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Posts posted by Fredbob

  1. Sry, the player base voted pre-launch that they were ok with having the headgear not fit at all as opposed to species restrictions. The devs said ok they would no longer worry about it.


    So don't expect that to ever change.


    Not quite.


    The option was to not have twi'lek available as a race option for hooded classes (inquisitor) or to have it as an option but live without hoods/proper implementation of lekku until Bioware get the time to do it properly. The people chose the latter and eventually, when the major issues are sorted, bioware will work on lekkuissues.


    I'm glad I could play as my chosen race for my chosen class - they can sort the little things later - you can't patch in a race/class combo :)

  2. It would mean setting changing or creating animations for every class for every weapon type, not going to happen :)


    I actually like the fact they are spread across a variety of classes, and it's also the signature of said classes - if you see a double saber you know they are an assassin/shadow - with your changes they could be juggernaut/marauder/assassin/sorcerer running at you..


    The saber/gun type is part of the class' identity, this is not a single player game.

  3. Same, tried taking gear on and off, still the same - I respecced to deception and gave him all my old 50 tanking gear so it should be pretty damn good for him, but he still on base chance/absorb according to the sheet.


    If you cursor over Shield Absorb, it actually shows what rating his gear gives him, but then says +0.00% bonus :confused:

  4. You don't appear to get lead on to certain Ilum dailies if the cutscene bugs out as you don't get the quest complete


    I can do two ilum dailies from the western hub, but the eastern hub that your first appear at from the shuttle has no missions at all.


    I can still do the pvp dailies from the fleet and the Ilum capture dailies though if that helps

  5. Discharge is aoe but isn't a huge threat boost, it's simply all you have at that point and debuffs them ofc.


    If you pick wither or even death field it'll help, wither particularly as it has a threat boost. One whiff of that and they'll stick to you :).


    That said, speccing into Wither isn't considered the best tank at 50 spec by many, but it's up to you :). Edit: should say that I've tried both, wither felt like it made threat easy, but I prefer death field/claws of decay and disliked Harness Darkness immensely.

  6. To confirm or deny it would obviously be a spoiler, hence the tags below, click at your own risk as I know a lot of inquisitors have it on their mind early on :)



    Yup, much later on in the story it is a darkside option


  7. Dailies, bit of pvp, working on Ashara affection and now doing up some alts - I'm having no trouble waiting for the rest of the guild :)


    It was my choice to play ahead of the game and I knew I'd be waiting - but I don't feel it was a mistake, in fact it's nice being able to offer help/advice to guildies leveling, or warn them of issues (like when I got stuck in Taris for 24hrs!)

  8. Also Nox, also bugged - I wasn't aware there were other titles (for neutral and lightside I assume) until last night as I've not spoken to any lightside 50 SIs about that particular bit.


    I do know of one SI who was lightside and his quest worked (as he complained about his title not working :p), although careful not to read too much into that as it's hardly a good sample.

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