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Posts posted by Ramaset

  1. That was one of the nice things that City of Heroes had. The enemies in a mission would spawn to match the size of your group. You could go from solo to up to 8 peeps. With a mission difficulty contact, you could set things so you only fought bosses or 1 player is equivalent to 4 enemies...etc.


    Granted they way loot drops work here I'm not sure it would support variable group sizes very well. Also, CoH is just about the most casual friendly (stupid easy to play) mmo out there so the "difficulty slider" may not work either.

  2. I started with Darth Plageus which deals eventually with a certain Emperor in training....that got me hooked. Then went into the Thrawn trilogy.


    If George ever decided to do another three movies, I would demand that one would be Outbound Flight and the other two be Darth Bane (rule of two).




    and yes....I know George won't do any more.

  3. Please turn the droid on my ship into a trash can or a hot coco dispenser or anything that doesn't babbler every.time.I'm.on.the.ship.


    I'm sure BW paid big bucks for voice actors to say that stuff and it was cool for an hour. 2 months later, not so much.

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