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Posts posted by Damedius

  1. The slow should definitely be removed. Spamable CC shouldn't be in the game. The game is already heavy on CC.


    This along with Electro-Net should be nerfed. They should either remove the DOT from electro-net or preferably remove the ability impairing effect.

  2. Actually it's the other way round. Only the final operation boss has guaranteed loot. And that is only loot for 2 out of 8 or 4 out of 16 people. You can also kill that boss only once a week while you can pvp 24 hours a day.

    Oh and first of all you have to be able to kill that boss at all...we are talking about a nim operation endboss and not every player has a guild that is capable to do nim operations.


    Back to pvp:

    You can farm components doing easy peasy laughable unranked warzones all day long. And while your farming components you also get loads of cxp giving you nice armor drops from time to time that you can upgrade with the components you farmed.


    But pvpers complain that it takes soooo long to farm these components. I know how long it takes cause I do many unranked warzones on a daily basis though I really hate it. But at least pvpers can farm these components at all. Pve players that don't have a group for nim operations are screwed if they don't want to pvp.

    And pls don't tell me players don't need 242s if they don't do nim operations. Cause otherwise I would tell you that players don't need 242s if they don't do ranked pvp.


    Oh and if pve contents like operations, flashpoints and uprisings would grant components as well, then of course they should grant these components with the same time invested per components ratio as pvp does.


    If you need 242's to do Nim Ops then Nim OPS are overtuned. At most they should require a full set of 236.


    On your second point you are basically saying that you shouldn't have to do OPS to get gear. You want them to bring in an alternative for players who don't want to do OPs or PvP.


    Right now PvE gives by far the best CXP and fastest gear progression. Your arguing because you can't do it, it doesn't count.

  3. Right now this game is a pvp game..at least if you are looking for bis gear.


    Pve players have only nim operations as a source for 242s.

    Pvp players can do "easy mode" unranked or "hardmode" ranked pvp to get components.


    So every casual pvp player is allowed to get components by doing unranked warzones.

    You don't have to be good at pvp...you don't even have to win a warzone...you get components anyway.


    While the pve players have to do the hardest pve content of all (nim operations) for 242s...pvp players can just rofl through easy peasy unranked warzones effortless. Pvp players also get rewarded if they fail (loose a warzone) while pve player get nothing if they fail (no boss kill = no loot).


    The whole system is garbage and I totally understand every player who complains that he feels forced to do pvp.


    There would be 2 different solutions to make this more fair:



    Grant components for flashpoints, operations and uprisings (the harder the difficulty level --> the more components).

    (+ leave pvp as it is)



    Completly remove components from unranked warzones and GSF and only grant them for winning a ranked match.

    Pve players can only get 242s by succesfully doing the hardest pve content, so pvp players should only be able to get 242s by successfully doing the hardest pvp content.

    (+ leave pve as it is)


    Anything else is simply just not fair and trying to force players into contents they actually don't want to play.


    Are you serious?


    PvE is much easier to gear through than PvP. It isn't even close.


    If you want to gear through PvP be prepared to PvP non stop till the end of time.

  4. Yeah, and you keep proving it with your replies. I never compared value of the tiers. Thanks to light server population only KP/EV hm are even tried by pugs. Very specific pieces and almost no other drops. Even if a PVE'er gets a 236 there is ZERO possibility of upgrading it to 242 outside of PVP.....That was the point.


    So the problem isn't the system of gearing. It's the fact you play on a dead server.

  5. What a noob response so I'm getting back to you. The only thing I have is crafted gear which PVP has the same access to. What I don't have access to is 242, which is the point to the post in case you missed it.

    So you aren't aware that 236 is better than 240 and I'm the noob?

  6. With the removal of expertise, you shouldn't need 4 sets, as they can now be interchanged between PVE and PVP. If you are talking about having different stat layouts for each set, well I don't know what to tell you there. You'd have to have built 4 separate sets already, so nothing really has changed in that regard. You could always manually tweak with crafted mods, enhancements and armorings and filling in the set bonuses as you get them.


    Crafted 240 gear is inferior to 236 gear let alone 242. Crafting isn't an option if you want to be competitive vs good players. Can you compete with bad players in crafted gear, sure. However against the best players you will be at a disadvantage.


    One thing they could do is just get rid of accuracy. Then you would really only have to worry about Alacrity which isn't nearly as useful in PvP as it is PvE.

  7. Instead of tweaking your stats with your gear, you could carry different stims/augments and change your utilities between PVE/PVP


    That's not possible at all with tanks, since the stat priorities are completely different.


    While it would be somewhat possible for DPS. It would result in sub optimal stat allocation and spending over 200k+ credits every time you want to switch between PvP and PvE.

