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Posts posted by silver-uchiha

  1. Played as assassin went online to see 1.2 and notice that all the BM comms i farmed to get BM gear are useless.


    All the money and time i spent were not well spent BM gear is easily obtained and with the amount of time i put into the game to see people get treated like that just wow


    And best of all Ranked WZ wasn't even released classes and uber unbalanced



    Good luck bioware and good luck to this game


    here i come may 15th

  2. You looked at it, works for me. On the whole, however, you'll notice that he doesn't deviate much from a basic Tanking build. A few skills are switched out for more PvP oriented use, but they aren't specifically DPS skills at all.


    Take as an example this basic PvE tanking spec below: (pulled from the sticky at the top)




    There's only really a few small skill choice differences in that and the one Schwartz has in his thread. the skills he subs out are really general PvP skills, not necessarily DPS skills. Now...the skills schwartz drops out of the immortal tree are real tanking skills...but only from a mitigation standpoint.


    From a PvP perspective, often control abilities trump sheer mitigation (not always though). like schwartz dropped Blade Barricade and shield spec, but picked up Intimidation and Unleashed. loss of general mitigation (shield and base defense proc) but reduced the CD and the rage cost on key control abilities for the immortal spec.


    Edit: also note that he did not take any skills in the immortal tree that require Soresu. The idea is that you won't lose anything by cycling between Soresu and Shii-Cho. But on the flipside, the talent you would gain from that is a rage reduction on retaliate....not really a better option in PvP then reducing the CD on your CC abilities.


    Other then the PvP control abilities, there's not much else different except perhaps the points in accuracy. don't need that, so they're dropped into Ravager instead, again reducing the CD of prime control abilities (especially for the immortal, as their force choke is also instant).


    so in reality, the "DPS" immortal is really a "PvP" immortal. The extra DPS increase (if any) would come from damage from the control abilities that are coming a few seconds faster (a.k.a not much).


    the true DPS from an immortal probably comes from gear and playstyle. I don't play immortal on my jugg, but from the people that do play immortal, I've heard the greatest issue is damage capability. the other tank classes simply produce more damage. You have a few more control abilities that are unique to the immortal class (a.k.a you'll have it whether your pimped up in DPS gear or maxed out in tank gear.)


    But Schwartz thread has a ton of info in it about playing as an immortal jugg...I highly suggest you read it because it discusses many tactics that you wont get from a talent spec.


    TL : DR - the "DPS spec is pretty much a standard "PvP" spec. no changes in that spec are specifically focused on DPS as much as PvP in general.


    Edited to revise a few terms, misleading



    very good explanation +1 ill take another look at it and try it out myself thank you again

  3. Look approximately 5 threads down from this one (at time of writing). its a thread about PvP Immortal builds, and has a great discussion revolving around it.


    In case you can't find it, here's a hint: it has "PvP Immortal build" in the title.


    yes the poster did state that the build was indeed immortal but wasnt a tank build it was using immortal for DPS.


    My main uses Darkness (tank spec) for dps i know its kinda odd but im looking for a straight up tank build and its pro/cons in pvp

  4. Hello,


    I read very fast threw some forum guide's with good explaining on jugg pvp, Ive seen rage spec vengeance and ive yet to see a TANK spec on pvp (immortal), just recently (maybe still on the same page) someone posted a immortal pvp spec this spec is not a tank spec as the person has described many times throughout his guide.


    Im looking for a Tank spec/guide that works in pvp and at the same time wanted to know what exactly is the roll for a Tank Jugg in pvp.


    Example: do i just stand there stunning and guarding?


    Is it even viable for a tank to go into pvp? does he actually tank ? or get face rolled?


    Should a tank be using Biochem in pvp even with promised buffs to other crew skills?

  5. Hello,


    This is just to clarify why I believe this patch wont change much however might save the game in the smallest of ways, I actually loved playing these are just my opinions of current issues and issue's that will never be resolved.



    Lets start with PvE


    The game had a very fun story concept and a great way of capturing the moment (at least for inquister) had a very good time playing and must say sometimes found it abit long but overall fun.


    Each planet was different but the same at the same time, very repetitive felt like i was playing a filler episode only to find out what really happens when i leave each planet and also didn't leave me with much of a ending either, Stat wise i went into deception and had a blast some bosses i around lvl 40 i needed help seeing as i was almost forced to go with darkness.


