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Posts posted by Cbaoth

  1. Well, that is the reason the narrative of the movie gave. It if doesn't work for you, then it doesn't work for you.


    Some people don't buy the idea that a bunch of teddybears could wipe out an army of trained soldiers; some people don't buy that a nine-year-old kid could blow up a battlecruiser; some people don't buy that having the high ground would mean squat in a Jedi duel. Others are fine with all those things.


    Suspension of disbelief breaks for different people at different points - even in Star Wars.


    Ok. I can go with this, since it seems that this is indeed the reason the movie gives. And that just makes it even worse! They had plenty of time to come up with a good idea, and this is what they came up with??


    That is just lazy!!

  2. The worst thing is that TFA is quite literally a rehash of ANH...


    And when you think about how during marketing they were all high and mighty about how TFA is cool like the OT, and in the end it's worse than TPM....


    Yes. And it makes you wonder, what all the secrecy on TFA was about?? Not like they had made something new and original anyway.


    And also I totally agree with OP.


    I see the point others have made about this problem, and can agree to the fact that this is only on small problem out of many with TFA.

  3. rather then dismiss it as crap, why not just wait for episode 8 to come out. it's possiable Rey is the most powerful force user ever. she might even dwarf her grandfathers power


    Edit: BTW can we get a fourm moderater to change this topic's title to hide the spoiler?


    And this is a great theory to be sure mate, and the thought did cross my mind. But tbh I doubt there will be any explanation for this in ep. 8.

  4. Even better thing to discuss, would be discussing HOW she got any powers to begin with? Ok I will bite on the whole "she is force sensitive" explanation.

    Obviously was Luke, but he only started to show some real actual powers, after being guided by Obi-Wan and Yoda. They didint just appear out of nowhere..


    He could barely force pull his own lightsaber at the beginning of ESB, but somehow Rey can force pull the same saber, away from Kylo who we already knew could force pull a human across the damn room in under one second??


    And dont give me the" he was emotionally and physically wounded", cause that is just nonsense. And why wasen't his blaster wound closed by the intense heat from the blaster shot closed anyway?


    So much crap in this movie, and Reys powers is just one of them..

  5. 1. How do you rate the The Force Awakens out of ten and in relation to previous Star Wars movies?


    4/10, worst SW movie to date. Might rate it higher when my initial disappointment fades.


    2. Who is your favourite (new) character so far and why?


    BB8. Kylo is a joke, Finn and Rey didn't really move me, Poe, Snoke, and Phasma barely had any screen time so they are irrelevant.


    3. Who is your least favourite (new) character so far and why?


    Kylo. I don't care how people try to explain it, but him losing to a scavenger and not stomping a janitor is pathetic. And that's beside his ridiculous puberty tantrums.


    4. Out of the returning Original Trilogy cast, who gave the best performance?


    Han. Not even a contest, he's the only reason I didn't walk out of the cinema.


    5. What was the most awesome/epic moment for you in the movie?


    Not sure. Maybe Snoke talking...yeah it was that boring for me.


    6. What as the funniest moment for you in the movie?


    Finn - "We will use the force."

    Han - "That's not how it works"


    7. Do you think Rey might be a descendant from the Skywalker line, and if so is she Luke or Leia's daughter?


    Probably. And out of the two she's Luke's, Leia wouldn't make much sense.


    8. The death of Han Solo, your thoughts? Should he have died, should it have been done differently?


    Him dying wasn't a bad decision, but it was executed poorly. They pretty much glossed over it and you could see it from miles away that it's gona happen.


    9. How do you rate the lightsaber duel out of ten and in relation to previous lightsaber duels?


    1/10 by being generous. There are worse looking duels but at least they made more sense.


    10. How to you rate the film score out of ten and in relation to scores from the previous movies? And if you have a favourite soundtrack/theme, which was it?


    -1/10. Yet again hilariously disappointing. Felt like Williams just restored his Recycling Bin and went with it. Couldn't recall any memorable tone even if they'd put a gun to my head.


