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Posts posted by AriochX

  1. How is it ignorant to say that a company wasted hundreds of millions of dollars on game where you can't even sit in a chair?


    Not only did they choose a horrible engine they don't even know how to implement minor features with it.


    Thats wierd, I sit in the captains chair of my ship whenever I craft....


    But it does seem like there could have been room for a new engine somewhere in that $200mill.



  2. I dont miss the horde. I know exactly where they are... maybe you should go visit them.


    Just because the Sith do not respect non Sith, doesnt mean they have no honor, just a twisted version of it. They see others as weak and see it as their duty to eradicate weakness.


    Why should they show honor to worms who are beneath them?


    Show them strength to get their respect.

  3. SWTOR has not retained 1.7 but actually only 1.4. Still a large number but only about 80% of what you think it is.


    Still more than enough.


    And will always be better and cant wait until SWTOR numbers drop below SWG numbers before the 1 year mark.


    I think BioWare will pull out a lot of surprises before they let that happen.

  4. he added the monthly fees of a year into calculation but left the monthly costs out.


    When we speak of making the development money back... I assume that you take income and put it toward to 200 mill... Not claim upkeep as initial development costs.


    It doesnt matter anyway, lol neither of us will get a dime of it lol

  5. That 1.7 mil is mix of free monthers and paying subs, all they stated is that most are payign which can be 900 up close to that 1.7 mil. Mainteance costs are 90 mil a year and monthly fee aint going only to EA, Lucas Arts takes a big chunck out of it. Also they got teams working on new patches, fixing old stuff and making new expansion which aint free either. But anyways, anlysts aint having as high hopes on the money side but i do wish all good to TOR even that it failed to live up to MY expectations.


    I thought we were talking about development costs.. not ongoing expense reports?

  6. Though it is not completely out of the question that Humans have led Tusken war tribes before, albeit in Tusken Wrappings. Take Darth Krayt for instance, he did something the sort like this. Of course, not the best example- but if it has been done before, why is it not plausible to try the same kind of thing that Darth Krayt kind of did?


    Sand people are generally thought to be of various races. They have an odd sense of honor and clansmanship. You can google them and read a LOT about them.


    They find the showing of bare skin offensive and try not to do so even in private. They have other cultural nuances that are interesting as well.

  7. No, estimates of 80-300 are cash invested by EA and they get estimated half of the retail price of each copy they sell. Lucasarts is prolly the reason why EA will have hard time to get their money back but SW is very strong brand and it might manage to do that over a year or 2.


    If SWTOR brings in 1.5 million total subscribers at $15/mo, that amounts to $22.5 million per month $270 million per year


    That alone more than covers it. And since SWTOR has retained 1.7 mill subs so far and its still selling everywhere then this ALONE is enough to cover the costs within this year easily.


    Take in the over 100 mill already discussed, and I forgot to mention EA/BioWare stock is rising..... more money coming in....

  8. Lets see, costs 80-300 million, general oppinion seems to be 200 million. EA sold 2 million copies, they get 30-35 dollars per copy estimated. There is 900-1.7mil people that continued through free month lets say somethign between that like 1.35 mil are continuing after free month, upkeeping costs are estimated to be 7.5 mil per month. they aint even half way to cover the costs and first hard copy rush is over. 100 mil to go to break even. 7.5 mil costs per month, well year or 2 for profit. These are ofc estimated figures from analysts and how its breaked down in many other games but i used average estimates, even at lowest estimation this game havent covered the costs yet.


    Quit splitting hairs.


    Many companies invested in this game. Are you going to take that 100 mill just for copies of the basic game and turn it into 100$ and say that is all BioWare has made off of it?


    Im not talking about how much a single company has made off of it. We dont know how much any single company has invested. So we say $200 mill spent, well over $100 mill earned.


    If we add in monthly fees, special and collectors editions and all of the extras and goodies out there, its a good bet that they have made the money back or are VERY close to it.

  9. Please say that youre joking. Well maybe in a year or 2.


    Umm lets see....


    Over 2 million copies sold...


    How much was your copy again?


    Looks like this Valentines Day... Youre mine.




    Current price on Amazon 50$


    50 x 2,000,000 = 100,000,000


    Add in monthly fees.... lets see...


    Oh ya! AN Effin buttload of cash!

