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Posts posted by ShiRaLiber

  1. Hey guys, who do I contact if I want a refund on my sub time, cartel purchases, and collectors edition refund? At the very least I'd like a refund for the money I've spent this past month. This game is jsut not fun. At all. Everyday its something, companion bug, quest bug, patch bug, bug bug... bugs since beta... I feel like this is like the worst cash trap ever. Thank you.
  2. I think you forgot the most important reason there is a shortage of tanks...


    But to start, I don't think there is a tank shortage for guild runs. There is a tank shortage for PuGing because they are quite often treated like utter bantha dung.


    WoW experimented with offering incentives to tanks and healers to use group finder. The results were mixed. It wasn't entirely unsuccessful, but that was also largely because the content was pretty easy so mistakes were easily forgiven.


    With that said...I don't care what incentive they offer in this game. I will only tank (and heal, frankly) in guild runs.


    Bluntly put: Tanking and healing PuGs is not worth the aggravation.




    I am tank without country. PUBs aren't patient for you to learn fights.

  3. If you read the book "Revan" the quest line will resume with the Jedi knight...













    If you play on the empire side, you can experience a questline with a cult dedicated to Revan on DK - However - this implies that Revan did a lot more on DK on either of his visits than the book would suggest.

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