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Posts posted by Lhaim

  1. Yup, theres no updates whatsoever. Its like they already gave up to, maybe heavy layoffs have been communicated and the motivation/workflow went down the drain.


    I am necroing myself because i knew it.


    On that note, anyone else noticed that EA/Bioware is sending out a survey to swtor customers that heavily concentrates on f2p mmos? (I´ll necro this one to once this game hits f2p "soon" or "when its ready"...)

  2. You NEED to get High-Friction Bolts and Ionic Accelerator. They will do much more for your DPS than the SS/Tactics talents. With those, you get a free HiB every ~9s that restores 1 ammo, and does huge, armor-penetrating damage. Until you max out those two talents, your ammo management is going to suck as Assault. Respec and get them.





    You could also try full tactics for leveling and respec assault once you hit 40+. Ammo isnt a problem than and the run speed buff is really nice :D Hold the line is awesome to.


    http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#801ZMsrrMroz.1 without the melee dot but more harpooning and rupting


    http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#801ZMsr0Rrck.1 with the dot...


    Pulse generator is the next thing to skill in both cases!

  3. ...make numbers.


    Pretty much this, theres not much room for discussion in the assault tree. Without plastique might aswell go IF or 30+ shield, much more usefull...i would even prefer a 31+ tactics build than a non AP assault.

  4. At some point, you have to wonder if this is Bioware's way of weeding out the players they figured would give up on them anyways, and finding out what their solid base of customers is. I don't blame people for unsubbing due to inactivity (i've considered it many times myself lately), but too many people in the forum community QQ and complain too much that I tihnk most games would be better off moving forward without those players involved in the evolution of it. Pissing everyone off early on gets rid of most of the bad apples, some of the good apples, and retains the great customers for the long term. I'm sure they feel that they will improve the game more with those bad apples gone than with them here. You want the evidence? Look at the last few PvP patches -- most, if not all, of the changes were at the request of the collective community, and yet the collective community still came back to complain about the changes afterwards (and the community blames it on BW, not themselves). Why would any company feel good about their game when the community is only out to hurt it.


    So, overall, I'm sure they understand that they might lose some of the good subscribers as well, but the filtering process will certainly bring out the "lifers: and good apples.


    not sure if serious

  5. I bought another game, one i didnt plan to buy or play because i didnt even enjoy it to much in its first and second iteration.


    I am pleasently surprised, its really fun. Go get it and get some quality gaming time, if they ever come to merge servers or offer transfers you can still come back to this game. If you feel like it.

  6. 8 people on fleet, 26 total on one of the 2 early access pvp servers for germany. On a tuesday where the weekly resets, probably the highest pop day in the week up until ~ a month ago.



    Ok D3 launched i get it, what i also get but the people managing this game dont:


    Those players wont come back for the most part. Not merging servers or giving out free-transfer options just hurts your remaining playerbase, the people that would actually like to play this game. Once they leave its over.

  7. Do they really think this is the solution to the population disaster and are thus delaying transfers/merges?


    If this is the case than i will start to think of high-rank devs as i think of high-rank politicians, they have no clue whats going on in "their world"...

  8. if he did 24.8k dmg to you in 10 seconds, im guessing you stood there for 10 seconds for him to hit you.


    If hes pyro spec hes got 0 gap closers except for a 45 second cooldown harpoon which does not work if you have resolve and does put some resolve on you. If he gets close just use force slow and force speed way, dot him up and chuck out some damage. When he gets closer follow with a force stun, reapply dots and run away a bit more and reapply force slow off cooldown.


    He still hasnt caught you and has barely managed to break your shield with his ranged attacks, continue to pummel him. As he gets close force wave/overload and reapply force slow, run behind a pillar and chuck a heal on yourself if needed. then kill him.


    and there you have a dead pyro PT who didnt get to do any damage and got *****.


    And yes i have both a lvl 50 vanguard and a lvl 50 sage in fact i have a lvl 50 sorc from US servers and i remade a lvl 50 sage on oceanic servers. i have found with vanguard the people who fight me best are the ones who keep me away from them, as i have to be in melee to do my burst and 10m to do any kind of decent dps.


    Im BM rank on 3 chars and war hero on my vanguard so i have a little pvp experience.


    Only the bads dont get ignored, but ill try to help and requote...2nd chance!

  9. - cleanse

    - heal if you have the range/time

    - kick than lose los (hook inc!) on vertical maps (huttball/alderaan)

    - mez and gain range or simply run away

    - call for help, you do not need to win all 1vs1 encounters


    Theres tons off good advice in this thread, and as you seem to be a good player judging on how you layed out your strengths and weaknesses in your post, you prolly will ignore all the bads and their "reroll" posts ;)

  10. This would help alot and be easier to implement (cant get any easier can it) than to correct bad and lazy map design.


