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Posts posted by DarthBeelzebub

  1. You all totally misss the point, I feel that everyone should have to go threw the same grind to get the gear I am in now. No reason why u shouldnt get your tails handed to u over and over like the rest of us did till we got the gear to be able to hang with the big boys.


    But you all come from a generation that thinks everything needs to be handed to u on a silver platter and are afraid to work for it! So we get what we get again nothing. PvP is about puting in the work to get the gear just like PVE u have to work for it but, With 1.6 again the cry babies get there way and the Vets who did al the work the hard way get nothing in return.......

  2. Devs its time that u give something to those of us that have put in the time to get are Warhero titles and above and have taken the time to get the gear. The last few times now we have got nothing in return.

    You keep giveing the gear away to all the cry babies becasue they dont want to put the time in, its not fair to those of us that have put the time and effort in to get the tittles and the gear.


    So how aboutt his give to us those with the War Hero title and above a expertise and stat boost (3-5%) and give it to us each time till we get Valor 100 that would be 4 boost's in all with valor 100 being the biggest boost. And make it worth while. You all know the time it takes to get valor 100 so reward those that have taken the time to get it.

  3. all this shows his he didnt care anything for the team he wasnt running ahead to pull the ball carrier along and was just in it for himself. You should really learn how to play the WZ's instead of going in and trying to make your e-pen bigger.


    myself i dont vote for jerks like you becasue you are the ones that usually throw the ball away and are doing there own thing and not working the objectivesand just there for themself.

  4. I thinik the change is great you are now getting the rewards for working as a team IF your not willing to do that LIke the OP who leaves when he cant get what he wants then you should not get anything.


    It does hurt when u enter a game to find out that someone like the OP left with ionly like 2 mins left in the game and your loseing because then u get boned on your coms but thats the person that left fault /

    They should take that into account on the amount of coms that you get on how long you were in the zone and wether or not you credited with a win or lost

  5. I dont think its broke there makeing you work as a team and you get rewarded for it if you win if you dont work the objectives then your not going to get anything, this is the way team base PVP should be everyone has to work tgether to achive it so all those crying about this is so unfair get over it.
  6. this is a good thing it prevents you from haveing all your gear before u are able to use it at valor 60

    That is why u are allowed to have only 1 bm bag in stock at a time enjoy the game and stop wanting things for free.


    wow kids these days the give me now generation.

  7. BW please dont allow this to happen this way this is just a slap in the face to those of us who have spent the time grinding in PVP to get the war hero title.


    Please stop giveing in to the demands of all the little ones who want things for free, we all had to put in the time being fresh lvl 50's to get the gear in pvp no reason why others shouldnt have to do the same...


    im sorry but the warhero stuff should be only allowed to those with the war hero title or you need to allow those that are War hero to have a full set of it right from the start.


    This is BS and those that have grinded to War hero already should have a advantage over those that havent put in the time and the grind to get it.

  8. im sorry but the warhero stuff should be only allowed to those with the war hero title or they need to allow those that are War hero to have a full set of it right from the start.


    This is BS and those that have grinded to War hero already should have a advantage over those that havent put in the time and the grind to get it.



    BW please dont allow this to happen this way this is just a slap in the face to those of us who have spent the time grinding in PVP to get the war hero title. Please stop giveing in to the demands of all the dry babies who want things for free we all had to put in the time being fresh lvl 50's to get the gear in pvp no reason why others shouldnt have to do the same...

  9. **** here is a Hint for all the map reading inpaired people when u look at the map North is always at the top of the map doesnt matter what side u are on North is at the TOP


    and here is a little saying that my 6 year old does so he doesnt forget when he looks at a map


    Never Eat Soggy Wheaties

  10. they might as well give it away becasue the way it is now is bull i worked hard to get valor 60 and now getting valor is a freaking joke.


    I for one am sick and tired of all the cry bags saying oh we need this we need that for free if you want it work for it like the rest of us had to do guess what we were all fresh 50's at one point get over it.


    BW needs to man up and stop giveing into all the crying fresh 50's on this gear hll there already makeing valor 2-3x faster then we did they dont need anything else

  11. Seems to me people want things for free now days and are just affraid to put the work into getting it.


    they expect every thing to be handed to them on a silver platter and rush to finish every thing as fast as they can and dont take the time to enjoy it.


    I for one think its working as intended i get at least 1 BM token a day and 2-3 when doing weeklys.


    I belive the OP is a fresh valor 60 and is ticked off at getting facerolled by the BM people and wants to be handed his gear now and not have to work for it. to bad its working as INTENDED

  12. I would love to see this big Valor gain everyone is saying they got i was on Ilum for 5 hours and to just get my daily done and i only got half a lvl of valor was lvl 51 now half way threw 52 and the empire had all the control points and we were hanging out in center


    the republic was to damn scared to come out and face us so there was no big valor gain on my server so gratz to those that got valor if u got any it just made the planet more fun to be on becasue it was pointless before no pvp action at all on it now there is so be happy for that

  13. If they allow duel spec its takeing away the whole feel of what star wars is you didnt see the emp out there kicking butt with lightsabers you saw him useing lighting to take down his foes


    They gave you a choice on how to make your charcter and they gave you a choice on how to redo it if you didnt like the choices you made.


    I just love how all these little kids think they should have every thing handed to them for free and not pay for it


    BW dont give in to all the little kids dont allow DUEL SPEC into this wonderful game

  14. All of you wanting to cap the respec should just get over it


    From the get go u had to make a choice on what your class was going to do you were giveing a skill tree to help make those choices and they gave you the oprion to go back and redo something u didnt like.


    The first few times are free to no cost its not there for you to keep going back over and over again if you wasnt to respec you SHOULD HAVE TO PAY THE COST or just go play a diffrent game and stop whinning about it becasue I am sure we can give u all some cheese to go along with it.

  15. would u like some cheese for your wine learnm to play your class i own almost every bounty hunter in pvp and im a SIS


    this game from what i can see is very will balanced so just learn to play it better

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