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Posts posted by shadowrouge

  1. Here's the only problem with all this. Sure they can ban the player's account. But their is nothing to stop them from starting up a new account. buying a level 60 token. Grinding out those last 5 levels and hacking anew.


    The process needs to be faster. And a bit harsher. Don't just ban their accounts. But lock out their credit card as well. Keep them from making new accounts to just start over and do it again. Let them buy time cards. If they hack with one of those just blew that money. Keep banning any account that was detected hacking. Players can report all we want but if BW/EA doesn't put security's in place to stop the hacking it will continue until the end of the game. Which for PVP has already come.

  2. Nah mate, they should just stop this sub reward exclusiv content with long periods of time. Instead they should have had "Pre order next expansion and recive HK bonus mission"


    Wouldn't matter. Why you ask? Because every one that missed out on the HK mission or what ever it is/was given will ***** and moan. I didn't have the money/time to do a pre-order blah blah blah.


    And no I didn't get the HK mission. I let my sub drop so I am SOL. And you know what I accept this. Why because I and I alone let it lapse.


    End of story. If you miss a reward because your to lazy/busy/unwilling to keep your sub up. Suck it up and move on.

  3. I got Legendary on my new server with one character. I transferred a level 65 from my old server to the new one and every thing they had came along. So with all 8 story's complete on the old server all 8 story's complete on the new one. And it was WAY cheaper than trying to buy tokens.
  4. it doesn't matter what "FIX" BW comes up with credit farmers will find a way to farm fast credits. There is only one true way to make them go away or at the least slow them down. The community has to put a stop to it by "NOT BUYING THEIR PRODUCT". And to me the best way for BW to do this would be to ban the buyers. It's not going to happen so we have to learn to live with the fact. Since going F2P the sellers have moved in and will stay as long as there are people willing to buy.


    If the community as a whole stopped buying it would then become non-profit for the credit sellers to stay.

  5. I don't see the OPs idea as viable. But there is a way to add more classes in a since. Give each class a third advanced class to chose from. And add a mix of new utility ability's to the path in which you chose. That is the only way I can see new classes being added with out causing even more voice over recording.
  6. Treasure hunting, slicing, they will always find other ways to make credits, you shut one down 2 more appear. Taking more and more things down you will kill players who craft to make a profit by crafting older items, etc. driving those prices up further.


    At fix #'s 1 and 2, you screw over the players who aren't doing the multi accounts.


    At Fix #3 they gave all of the missions available for a reason, because people were sick of not getting their rich and bountiful yields of crafting materials for their crafting, this should not be reverted back.


    At Fix #4, you can disguise your Mac IP addresses through multi server programs, will not work, also it would backfire on actual players. Like if you have 20+ people on a college dorm all using the same wi-fi to play SWTOR... ya they would all have the same IP adress potentially on that dorm, ik this because i was an RA at one and a MMO banned us all out because we had the same IP address, so you screw over actual players. Same at homes, me and my brother both play this game, if they see 2 people with the same IP address same thing can happen. So furthermore it screws legit players over.


    Your fixes will hurt actual players, so ya not going to happen.

    Only flaw with your response is that IP and Mac addresses are completely different. IP address is provided by your gateway to the internet. Mac address is assigned by your nic card. So while yes you can have multiple IP addresses with 5 or more different computers, each computer will have its own MAC address. The only way around that is to mask your MAC.

  7. Add-on: They need to make it a rule on this forum if you aren't agreeing with the subject matter then you're post needs to be removed as it going off topic.


    Ok when this happens there is no longer a need for the forums. Because then its no long a discussion thread, its a pat each other on the back for being the same single minded [please excuse the Star Trek ref] Borg collective.


    I do agree post that revert to insults should be removed. But removing every post that simply disagrees is censorship:rolleyes:.

  8. Well here's my two cents. Not that they matter and in this day and age are they really worth two cents?


    With that said. I have HK-55, I have completed all of FotFE. I however do not get the bonus mission. I dropped my sub for part of the time. It was my choice I live with it. An with that being said.


    Go a head put it up in the CM.......................................but make him cost in CC what the equivalent of the cost for the coins if you have been sub for the time needed to get him. What was it? 4/5 months you had to stay subbed. Don't remember the amount of time.But if it was 5 months lets say that's equivalent to $75 US. You can by a 5500 CC card at Best Buy for $20. So that's about 22000 cc. Subtract $5 worth because that's how much more you get. Which would be 450 cc. So your looking at paying 21550 for HK-55. I could live with that.

