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Posts posted by PowerJediRanger

  1. Yep the lag seems to still be there. Even switching instances is only a temporary fix. And I agree the whole conquest calculation thing is to blame as think something similar happened on Dantooine. Though they removed then and things were okay and back to normal. But guess its back.


    So they should fix it or just remove it entirely from the game.

  2. I agree, it's not any more acceptable to change an established heterosexual man into something he is not, than it is to force a gay character to be straight and take away their sexual identity. If they make Doc bi, then I'm going to seriously push for Cytharat to be bi as well. We do need more male romanceable force users.


    With Nadia and Jaesa, their sexuality is portrayed more vaguely, so it would likely work for them to be turned bi assuming they weren't already.


    I think Nadia and Jeasa bieing Bi can work as think Nadia turned out to have been sheltered and romance is new to her so in a way she could have experimented a bit.



    Jeasa think her DS part is that she admitted to slept with both men and woman. Ls of her maybe she was Bi from the start as well or something.

  3. Felt of a let down to me as well.


    Was half expecting Theron to leave some clue behind about where he is going and seems it might be somewhere familiar to him from the sound of it.


    Temple she is alright but not my favorite.


    The boss battles should be at least gold and whatever they were on the harder difficulties as I used my heroic moment like two times on them each.


    What is nuts is on either solo or story mode it seemed to take me about two hours to do and fighting enemies everywhere.


    Another superweapon, I do wonder if this group is out for revenge in the name of their previous emperor or something as I think we are going to Zakuul next to get more info on them.

  4. I would say in the movie era they were at peace for a long time that I would guess no one knew what to do either leading troops, which I think they had to learn on the fly since unsure they even bothered to look in their history record, to handle any Jedi that fall like in Clone Wars where that one Jedi that used two double bladed lightsabers that no one knew he was going down the dark path. It took the clones to figure that out and somehow I was for them killing him then. Guess that was foreshadowing the whole Order 66.
  5. Somehow even after I completed it and him joining the Order (Real original as I think of Jedi Order hearing that.) I'm still upset even if I never romanced him. I'm doing this stuff on my JK and he is LS and did few dark side choices but those were like during before Illum.


    Heck part of me thought if he wanted to dismantle the Alliance why didn't he say so? Did this Order manipulated him or something? Now even on my LS JK I'm 50/50 on either killing him or throwing him into a deep prison with Saresh.


    Guess only my JK will be going through all this and my other classes can rest comfortably where they are. My head cannon in their universes there is no Eternal Throne and all that and they served their factions instead.


    Also do feel railroaded just like the train from the FP.

  6. Think there is a moment where my JK is not all light sided as on Nar Shadaa planetary quest line where you run into a Imperial whom I think is burning aliens alive tried to say he has important info and I'm like thinking really, you are just trying to save your skin and ended up executing him. Made me wonder what kinds of people the Jedi let live all because of showing mercy to them.


    Though I never romanced Lana, few times I thought she was trying to get close to my male JK whom is not interested in her.

  7. I don't know anything about new companions, but few months (?) back I read something about the old ones coming back? We can only wait I think.


    And of course, that's the real Jedi way - if you're not with them then you're dark side abomination, lol.


    Now that I think about it, on the JC story on Tython you learn about a group that split from the founding Jedi whom went their own way just for not agreeing with them and the Jedi killed them off. Made me think the Jedi created the Sith and seems they didn't realize it if any survived and left.

  8. Know this is more off topic, though I'm not against same sex companions just the ones now don't interest me. Just wonder if there will be more companions down the line like for those that I think killed off like half of their companions I think.


    As for the Jedi talk, think on the JK storyline on Voss Shan considers the Voss to be dark sided just because they don't follow the Jedi ways.

  9. Those creepy moments are where I started not liking Lana and few times I feel she always but in wherever you are. Think even when you go off to somewhere though now that I think of it few times she isn't with you but most times you are with her.


    Man those days I wanted Akaavi as she is my favorite for my male smuggler. Did have a head cannon that he gotten the tow HKs and T7 try to find her since to him Theron and Lana seem to have forgotten.

  10. That sequence, chapter 2 of KotET, is the primary example of how everything pre-KotFE is almost entirely discarded. It's one of the biggest if not the biggest flaws in the latest two expansions. We were a Dark Council member on our toons, the Emperor's Wrath, Commander of Sith Intelligence, Victor of the Great Hunt and yet we're treated like we never existed even in the Sith Empire. The fact that I was treated like a stranger when on Dromund Kaas in KotET really subtracted a very significant portion of my enjoyment of the story. The moment I noticed I would be treated as an outsider while I was a former Imperial/Sith and still was in fact an Imperial diehard, I really had to push myself to not to quit KotET and just not touch it anymore.


    Which is a great pity as the story of chapter 2 from KotET is really intriguing and the time we spend with Empress Acina is definitely a great narrative. But the fact that Imperial characters are treated like strangers while I know what I did and what had happened on Dromund Kaas with my toons prior to KotFE really just annihilates my immersion in the narrative at that moment. A Republic character being treated as an outsider I totally get and support, but a Sith or Imperial? Come on, some of us don't want to be the Commander of the Alliance aka a third party, some of us simply want to be and be acknowledged as Imperial/Sith or even Republic/Jedi.


    KotFE and KotET were absolutely no reason to wipe away our characters' class story backgrounds and turn them into empty white sheets to write full with the Zakuul/Valkorion-family narrative.


    And that is one reason why I think the expansions was more about Valkorion family then us as it seemed we were playing some random person whom is the enemy and is capable of taking them on.

  11. I have pretty much the same feeling about it. I'm a obsessive compulsive completionist so I will do the story because I have to have all quests and such done on each toon, but I already feel that I have enjoyed the original class stories a 100 times better than KotFE and KotET combined after having played through the expansions a third time.


    But the thing that saddens me the most is that I am able to play the class stories multiple times and each time I discover something new, a new line of dialogue or action. With KotFE and KotET it's all the same, over and over again which is what is downgrading my initial extremely high opinion of both expansions.


    Will say that with Makeb and couple others it felt unique that you can tell that the NPCs can see what class you are while in the recent expansions seems it is like they forgotten your class and simply see you as a random person with force abilities or skills.

  12. Honestly I won't mind the story going the way it was done in Makeb and like Shadow of Revan as it was two factions but the story is different but the same depending on class. Reason why I'm brining only one character through it all is because I feel I'll be bored with it all after like few classes as it was all the same.
  13. Will admit, I deleted my smuggler as I felt there will be things I won't like in the future. Like unable to get back his wife Akaavi back. So I'm planning on taking my LS Knight through it all and go all LS with him.


    As for the expansion I never liked it for some reason. Just things feel off about it all.

  14. Don't know about everyone, after the ending I was like sitting back somehow not finding it satisfying in a way. From the beginning it felt like they simply did a restart and made it seem like everything before wasn't important and did whatever they wanted.
  15. In my opinion, I wouldn't mind taking them out as I see them as a fanatical cult that when things are not going what they see in their visions they will take things into their own hands to make it happen. Just with Haskel or whatever his name is, he said you the Outlander were to take down Arcann and even if you go with it he then sends the location of where you are to him hoping you will kill him there. Like he was impatient or something.
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