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Posts posted by oscardeleon

  1. From what I've seen. I am getting the points...but it doesn't update the achievement thing, same as OP, but it happens (mostly) on items marked Repeatable. The others, like kill 250 NPCs on Makeb, do show completion.


    Maybe that's what happening. I don't know, but I find it confusing.


    Also doing the Makeb weekly on Rep and Imp sides didn't announce completion (in big orange letters on the center of the screen) until the second time I did it on Rep side. Still, it doesn't mark completion...I'm guessing it's the repeatable thing again

  2. The first time I arrived on Makeb, the opening cinematic of the ship reaching the planet and everything that followed made me think this is what they all should be like. The only other time in the class story you see this kind of quality is in the very first "scene" in your class quest, after that there are only a few exceptions to just having a holocall with someone across the galaxy, or in your little conference room on the ship.


    The Makeb landing sequence is a nice reminder of the kind of landings we had back in KOTOR. Let's have more of that! even if it means redoing the ones we have now.

  3. The great thing about writing, compared to speaking, is that you can think, edit, and choose your words wisely before publishing. "Poor choice of words" is, at best, a poor excuse. A very poor excuse.


    When speaking on behalf of a company, as was the case here, to the population of customers (subscribers or not) and potential subscribers on something that, as was the case here, has an impact on the business relationship between the two, it's fraudulent behavior. SWTOR is a game, but it's also a business.


    It's not like there was some external factor that forced BW/EA to change the policy of unlimited access to whatever features to those of us already paying on a recurring basis. There was no change in applicable Law or regulations, no major out-of-your-hands event that negates the possibility of this. Nothing. At all.


    Poor choice of words indeed.


    I can understand the desire to get us, as customers, to be enthusiastic about upcoming game features, or to convince free-to-play people to take a subscription, or attract new customers. But such claims should, at least, be reviewed by your lawyers before making them public. I'm certain such kind of mistakes can be avoided in the future.


    Fool me once....

  4. Also, no real-life martial artist would leap 30 metres in the air to land right on top of an enemy and strike with their blade. They also don't cause small quakes in a focused area of land around them or pull rocks or large bits of debris from the ground and hurl them over the air (who put that there?!).


    I would think really good snipers are capable of hiting targets in a distance greater than 35m... maybe even not-so-good ones.


    While I won't argue that to the trained eye there are some things that make you cringe and might be easily fixed, some suspension of disbelief wouldn't hurt. Let's try to find a middle ground.

  5. Not at all. I've rolled all classes (only smuggler and SI not yet at 50) and, to me, the force users and jedi in particular feel the most star-wars-like, possibly followed the smuggler.


    And TBH the trooper felt like the most disconnected of all, it was like a generic sci-fi story with a hint of a SW setting in the background. Though the trooper story did have a few surprising moments that I liked and haven't seen equivalents in the other classes.

  6. Many of the planet quests have some kind of LS/DS option at some point, and you get the corresponding points for it and then, after some time, get an email (!) from the people you helped / hurt during said quest. Shouldn't there be more of a consequence to your actions? I mean, seriously, a "strongly worded email" or one of praise, is that all?


    The one exception seems to be that scientist guy you meet again on ... Tatooine (IIRC).


    If I helped a squad of soldiers get off Taris, or Hoth, like I have; why don't I see them again, ever? Why don't they follow along and help in the last planet quest of Voss or Corellia. Why don't they stand in the background during the final cutscene of my class quest?


    Also, for married comps, all you get is two emails saying I luv yous and then nothing...nothing at all. Really? that's the love? two emails?!

  7. I like some of these.


    Combine 3, 4 and 12 and you get a ship that grows as the guild levels and members put in materials to help it along. Who knows, final stage could be a space station...


    What about "Bind to Guild" drops ? like items that you can only share with your guildies and will be tied to whatever quest you belonged to when picked up (so lose the benefit if you switch guilds). You would get these during (5) guild quests.