  9. Don't take my post wrong please. For I love the story of KotFE. And I a looking forward to KotET. But after playing through all 16 chapters for the second time I got to thinking. Where have I seen this story before.


    Then it dawned on me while watching the original trilogy. Chapters 10 thru 16 are pretty much condensed story of Empire Strikes back and Return of the Jedi. At least that's what it seemed to me. Play through a second time. Watch all the cut scenes closely and keep those two movies in mind while you do and see if you see what I see.

  10. Actually there were many Jedi that used Red lightsabers, for example: Obi-wan Kenobi used one of Ventress's lightsabers in the clone wars when they were being attacked by Darth Maul; Anakin Skywalker used a red lightsaber in conjunction with his own to decapitate Count Dooku; Also a Jedi Knight known as Adi Gallia used a red blade as their own Saber. The Jedi don't have a problem with a red saber color, just the technology of the crystals, the reason being that almost all red crystals are synthetic and were created using the dark side of the force, however there are natural red crystals, although VERY rare. So according to the sentences above, the Jedi in SWTOR should in fact be able to use a red saber, although not banned by the council, a red synthetic crystal could still be used, but it is very frowned upon. If the Jedi in SWTOR are like any other Jedi in the Star Wars universe, they wouldn't care if a Jedi used a red saber, so long they used a natural crystal. A Jedi should be able to use a red crystal regardless of their alignment, also there are many Sith depicted with Blue, Green, even Purple lightsabers, so Sith should be able to use Jedi colored crystals with absolutely no problem, other than the occasional dirty look from other Sith Lords. So the color of the saber should NOT be restricted by alignment or faction if the game wants to stay congruent with the rest of the Star Wars universe.


    The force is not strong with this one. Why pull up a 4 year old post. That is not only dead but no longer relavent.

    The post was originally made when the game first went live. Because Imps could only use red or purple crystals if I recall. They were asking BW to not keep that. And they didn't.


    So let this post be reburied.

  11. dota - MMO? For real? <.<

    It's a session game, MOBA. WoW lost a huge amount of subs in past years. Here is a statistic:


    GW has as much players as swtor.

    I guess you mean Leage of Legends, not linage. And Lol is a sessin game - MOBA.


    You do know that the chart you posted doesn't say a thing about lost subs to WoW. It just stated the amount of time people are playing the game. Time dropped from playing a game might not have anything at all to do with subs. I don't play SWToR everday.


    Heck I have taken months off but kept my sub running. Does that mean SWToR lost my sub because I was not playing? No it just means less hours played. Which is what your link says in the artical.


    If your going to use statistical facts please use the right ones.


    just my two cents

  12. i paid for and never played chapters 13 to 16 basically..wanted to pay till i unlocked the bonus chapter which i did.


    if i go f2p will it be taken away from me?


    if i drop the sup today or tommorrow am i okay to still have the bonus chapter if its not taken from me?


    whats the credit cap per toon? i have a few million credits, should i buy down? like buy a tat apartment or something?


    if i f2p can i still have an apartment on tat?


    if you go f2p you keep every thing you had until your sub expires


    not sure on this one. don't know when the deadline is/was


    credit cap for preferred accounts is 350k per toon


    yes if you purchase a tat stronghold before you go f2p you can keep it


    hope this helps

  13. That's gotta be one of the dumbest design choices I've heard in a while. I could see not logging in for a year, maybe. Or a number of months. But 4 weeks?!?


    People have real lives to live. I'm flabbergasted as to why anyone thought this was a good idea.


    Where are people getting ideas like this from, is what I want to know? Punishing game design is something I thought was mostly dead, buried, and reborn as a niche market off in some corner, for enthusiasts.


    This is not an uncommon practice. Many of the games out there have an auto transfer of guild leadership if the guild leader is off line for to long of a time. It is up to the Guild leader to insure he logs in at least once a week. If you have for any reason to not be able to, do like my guild back on Shadowlands does. Leave the guild in the hands of someone you trust that will be able to log in once a week until you return and they can give you back your guild.

  14. Ok... I guess I'll respond to this one.


    GF is NOT for people who have done the content. GF, by BW's own description and use in it's leveling process, is to get more people into the flashpoints. It is for newcomers and old hat alike.


    In point of fact: If you don't like it... YOU form a group or run with guildies and leave the people trying to learn group content the hell alone.


    While this is true to some degree if it was meant ONLY for leveling then why do they put tactical and flashpoint weekly quest completion in Conquest. True most that do it will be pre-grouped. But that makes if still more than just for leveling.

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