    Have the people that designed those maps ever played any other mmos or shooters? Why are there starfighters hanging from the roof in voidstar, shuttles parked on one side of the map but all doors still look the same? Why didnt they at least color code them?


    Do you know why the capture points in arathi basin are stables and farm and not horde-farm and alliance-farm? Its not because of 4th pillar reasons...

  11. I have stacked those mods in all my slots. My power and surge are unstoppable. I laugh as I one shot guarded healers and subsequently one shot the tank guarding them. Had to replace my monitor twice because they could not keep up with the massive numbers flashing on the screen when I crit. Life is good for the republic


    ::.. :::: ::..

  12. As you might have noticed in my Siganture i play both of these retardedly overpowered classes. All i do is facesmash my keyboard while loughing madly and people just explode.


    I fully support this thread and the OP who is one of the most skilled pvp players and objective forum authors i have never met!

  13. I don't know what it is...maybe the lowbie buff they give?? But right now I'm a 47 GS with with fairly decent gear. I'm capped on my valor to verify I'm not new. I just ran a Voidstar and got out DPS'd by a lvl 16 GS by over 140K. I may suck, but I don't suck that bad.


    This is something i noticed to though. There seems to be a lvl range somewhere from ~ 10-16 where you seem to get a nice dmg boost. Maybe its to offset the limited number off abilities one has accesss to. Or maybe its just that people do overall better if they have less keys/skills to keep track off ;)


    In the end imho the best advice for getting better at pvp or esp. dishing out dmg is (besides "keybinds!"): Never stop doing something, never just stand there, baseshot, reposition or get into melee asap.

  14. Uhhh is this on your sentinel? What is your spec?


    I am 32/9/0 post 1.2. I rarely pay attention to numbers but i sometimes hover over the dmg done at the end to see how much dps i get in pvp. In a game where i had good melee uptime its 600dps + . This is without guard or dedicated heal.


    The sentinel is my alt and i feel i contribute more on my assault specced vanguard, higher dps and overall dmg is much easier to achieve here to. Only thing i would prefer the sentinel for is to ride healers ;)

  15. I hate to accuse people of cheating when It looks to me like the game so poorly designed. I play republc trooper and merc bh in PVP a lot. I play on one of the bigger PvE servers. I do instances with and against many different people. I have ran at least 25 low lvl PVP instances in the last 4 days. On average the Empire out DPSs the Republic 2.2 to 1. Six of those instances the Republic were out DPSed 3 to 1. On my republic toon I won 2 huttball games because of superior passing and 1 Ship battle because of the Door bug working in our favor. Most republic groups I am in can not out dps the Empires healers. We cant take or hold any objective without all 8 members of group being there. On my BH Merc I seldom lose. Not because of me. I will do between 140 and 200K of damage on average and will usually be the 3 or 4 best DPSer on my team. In 25 instances on my republice trooper the highest DPS score I saw for a team mate was 179K <Smuggler>. Most of the time all 8 people will be well below 100K.


    This is the game being broken, not people cheating. I am not saying people dont cheat. A majority of the issues is with game, and the design of the classes. I beginning to think it may be unfixable. The classes are built for their roles in PVE not PVP. We may have to make do with what we got.


    I play republic and never drop below 100k, most of the time i am 200-300 in the sub 50 bracket and 400-500 in the 50s. People are just bad.

  16. Darth Traya. Massivly overpopulated by imps.

    Simple 1/12/28 spec.


    I realy do not know what most people do in warzones. But I know a handfull of guys on Darth Traya who can put out 300k with one hand, while eating and talking to their wife at the same time. 500k is nothing.

    Look at the dps, that's damage per second. At the end of a game go with your mouse over the damage done.

    I tend to be between 400 and 700 dps after 1.2. Before even around 1000 dps was possible without a premade.

    Most people I know put 400-600 dps out, unless the imps do not want to play and are slow to come out of their spawn.

    Yes, 98% of swtor population have a problem to break 150k in a warzone. The rest of us uses every GCD, or at least try to. My damage would be even better, if not for 12fps in warzones and a 150ms ping.


    To be honest, if there was a "damage" cheat, a "always crit" cheat, I could go over 1mil damage done in a warzone easy. I have 26% crit chance unbuffed.


    Dude you need to go to bed!

  17. While there might be some hacking going on i do not think that its done on a massive scale. As for the OP calling people that do 2x the dmg than the second one hackers:


    Most people, at least on the server i play on, just plain suck at playing computer games. Its rare that i do not have 2x + the dmg done than the 2nd (or 3rd if im playing with Karenai) on our team. And thats on pretty much any class i log.


    People will come to the forums and complain about class X being op while theirs Y got nerfed and is useless. Because of such threads, and complainers in warzone chat, i recently rolled a commando. I do 3-2x the dmg than the 2nd on our team on a regular basis since lvl 10-30. People just explode if you position yourself properly...


    We almost always queue without heal or gimmicks, and its really obvious, most people are just bad.

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