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Posts posted by Zhara

  1. The one thing I noticed (and I could be doing something wrong) is that if the button is pushed to light then all stuff is light side leaning and same when I push dark. That being said, and since I have both light and dark gals. when I get on my dark gal, I push the dark button and when I get on my light gal, I push the light button.


    I make the choices but it is as if I am not participating for the server but for my situation at the time. Not sure if that is how it was intended or if that means I am not participating. To each his own.

  2. You know, last night, just mere hours before the update, there were people trying their very hardest to finish just one or two more things to get Legendary, or even just Eternal.

    They really wanted to play DvL as intended, to get either the achievement or reward or both.


    And now this.


    <raises hand> I was one of those people. :(

  3. So instead of leaving those achievements for those that achievement hunt and on the off chance that you DO run the event again, you erased the achievements instead of creating new ones? Thats just wrong. How hard is it to create new achievements for a re-run of the event?


    I busted my behind to get legendary achievements for that event and now I have nothing to show for it?




  4. I am not sure if I will resub or not.


    There seems to be not much for me to do lately. I have one 50 on each side and had alts but I deleted the alts because I couldn't get motivated to redo the side quests again. When I first started playing (on day 1 when the game went live), I was planning on satisfying my alt urges but it is just so linear, like replaying DA more than once for achievements etc. I am not a pvper nor do I want to level an alt via spaceship game or doing the same FP over and over again etc.


    I actually love the concept of this game and am really trying to decide. I read what is coming in 1.3 and it isn't helping me at all in my decision. :( I want more storyline or different choices/planets/quests in side quests to play and level alts and that doesn't look like its coming anytime soon.


    So for now I'll spend my time finishing off Oblivion or playing some other Xbox 360 games with the grandkids till I decide.



  5. Exactly.


    Just for my $.02 on SWTOR, I like it though I find it a bit tedious once I hit 50 and have no interest in going through the same side quests with my other Empire alts. So I'll play both games and decide what to do when my alternate self on the Republic side hits 50 since I have no desire to PVP in SWTOR.


    I also have to agree with one of the posters who pointed out that telling people to quit, quit and quit is not the way you want the subs of a game to go.



    It also says, "As this is no longer a 'closed' beta, you're not bound by a Non-Disclosure Agreement, so feel free to talk about your Guild Wars 2 experience with your friends, family, and total strangers" right on the launcher.
  6. NDA for GW2 was lifted according to the email I got before the weekend test.



    no its not an open beta, you still have to apply to get into it and that's not a guarantee. the only way to have sure fire access to the beta is to pre-purchase (prepay in full) the game. hence it is still a closed beta as it is not open to all, IE the NDA is still in effect.
  7. I don't want to brag or anything, but I think the Novemberites are the smartest group on these forums. We actually waited until we knew something about gameplay and a release date before buying.


    Everyone before us were impatient and irrational, impulse buyers. December buyers are either EXTREMELY indecisive or just plain lazy.


    Summary = Novemberites rule.



    ...or broke...

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