  10. So you are qualified to complain about a game you saw maybe 10% of?




    SWG changed and consequently killed their game to become like WoW, not the other way around.




    You have some leeway here..WoW did have a very interactive community at one point




    It's a game made back in 2004, times change and compared to other MMO's at the time they werent bad.




    WoW have a very deep story to it and they do their story telling in raids, not wasting a $200 million budget on sounds.




    I disagree




    I don't see them taking the game in that direction, but hey people can dream right?



    I saw plenty of that game. Everytime I went go to my best friends house his room mates wont leave the keyboard. I still say the game, story and content bl*w like fresmen girls on prom night.


    Yes SWG dumbed down their complicated systems to appeal to a younger audience since their adult audience had been alienated by unwanted "updates". No arguement there.


    Blizzard has money to upgrade 3d models and textures, lol.... but they dont.



    $200 mill for a better game? Check. Already made the money back? Check.


    A dream? Ok maybe, but added content, no matter what it is, will be welcomed.

  11. Yes... That's all there is to it. These two groups just hate each other for the atrocities they committed in the past. They're the only ones standing in the way of peace

    There's also some incredibly meh racism in there


    Agreed! WOW = Racist


    Its true enough, but we ignore it because they are fictional races. Do you think that the subliminal messages of racism come through to younger players? It may explain why I saw the N word tossed around so much in that game by children....

  12. Im sorry, I fell asleep every time I tried to play WOW and never made it past about lvl.. maybe 32?


    I dont know, I was bored out of my friggin mind in that SWG rip off.


    Ive never understood the fascination with that game. Not that SWG had missions that were any better than WOW, but at least there was a community that was more than an in guild message saying basically, "Hey! Lets go get loots from that same old place we always go to!"


    And WOWs graphics are absolute crap.


    I dont know what story or lore WOW may have had. All I saw was suddenly I had a character in a world I knew almost nothing about and never got a reason to explore other than to level up and make it harder for random mobs to kill me.


    Not much story telling in that recipe if you ask me.


    SWTOR has beaten every MMO in regards to story telling that Ive ever played... EQ, EQ2, DDO, LIneage 2, SWG, COH, COV... and on and on....


    Hopefully SWTOR will add things that appeal to the community to actually work together on projects and really step up this game before long!

  13. Hmmm... I never used surge and was killing players 3 levels above me as I leveled up.


    I guess I Ill do even better now! :)


    If this fixed the problem where all of a sudden someone would appear behind you and hit you once for most of your health, then Im glad they fixed it. THAT as definitely an exploit.


    In a fair fight I would have killed everyone of them. I nearly did any way.


    Im not sure what surge is, lol. I don t pay attention to the way other people PvP, it sounds aggravating.

  14. I played SWG since beta and loved it until the NGE (New G*y Experience, lol) So, for 8 years I had known the people I played with and housed near.


    It was a very real community, and a wonderful game. Though I admit, Pre CU was the best time Ive ever had in any game!


    I would love to see the crafting and housing etc come to this game, but Im not counting on it. :(


    SWTOR definitely needs to do something about the end game. Since level 44 Ive slowed down my playing knowing that the only thing to do is PvP and play the same flashpoint over and over to get the gear I want.... Then what? I think Id be done.


    Again, :(


    This is a GOOD game and if SWG had had missions and stories like this (which is really all ANYONE ever wanted to change in SWG) it would have never fell behind WOW.


    Too bad the devs changed every single thing about that game with the exception of said missions, talk about listening to the wrong crowd... I never heard ANYONE ask for a single one of the changes made to that game. I still blame Smedley.


    BIOWARE, please listen to us! You have A LOT of ex SWG players here asking for the things that will keep us around for the long haul.... you dont have to make these things mandatory for all players to participate in, but it will keep us around for years instead of months if we see even SOME of these things brought to SWTOR.


    This game fills the holes that SWG had, but has new holes where SWG was.


    Overall I love this game, but it is too single player, Ive only grouped 3 times and didnt even need to when I did. I dont need to pay for an MMO to play a single player game...


    I want to play all storylines but after that, if the changes arent rumored forthcoming, I dont think Ill stick it out.


    Dont waste this chance like SWG did.


    Please focus on building community in this game! I have no real reason to even interact with anyone at all. Hell, ive been on Ilum since lvl 44...

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