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Posts posted by Kellogg

  1. There is such an obvious design flaw with that line of thinking - Legacy weaps are supposed to be more powerful than what you normally can get at level - therefore, if the gun leveled with you, at 50 YOU WOULD HAVE THE BEST GEAR IN THE GAME in that slot - no need to grind for Rakata gear, no need to use the end game systems - you'd just have it.


    Then you'd have people sending a full set of legacy stuff to one of their new toons and by level 50 and all legacy gear they would be so off the charts they'd be broken.


    I mean, come on, that issue is staring you right in the face - there's no way in hell they should let legacy items level with you - they're meant to be an early advantage, nothing more.


    That said, if you want to argue cost on legacy gear, I'm with you - no way something like that should be 200 comms - at best it should be a tenth of that for something only used briefly.


    But the whole "I want the item to level with me" is a bad idea - it would be game-crippling by end-game.



    Heirloom items on WoW scaled and were better than other items for your level, Yet were nothing special at level cap.

  2. 3-6 seconds to load a planet? lies...


    Takes that long to open inventory (pun intended) :D




    Some planets are more rediculous that others... but all load times are somewhat rediculous in this game (and yea, I run a 500MB/s SSD too).



    What can you say, the game has a turd sucking engine. :(


    What pun? Trying to see it but it escapes me.

  3. it is easily fixed.. if you are doing warzones dont send companions out on missions...



    you shouldnt need BW to hold your hand for everything dude.


    That would be a simple fix, If it didn't mean I could never do crew skills again.


    Get warzone to pop on my server once every other day. Queue when log-on and normally don't get one for the 6 hours I stay on.

  4. That works too... only start if even... or WAIT for 8 people on both then start.... not hard to delay the game till 8 people on each side


    You could be standing behind that glass for hours.

  5. Agreed!


    Tired of...


    - 0-3 items on the GTN per filter. (Don't think I have ever seen a implant or earpiece)

    - Normally the only one on a planet, Fleet I get to hang with 12 other chaps

    - I have yet to get in a 50 warfront. I queue as soon as I log on.

  6. Mobs that hide inside walls.

    Force cloak doesn't disengage you from combat.

    Force charge removes you from the world.

    Quest items in ilum changed to "object has no name" and become unusable.



    Funny, WoW has been around...10 years?


    Yet it still has similar bugs.


    Mobs that randomly evade while attacking.


    Vanish has had several threads at all times.


    Some quest items do similar things.

  7. So, your saying, that this sith geared up for invasion, and then decided that he was fighting on the wrong side once he saw what the rest of the universe was like?


    Remembering that the sith did not exist in the galaxy until they "invaded korriban".


    Also, sith purebloods are the ideal sith in their culture. Why would they give that up?


    Stop being racist.

  8. Semi relevant, how do I turn off those gathering mission pop-ups? It's freaking annoying to have 5 companions coming back from missions in the middle of a WZ.


    Can't at this time. Options added in 1.2 though.

  9. lol ok let me say it like this.


    if you spam 1 button as fast as you can, you get 1 red line.

    if you spam 2 buttons as fast as you can you get 1 red line (with the occasional 2nd)

    if you just go nuts and start smashing 3 buttons as fast as you can the red lines start going nuts.

    if you make a macro you get tons of red lines.


    i have no clue at all if they will add macro's to the game but what i do know is they are not built into the game at this moment.


    so how do you stop people from using macros to gain an overwelming advantage? put 10 red lines in front of them apparently lol


    im not a troll... i just think its funny how people use 3rd party macro programs and then yell at bioware because it doesnt work right.


    if they enable macros i will be happy to turn my 3 bars into 4 buttons... but until then i enjoy seeing whats in front of me.


    Don't talk about things you know nothing about.


    You can spam 2 buttons and get the full red text across the screen, They just need to report different errors.


    example: ability 1 says Not in range, Ability 2 says not enough focus.

