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Posts posted by Ninos

  1. I believe that this is happening because people are leaving the war-zone and then it goes into "game ending" mode, then people come back into the game causing the sequence to abort and the then the game continues. This seems to bug the game for people trying to get awards.


    Not trying to be paranoid, I think the Sith on our server know about this and are leaving on purpose. Implementing a "deserter" de-buff is something that will be needed as well as an "afk" vote kick for the players in the warzone.

  2. As I said, I have haven't really seen to many post about the situation about the delayed UI, only thing is that i keep hearing form bioware is

    "We will do our best to continue to improve the games performance.." but they are never specific enough...



    I just want a post saying they acknowledge the specific problems happening with the UI stuttering problems and maybe Why its happening so we can stop worrying about our equipment/computer hardware being obsolete =(

  3. So any idea when or IF they will fix these issues with characters stuttering because of lag.... or even try to fix lags in Warzones? I am sick of watching my Shadow stutter Shadow strikes making it look like he did it almost 4 times before even 2 go off... I have looked all over the forums for any posts by Bioware and have yet to see anything related to lag issues...maybe I am looking in the wrong places. : /


    All of my abilities take time to actually go off maybe at times goes to a 1 second delay which is completely crazy..I am sorry if I am posting in the wrong forums but man having to spam my Force Stun like 100x in order for it to go off is ridiculous....


    Ok fine fps / UI lag is fine...but the UI is just so delayed atm that I can not do what I want to do in PvP warzones... outside Solo play, the game runs smoothly 60-80fps no problem at all I can Kick NPCs perfectly lol....



    It may just be me I dunno I have seen that this game is not very good for old processors like Quad cores and only I5 and I7 seem to be running the game smoothly which I find crazy to me.... I am going to stay calm and wait for patches... I really do not feel like going off and buying a new mother board new processor and new ram too just doesn't feel justified just for this game because honestly the graphics are not THAT amazing....


    btw I am running a Core 2 Quad 6600, ATI Radeon HD 5870, and 8Gb of ddr2 ram...(the game takes about 2-3gb of ram)

  4. So I have been playing for a while and this could be because of the server lagging or something is going on that is causing the abilities to not work properly when pressed..

    I have a situation where I am using a click modifier like Alt+mouse wheel for an ability and if I spam it to quickly the ability never goes off. This is important to me because I like having abilities go off INSTANTLY as soon as I press the damn button... not have my character stuttering in his animation.


    That is one of my main problems, mouse click and mouse wheel bindings need serious reworking.(And auto-run when it gets stuck in auto-run mode when you move the camera right when you hit the auto-run button.)Now i understand having a global but when it comes to trying to interrupt some one or trying to cast Take Down(sniper execute) and it doesn't go off... then its a matter of not killing someone or not... that simple..


    The point is the whole UI is very slow responding to my commands I feel almost TOO fast for the game in some cases(and no I am not saying I am good) This problems occurs even when there is no lag....


    I have also messed around with the ability queuing option in the interface page the one that ques abilities during certain times.. I tried 0, .25, and .5 they all do not see to work for me I dunno why


    I believe that the whole system of how abilities should be looked at again, this is not a slow paced game and MMO's should never be slow paced this is not a single player and in order for things to be successful things need to feel more polished...


    Time will tell and I will hope for the best until then I will continue to play and try to have fun as best as I can. I am a big fan of BioWare and I know that they can do it... its a rough part of year and we all want to be with our families so I guess its alright for now I don't expect anything major patching happening this time of year.


    Anyone else having a similar situation? Would you like to see a big improvement in the next couple months?


    Thank you



    p.s. This is not QQ'ing just wanted to post something to say I did and would like people to know about my situations in the game...

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