    To me this took alot of the "choice's" concept away from the game i felt like i was forced to pick the optimal build and missed out on the game play style that fit me.

    Also the class i picked was Sith Assassin, This class has a very misleading name, In pve i did assassinate and felt like i was playing a assassin but as soon as i hit pvp warzone's i felt more and more like a support DPS and less like a assassin seeing other class's play my role but did a much better job at it. ( almost like a druid from WoW or Diablo 2)


    To Top it off the PvE got harder as i am almost forced to use what ever credits i had gained from questing into pimping out my companion and as deception Khem val was almost a must as any boss could burn me down fast and healing with Talos on a boss wasn't helpful, again taking away from my choice's in the game.



    Now onto PVP


    I started really doing Warzone's at level 20-25, the first time i noticed a major issue in warzone's was in early access when we fought a full team of trooper's, now i must say grav round at that level was almost a 1hit kill and imperials were losing all the time leading me to want to play more PvE and less pvp taking away again from my choice's ingame.


    At lvl 50 i was introduced to expertise and around this time the lvl 50 bracket was launched (very helpful to low levels and fair) but i only had purple's with 0 expertise and as deception i was getting 2 shot by smuggler's pretty fast leading me again to get frustrated at the game and move onto something else.


    When i finally got expertise after 200 i was seeing a major difference and i could live and hurt other people a little better now i felt like the playing field was leveled and fair I was wrong but i had some great time's.


    champ bags got me a whole set of champion in about a week or so and grinding to valor 60 was my goal, i was told to not bother with illum ( the exploit that was happening) because a valor roll back was very possible (even of forums Swtor staff said we could get banned) and yet I have seen no ban's or rollbacks preformed instead you guys are removing valor from the game. (this made me feel like my BattleMaster title was for nothing i really did feel achieved getting this)


    Now everyone who exploited and got BM bags and full BM within a week have a HUGE advantage on everyone else in my server and finally BM bags and Champ bags were nurfed leading me to open almost 30-35 bags without ANY BM comms it solely based on luck.


    During this time of finishing daily's that take forever due to class imbalance such as trooper's/sages a full team can and will easily **** any warzone i drop into (especially since most of them now have full BM gear and valor rank 70-80) this again took away from my pleasure in the game and made me wonder, why am i paying to be unhappy?



    I now had to switch from deception to Darkness/madness hybrid to get 300k dmg in my warzone's I could not play deception seeing as it couldnt withstand BM troopers 4-5 of em using grav round ( and yes i do interrupt but there's only so much CC i can dish out)


    Healing is just OP at this point if too many healers bunch up on a warzone your literally losing they heal too fast and too much in a short period of time (especially with BM or champ)


    And because of this i started losing interest in my class and i lost interest in re rolling because id rather roll a new character with a different race than those provided ( waiting for legacy unlocks at this point),


    Also because of the people that exploited and or had the easy BM bags the ranked play will most defiantly be out of the question until i can get BM gear and that seems impossible with the chance and luck I have.



    These are only my opinion's and I think the damage has been done already defiantly gonna stick around April and see how things turn out but i have my doubt's.



    so what are your opinions? do you agree? troll me? hate me?

  6. Hello,


    This is just to clarify why I believe this patch wont change much however might save the game in the smallest of ways, I actually loved playing these are just my opinions of current issues and issue's that will never be resolved.



    Lets start with PvE


    The game had a very fun story concept and a great way of capturing the moment (at least for inquister) had a very good time playing and must say sometimes found it abit long but overall fun.


    Each planet was different but the same at the same time, very repetitive felt like i was playing a filler episode only to find out what really happens when i leave each planet and also didn't leave me with much of a ending either, Stat wise i went into deception and had a blast some bosses i around lvl 40 i needed help seeing as i was almost forced to go with darkness.


    To me this took alot of the "choice's" concept away from the game i felt like i was forced to pick the optimal build and missed out on the game play style that fit me.

    Also the class i picked was Sith Assassin, This class has a very misleading name, In pve i did assassinate and felt like i was playing a assassin but as soon as i hit pvp warzone's i felt more and more like a support DPS and less like a assassin seeing other class's play my role but did a much better job at it. ( almost like a druid from WoW or Diablo 2)


    To Top it off the PvE got harder as i am almost forced to use what ever credits i had gained from questing into pimping out my companion and as deception Khem val was almost a must as any boss could burn me down fast and healing with Talos on a boss wasn't helpful, again taking away from my choice's in the game.