    11. If you could change one thing with the movie, what would it be?


    I'd change the title to "A New Hope 2". One change wouldn't make this failure good in my book, so might as well just make it honest.


    These are the short answers, didn't want to make a rant :p


    Anyhow, what are your answers Beni?



    Only I would not rate it higher than 2

  6. Solidarity. Many will wake up to this reality. Jar Jar Abrahms only made his own fan fiction and his lack of the hardware of Star Wars limited it to simple Tie Fighters vs. X-wings. Silly he doesn't even know the Tie's are strictly for space to space combat.



  7. That might be a bit extreme. I think it's exactly what I expected, a Disney movie. Entertaining but hardly groundbreaking. I don't think we'll be quoting this film 30 years from now like we do Yoda in ESB.


    Hopefully I wont rememeber it in 30 days ;)

  8. Do you really have to say this in every thread? Majority of people liked the movie.

    I haven't seen it yet but for example, my friend from other country is the biggest star wars fan/nerd, he knows almost everything about expanded universe, and he thinks the movie was amazing. And no, he is not refusing to accept something. So please stop imposing your opinion, it's just an opinion, not the "truth".


    Pfft..are you from forum police?

    Can you be more of a hypocrate? You want me to shut about my opinion, yet you and your friend can go on talking about yours!


    Just because a friend of yours like the movie, and knows alot about star wars, does not make this movie good and certainly not amazing. Besides knowlegde of the EU is pretty useless in this context.

    What I am saying IS the truth, from my point of view. Yes it is absolutely my opinion, and I am pretty sure I am entitled to have one, and so does your awesome EU professor friend..even you can have your own opinion lil' fella,


    And if choose to, I will use my right to talk about this, on every damn thread being created about it.

  9. The new movie is everything but amazing. My face was marked in horror, as I watch this abomination yesterday. I am still trying to find words of how horrible this was. it was a mockery of SW at best..


    I think that the people who think this movie is awseom, like me, saw the trailers and thought "wow..j.j, might actually have done it"..and now that they have seen it, they refuse to accepts the truth. And the truth is, that this movie should never have been done.


    I find myself missing George Lucas, and to be honest, I would rather sit down and watch an edited version of SW:TPM where only Jar Jar's scenes are included, than watching this filth again.


    My fan boy heart bleeds for saying this, but it's the honest truth. :mad:

  10. Really? Im hearing nothing but good things about it, even my friends are saying its amazing and they LOVE the ot


    And I love the OT as much as the next fan boy, but this was just such a let down.

    I woke up this morning as giddy as school boy. I was very excited, but it was so anticlimactic from beginning to end.


    I hate feeing this way about this movie, because I really wanted and needed it to be awesome..but imo it's the very opposite.


    But judge for yourself. I hope you love it mate :-).

  11. No Ben Skywalker, Jaina or Jacen Solo, Anakin Solo, no Darth Caedus. No princess granddaughter on the ship with Han and Leia. No Mara Jade. No Grand Admiral Thrawn.


    Basically, the whole post-ROTJ EU is gone. Fan-fiction basically.


    If you expected any of that, you have not been paying attention to what has been going on with the Disney/EU relationships ;)

  12. Because Abrams absolutely nailed it!

    It's everything it needed to be in every way, and it's







    He absolutely did not! I was deeply disappointed! :mad:

    Admittedly my hopes was set pretty high, but whos wasen't I ask? J.J. has managed to disappoint my more than I was with the prequel movies, and lets just say they disappointed my quite a bit.

    How did he do? I have no idea how you can screw up so bad but he did.


    I really really hoped this would be a new great beginning for SW but:



    [/instead we get a movie, that is nothing more than a reboot/remake, and a poor one at that, Atleast the much hated prequels were original. Nothing was new. J.J and Kasdan reused every ol' SW plot in the book, and then painted it with some new colors.




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