  10. Instead, give us the option of refunding them once after the patch hit. You guys have claimed repeatedly that you aren't fans of "theory-crafting" or whatever, of using patch notes and ability descriptions to design a character, rather than gameplay experience, but the way you've set this up would force us to do exactly that.


    If I like the way my character is set up now, but significant changes in the new patch would make me not like that build anymore, then if my points are reset the instant the new patch hits, my only option for testing out my old build again would be to put all the points back where I found them, test it, and if it turns out it now sucks, I'd have to pay for a second respec.


    It would be far better to just allow players to try out their current build on the new patch first, and then, IF they don't like how it performs, they can choose to accept a free respec of their skill points.


    Forgot the part where some 'talents' won't exist anymore.

  11. So, I'm just finishing up Mass Effect 3.


    No comment on the story, no need for spoilers, and not the place to like or dislike the story.


    But, one thing that would be amazing, and one thing that I'm frankly quite confused about, is how you can go balls to the wall on ME3 graphics (I don't care if they're the best you've ever seen, they're still quite spectacular), and then go "retro" in SWTOR.


    Yes, I understand some computers have lower graphics capabilities, and you wanted to be available in spite of this, but a high res texture package and a GOOD rendering engine (such as... the one you're using in ME3?...) would make a HUGE difference.


    Frankly, it looks like the graphics artists (whom I suspect were simply given constraints to work under, so I can't -really- blame them) were lazy.


    It also looks like the project managers, or whom ever would have made the executive decision on which engine to use, were lazy. They were likely constrained by budget, but that would have been a major oversight.


    Just picture SWTOR with ME3 graphics, and spell effects. Turning it down for low end systems would still be viable, and those of us with the horsepower (which many of us do) would be able to put the horsepower to good use.


    Single Player vs MMO.

  12. Its not a channel its an activation, ie: cant be pushed backed or interrupted and can still be used on the move

    its also not longer than the global cooldown, so im not entirely sure what the issue is


    The global cooldown has nothing to do with the problem.


    One example that will happen in almost every warzone, Someone capping a node you cast shock/project.


    Shock will stop him from capping while project will not.

  13. Lol, pretty sure SWTOR had the budget to at least reach the heights of SWG. And no LOTRO had better character creation options, actual palletes for hair color instead of generic pre sets. All SWTOR customization is preset sizes of everything..


    WOW!! a color palette for hair!


    One body type. Facial features could of been non existent.

  14. You forgot people who can read/comprehend faster than you, who are interested in story (but don't require exposition be delivered at a snail's pace in order to enjoy it) and in endgame as well.


    I love foreign movies, Sub-titles and all.


    But I don't pretend for a second most people like them.

  15. The thing about voice acting is that it's a waste for the most part. Yes, it's kind of cool when you first start playing but eventually it gets boring so you start spacebar-ing through all of the side quests.


    Then you realize that all of that voice content and the money spent on it, which considering some of the actors had to be expensive, is ultimately wasted because you can ever only experience it once per character. It's basically content that cannot be repeated, if you're someone like me and usually concentrate on one character.


    It's a huge waste of resources, in my opinion. Instead of spending it on voice content that can never be repeated, the money could've been spent on more man hours to develop better game play with more content and better systems, like UI, LFG tool, etc.



    You don't think they talked about LFG tools, UI customization before?


    With or without voice overs they wouldn't currently be in the game.

  16. its called boring as hell.


    its repetative, and who wants to spend 10mins handing in a quest? There is no real choice or impact of the voice acting, its just a time sink. Its ok for class quests, but I'm damm not listening to the side quests which disguise boring kill X collect X quests and are the same for every damm character.



    Oh! I see now. Walls of text aren't repetitive.

  17. I'm curious what is the best real time recorder people are using to record their game play with? I'm looking to record in 1080p and be able to post the videos onto YouTube like many other people are doing.


    Thanks in advance...


    Fraps is the most popular one.

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