  8. I find that both my Guardian and Juggernaut are superb tanks. They can stand and fight for a long time and deal enough damage to down many large mobs, even when I've been careless enough to pull two or three mobs. Some times I've been amazed how much they can withstand even when the health bar is all but gone.


    I only played a tank for a few levels in WoW, I preferred the Hunter char, but I've had better success here in the tank role (solo or in groups).

  9. Pretty much a tie between Gault and Skadge.



    The bounty on the true Gault is one I'd had happily collected....and Skadge, as soon as he joined I took the dialog choices on the ship where I threatened to push him into the propeller shaft, or whatever, and his reponse was more or like "you're so funny, dude!", seriously?



    I don't want either in my crew and usually take dialog choice one or both of them disagree with. [-34 affection]

  10. I like this.


    I was thinking of something similar, like having keepsakes from the various missions and they could be different for each class, like jedi would get some "spiritual" items, troopers would get medals or ribbons for uniform, and smugglers would get more "treasure" kind of things. The imperial classes would get their corresponding items too. And these would be kept in the meditation chamber or other "personal" room in your ship.


    Perhaps getting some of these items would be tied to some choices in your gameplay. In some misssions you them for completing within a time limit, or not dying while fighting a tough boss, or a certain dialog choice or... many other options.


    Something like that, I think

  11. Nice!


    Also, if a player passes X number of times, maybe they're not getting any drops that are spec'd for them...maybe add a new one with different stat farther down?


    I've gone through whole FP's without a single drop for my toon, so I pass all the time. It's a particular pain when running with the Tropper since this class, and all comps are Aim...so Strength drops are no use to me then, and Bind on Pickup means I can just mail it to my JK or sell it on GTN.

  12. Well....didn't you, in fact, choose the weapon you would wield? I did. For JK I went with Guardian, for SW I went with Juggernaut and for JC I took the Sage option. I wanted to have the single bladed weapon and that's what I picked for my class.


    I might have preferred to have something like Kotor2 where, say, my mentor/master would ask me to describe my ideal lightsaber and I would and that's the weapon I'd get.


    But all the in-game weapons exist for a particular attribute (Aim, Strength, Willpower and Cunning), and they have their stats (looks and anims) set for the role each class would/should play.


    Sure, I would like more flexibility for myself, but the overall game design might suffer in terms of losing some balance between classes, given the current stats...and IMO changing might add an unnecessary level of confusion.

  13. I agree with you on the model clipping, but I guess (it's only a guess, really) that all the collision detection would create massive amounts of lag on the more heavily populated areas, like the Fleets.


    I'm not sure what you mean about the travel thing, FP's already allow you to go back to where you were after you finish and just about anything else, except for the Emergency Fleet Pass, is "actual" travel no there's very little hint of where you would go back to.


    I have a mailbox in every ship (7 toons so far) and soon, maybe in January, I will have a GTN terminal too....if I did the math right on the Cartel Coins I'd have received by then. Well worth the price, if you ask me.


    ....i also have a repair astromech droid on my ships

  14. Yeah! Still loving the game!


    The problem, I think, with all the "negative" comments we see sometimes is that it's Star Wars, and just that, by itself, started creating a long list of expectations and want-to-haves in our minds. Second, it's BioWare, some/most/all of us have played at least one of their games in the past and have gotten used to a certain level of quality, more expectations. Third, it was three years (three!) from announcement to release, talk about making us wait...and more expectation and speculations.


    I've read in some news sites that there have been some internal "issues" in BW/EA around this game, and I do think it has had some negative impact in the game experience. But, I like to believe they've ironed out most of it and are getting back on track with the continuation of the game development, in content, features, bug fixes and so on. These may not come at the rate we might like or expect or... but they are coming, and apparently the new patches are becoming more frequent.


    So, keep at it, BW, let us see more of the good stuff and lees of the not-so-good. Congratz on the first year of the game!! :)

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