  8. Could you think about making some changes to gear so we don't need 4 different sets if we want to play more than one aspect of the game?


    I need a set for PvP tank set , a PvE tank set, ar PvP DPS set and a PvE DPS set. It's ridiculous. That's just for one class.


    It wouldn't be that bad if crafted gear wasn't completely garbage and you didn't need DvL gear to be competitive in PvP.

  9. So with the new companions and contacts content from KOTFE & KOTET, we can finally set up any crew skills to our characters as we see fit without worrying about skill bonuses?


    Bonuses come from influence, not the companion itself and do not confer bonuses to specific crew skills. Instead they give a reduction to mission/crafting time and crafting critical chance.

  10. Bioware keeps doubling down on these command crates. The rate of CXP gain has never been the problem.


    The problem is the RnG and contents of the crates themselves. These changes don't really do anything to address that. They just give you more crates to disintegrate to get even more crates to disintegrate. It's a vicious circle.

  11. IMO


    The enemy team has 4 sorc healers. Now as a player from launch who has played every healing class extensively I believe the problem is that sorc healers are overpowered in terms of their ability to sustain hps and sustain output compared to the other two classes.


    For example I currently play an operative healer. Now approximately 60% of my healing output is through my 18 second kolto probes which I HAVE to sustain on ideally 3-4 allies at ALL times to have considerable hps. If I am being forced to waste GCDs on DCDs and kiting tools, as well as being forced to LOS on top of being stunned and interrupted then I can honestly say you will shave off a large chunk of my hps by sitting on me if you do it correctly (even more so if there's 2+ of you) as my HoTs will drop forcing me to waste GCDs reapplying everything.


    The problem with sorcs is that despite technically having a lower hps ceiling than an operative they a) have a lower skill ceiling and b) can still get heals out despite being tunnelled. Case and point:


    - Their bubbles mitigation adds to healling so no matter if they are stunned or interrupted they have that guaranteed

    -*This is the biggest problem imo* Roaming mend when buffed by resurgence is basically an instant 40K heal that smart heals the enemies with the lowest hp.

    -They have survival tools akin to a Merc healer but with higher potential hps output as well as a comparable number of instant cast burst heals.

    -Did i Mention the low skill cap? - you can see even the worst healer on that enemy team was putting out around 4k hps which honestly is probably an inflation of that player's actual skill level.


    Now obviously that match in particular you were up against 4 sorc healers so you really weren't going to be killing people without coordination from your own team.


    On a side note I feel i should let you know that those numbers aren't actually that high. A sorc in a WZ can push 8-9k hps and dps can push 7-8k dps with high skill levels and ideal situations - which I will assume was not the case in this 3 capped match :rak_03:


    I'm aware I just threw a bunch of stuff against the wall with this message lol


    Operative heals compare with sorc heals in terms of HPS. The problem is all of the Operatives big heals can be interrupted which makes them less ideal for PvP.


    The Sorc on the other hand has the ability to proc instant uninteruptable heals which makes them hands down the best PvP healers.

  12. Of all the potential money making paths from crew skills gathering materials is the easiest/fastest/cheapest profits, but by far not "one of the more profitable" methods.


    Can you gather enough materials in a minute to sell for 40k credits? That is what I make through crafting: 40k per minute of time invested. GRANTED, it took me several million credits of investment to get to the point where I am, but I now NET 10 million credits a week with only ~4 hours a week invested.


    If you want fast profits, go gathering. If you want BIG profits crafting is far better.


    NOTE: I do not sell anything higher than rating 228 purple on the GTN and I even sell some 220 blue; In other words, I make my millions selling lots of little things not a few big things.


    Yes you can gather enough in a minute to sell for 40k credits. One node alone can sell for 24-28k at average prices on my server. Of course this is server dependent.


    It's probably one of the fastest ways to make credits when a new tier is introduced. Prices can be 5-10 times higher than what they are now when a new tier is introduced.

  13. Then your streak just ended. I and others who've posted did not get one in every crate so it doesn't appear like it was never a guaranteed drop. I can only imagine the duplicates from 350 boxes!


    Tier 1 was mostly duplicates after a bit.

  14. While I have only opened about 30 crates so far.... I have NEVER gotten a recipe in every crate. So please.. stop with the fiction. They are random loot, in the loot table, following the same RNG equation as everything else that drops randomly from crates.


    I'm serious. I used to get one in every crate. Every crate was 1 schematic, 1 shell, 1 piece of gear and something random.

  15. I really don't think they were a guaranteed drop in every box. I know I had some crates that didn't contain one at all. you could have received one in every crate before, but I don't think it was intended, just random.


    I honestly did over 200 command levels getting one every crate. This was a recent change.

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