for armor is a bit low, most people who are creating a custom look dont do full sets and they are unable to make the most of the system without spending money on items they never intend to use just to make use of the set (or have to spend millions on rare Revan set peices to be able to share the Revan mask - the mask was used as an example all the way through one of your Q&A's obviously knowing full well people wouldnt need to unlock the full set to be able to actually do it)


    If you cant/wont make an adjustment here so individual peices can be duplicated, sell a CM item that converts an item to BoL so it can be shared or removed from a retired character.


    The interface is terrible, it should be easier to find items you've paid to unlock for all characters (a seperate tab or something)


    Actually fix the Voidstar stuck bug


    Too many Voidstars the last few days have people needing to quit out because they have died and respawn stuck in place

  9. Yeah it's a huge bummer. I was excited about the collection feature only because of Revan's Mask, and now I found out I need the whole set. Gloves 5 mill on the GNT, sash is not even for sale..


    Probably wishful thinking on my part that the system would allow me to access things i had won/bought outta cartel packs or cartel related systems on all my characters namely the Aratech Eclipse, Revan Mask, Spymaster gloves, a few other odd armor peices (i use to round out character outfits) - i dont wear complete sets of armor when i can help it because i like a unique look, only one of my characters has a full set as imagined by the developers, everybody else i've peiced together myself - if i buy full sets off the store i sell the peices i dont want, if i get them in packs i sell them


    But yeah, gloves and belt for that set just to unlock the peices i have - its a non starter - once again a good idea implemented poorly...

  10. Deliberate trickery methinks. Pretty ****** of them if you ask me.


    Its kinda not a big deal, system would have been useful, saved me credits (i cant tell you how many pairs of spymaster gloves i've bought) and the Revan stuff was just to have it on a few other character and companions, putting it into a set just means i wont get it, spending money trying to get the belt or buying it outright isnt something ill ever do because i'd never use it it would just be to unlock the other peices

  11. Hey everyone,


    Make sure that you have equipped every piece of any armor sets you are trying to claim within a collection as they will not show up until all pieces have been equipped.


    If you are still experiencing issues with specific items not claiming in the Collections Interface let us know exactly what isn't working for you. The more information we have the easier it will be to investigate. Thanks everyone!




    So the Q&A that mentioned Revan's mask as an example 3 or 4 times should have said Revan's full armor set"

  12. Thought this system would be great but its actually a massive letdown, nothing that i have that id want to transfer to other characters is showing up either because its stored in the collection as an entire set and i have peices or because its bugging out.


    the Revan stuff is my biggest annoyance, i have 2 masks, countless chests and robes and a few boots but to get extra masks i need everything :S


    Also, the cartel rep speeder seems to indicate that duplicates are available from the reputation vendor as part of the collection system but they actually mean sure duplicates are available, for 4 more cartel certs and 100k

  13. As of right now all ive done is cancel my recurring sub, im still here until June at least but i've been annoyed enough with the game to cancel the recurring sub which is a big deal for me - here are my reasons why


    1/ Open world PVP was a flop and WZ's arent my idea of PVP


    The PVP implementation of this game makes me sad, Ilum was a failure before it had begun because it went at day one to a single zone (when SWG moved to Restuss and the static bases it was after years of PVP anywhere after that PVP outside of those zones was rare) and Ilum was poorly implemented and laggy as hell and is now mothballed, Warzones where you cant queue a whole group of guildies and after close to 5 months are still left with people who cant/wont play objectively is terrible, add to that we have a 3 in 4 chance of playing same faction which means we're highly likely to queue guildie against guildie and its just not fun.


    2/ Expertise/Gear Grind/TTK


    My main (most geared/ranked toon) is a Commando, geared for DPS - which is largely a joke now as more and more Marauders and Shadow Tanks/Juggernauts are able to put out much more DPS with few to no inductions and interrupt most of a commandos DPS moves - i've tried multiple specs for my Commando but i'm not really suited to play healer and assault spec is better on a vanguard than a commando - I'm currently looking at my other 50's and lowbies trying to decide which one to level and gear but i'm angry that i'm being forced off my main.


