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Posts posted by HumbleJedi

  1. Jeezus, I didnt think that was remotely possible to be done in a MMO


    Seen SD-0 on my alt, figured i log on my main and go get him, cause no one else wanted to fight with me.


    Sure enough, Roll on in with my bad *** 55 Knight, Looking Flash as hell, ready and primed!


    Launch in an attack and Bam dead after 3 hits!


    Da heck?


    look at my level:


    You have been leveled sync'd to level 15


    Serious? You synced levels? For what reason and purpose?


    Lemme guess: High level players were solo lowbie content up for Credits and loots and selling on the GTN right?


    Well i guess thats reason enough, But Level sync as a punishment to everyone else?


    Thanks Heaps folks, Appreacte the exploitation and ruining of funs!

  2. SOme of the changes disturb me


    Like logging on and finding my companions naked or pantsless, made me wonder what the hell happened!


    Then i see we now need a total of 250k of affection on toons - Oh joy, a meaningful cash grind or splurge!


    Then I see the "Legendary" feat, Grind all 8 classes to max to be called Legendary, Its possible doing, but thats impossible without some kind of extra boost such as 12xp or Exp boosts!


    SO much changing!

  3. Ive only been back for almost a monthish, and i realised how much the 12xp bonus has helped get 2 alts up to max level is via class missions.


    If i had came back eariler when annouced it was, Id proberly explore more of the classes lol


    But i guess this is a case of What ifs lol


    BUt thank you for the 12 XP it was a nice thing to have, im sad to see it go again

  4. Its been an interesting adventure for me.


    Ive always loved how Jedi's have been noble and well " White Knights" so to speak, but ive thought about the other side of the coin, What about Sith, how about them?


    So i saw some videos of their journies, Some sith became lightside sith aiming for a better change, some became dark aiming for their own glory.


    Romancing was weird cause as a Sith Warrior with Jaesa, it reflected on what side you chose.



    I found that the sith that are a manical society of perceptual backstabbing and deceit, just to advance story plot, In some cases, you have no choice but to take light shots just to progress or act with some kind of neutrality towards said mission.


    While its my choice to choose light/dark choices, i chose dark because i wanted to be a pure evil sith.


    Overall, the storyline is quite good but it just disturbs me at best!

  5. Ok this is gonna sound weird, but ill do my best to explain.


    Im playing a sith for the first time, just to feel evil ish and just to see what life as a sith is like.


    Ive noticed on some missions so far that Light choices are a constant factor over dark, and reading ahead on some missions later on such as Sith Inquistor requires you to take a bucket load of light choices just for the companion.


    WHy do i get the feeling the Sith HAVE to take light hit points just for story progression if not romance progression too?


    Isnt sith ment to be pure Evil?

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