    Expertise gear is a stupid system, coupled with lots of my gripes listed in #1 - you need the gear but your progression is hindered by the random aspect of the Q system - will you get a full team? will you get 4 bads along with your premade? will you get the 3 guys who always quit mid way through? also being on a low pop server Queues are slow most of the day, the need for expertise gear (not recruit, it blows) requires me to throw myself into WZ's over and over during my time in game which make them even more boring.


    3/ Friends leaving


    As a guild leader, it was a lot of work keeping our guild together in the years it took from us leaving SWG to starting TOR, we had people in LOTRO or WOW or STO but never all of us together, since December i've seen out large active group of friends thin out because they went from being super excited about this game and PVP servers and protecting our levelers and raiding cities and starports to being boxed in and rarely bothered by opposing faction - they felt like they were playing a single player game most of the time they loaded into a planet and were the only person there.


    4/ Credit Sinks/Legacy


    Im a PVPer by nature but in previous MMOs ive made the mistake of only having one character at max level so this time i leveled multiples, somewhat accidentally ended up with 3 50's quite early on in the game which gave me a high legacy level so i was interested/excited when legacy came around but it ended up being a bunch of fluff that wasnt worth the price that was being charged for it, i've seen people here (and ive been one of them) insisting that its easy to make credits in the game but ive come to realise its not about ease its about the time invested, what do you give up on doing because you have to farm credits to remod your armor (costs the better part of 200k to move War Hero stuff into an augmented peice)


    5/ Community


    It just doesnt feel like a server community to me and BW seems to have gone out of their way to make that so, no cross faction tells, no true server forums even same faction doesnt have any real community because there is no server wide chat channel - If i logged on today and BW had merged my server with another one it wouldnt be instantly noticable nor would it be a particular shame - i have no connection to the server im playing on or the people outside of my guild who play there

  14. I'm also PVPing alot less, this time last week i was planning to be working towards War Hero on one 50, Battlemaster on another and wondering if i would have time to level the new Shadow i wanted to make with legacy unlocks, as it turned out i've done as many warzones in a week as i used to do in a day and im currently leveling 3 new alts instead of just the one.


    Unfortunately ive played alot of MMO's this isnt a new thing, PVP gets "revamped" and it becomes less fun for a while - unfortunately for me when i lose interest in a games PVP i typically lose interest in the game, by the time my free month is up ill likely have 6 50's and if the current PVP system is still in place then ill have nothing to use them for.

  15. PVP issues are priority one for me, rewards, progression, matches starting with 4 and running the course and class nerfs revisited.


    After that probably the audio issues that have cropped up - turning every cutscene into a mimefest


    But really i'd happily never hear my characters speak again if the PVP issues got fixed

  16. I'm a PVPer first and foremost however me and most of my guild have dialed back our PVP to maybe 2 or 3 matches a day, just a terrible system overall and we've had more fun killing Sith in the new daily areas than we have in WZ's since Thursday.


    I have to believe that the PVP elements of 1.2 that went live have bore unexpected results, i cant believe any developer can look at the state of PVP in TOR now and say "Yeah, thats what i had in mind"


    Luckily i've been waiting for species unlocks and an excuse to level some more 50's and this is turning out to be just that

  17. Its a problem to be sure, the annoying things are


    (A) its hard to get angry at people quitting now because i understand their decision, although we could all im sure post examples (like others have) of warzones that people quit out of that ended up victories im sure we can give alot more examples of warzones that were losses purely because people quit


    (B) If 8 man Queues were in i'd be in with my guild and wouldnt have to worry about people quitting


    If you have limited time to play games and you are faced with the choice of spending an hour of them doing 3 warzones that end up losses through no fault of your own or doing something else, its becoming more and more simple to choose the something else - unfortunately for me my gameplay is based around PVP, should 1.2 be the shape of things for SWTOR as far as PVP goes it will likely lead to me calling time on the game


    A pug based PVP system was bad enough, no voice chat made it worse and these most recent additions make it even less appealing

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