    Now onto PVP


    I started really doing Warzone's at level 20-25, the first time i noticed a major issue in warzone's was in early access when we fought a full team of trooper's, now i must say grav round at that level was almost a 1hit kill and imperials were losing all the time leading me to want to play more PvE and less pvp taking away again from my choice's ingame.


    At lvl 50 i was introduced to expertise and around this time the lvl 50 bracket was launched (very helpful to low levels and fair) but i only had purple's with 0 expertise and as deception i was getting 2 shot by smuggler's pretty fast leading me again to get frustrated at the game and move onto something else.


    When i finally got expertise after 200 i was seeing a major difference and i could live and hurt other people a little better now i felt like the playing field was leveled and fair I was wrong but i had some great time's.


    champ bags got me a whole set of champion in about a week or so and grinding to valor 60 was my goal, i was told to not bother with illum ( the exploit that was happening) because a valor roll back was very possible (even of forums Swtor staff said we could get banned) and yet I have seen no ban's or rollbacks preformed instead you guys are removing valor from the game. (this made me feel like my BattleMaster title was for nothing i really did feel achieved getting this)


    Now everyone who exploited and got BM bags and full BM within a week have a HUGE advantage on everyone else in my server and finally BM bags and Champ bags were nurfed leading me to open almost 30-35 bags without ANY BM comms it solely based on luck.


    During this time of finishing daily's that take forever due to class imbalance such as trooper's/sages a full team can and will easily **** any warzone i drop into (especially since most of them now have full BM gear and valor rank 70-80) this again took away from my pleasure in the game and made me wonder, why am i paying to be unhappy?



    I now had to switch from deception to Darkness/madness hybrid to get 300k dmg in my warzone's I could not play deception seeing as it couldnt withstand BM troopers 4-5 of em using grav round ( and yes i do interrupt but there's only so much CC i can dish out)


    Healing is just OP at this point if too many healers bunch up on a warzone your literally losing they heal too fast and too much in a short period of time (especially with BM or champ)


    And because of this i started losing interest in my class and i lost interest in re rolling because id rather roll a new character with a different race than those provided ( waiting for legacy unlocks at this point),


    Also because of the people that exploited and or had the easy BM bags the ranked play will most defiantly be out of the question until i can get BM gear and that seems impossible with the chance and luck I have.



    These are only my opinion's and I think the damage has been done already defiantly gonna stick around April and see how things turn out but i have my doubt's.



    so what are your opinions? do you agree? troll me? hate me?

  7. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#200rfMozrskZoZf0cRrM.1


    Stalker gear with focus. Switched out crit/surge enhancement for power/surge.


    Their are two hybrid Darkness spec's for PvP:

    23/1/17, http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#200RIMozrskZoZf0cRrM.1 Hybrid Tank with more CC

    27/1/13: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#200RIMozrskrZoZf0cRb.1 Hybrid Tank with more SelfHeals

    It combines the best utility talents from Darkness with the the high damage and cc of madness, for some insane games.

    (i break 500k damage with this spec, while CC'ing, Guarding, and running around with 41% dmg reduction, and self heals.)


    The Spec gives EVERYTHING, Stealth Detection, Crowd Control, Burst Damage, Utility, Mobility, Survivability, Burst AoE, Gap Closers, Snare Breakers, and On Demand Heals.


    For gear the Survivors 4 set bonus is by far the best, however the mods and enhancements in them are complete ****, as you want surge, power, and accuracy, so get the mods and enhancements from other gear.


    Also use a Power Generator with the spec, as shielding is complete garbage in PvP, and the generator will increase damage output by ALOT.


    This Spec has 3 CC ability's, Electrocute (Ranged 4 second stun, Min CD) Spike (Melee 2 second stun, 20-30 second CD)

    and Instant Whirlwind (Ranged 8 Second Incapacitate, Min CD)


    Keeping these on CD can greatly benefit your team by reducing the enemies damage or healing output, or in a Voidstar or Alderaan to cap a point.


    Guarding your healer is the other important job of this spec, it grants your healer half of your HP pool, and 5% damage reduction, on top of this with the 4 set survivor gear you get 5% dmg out of it as well, be sure to stay in range of your guard target when they are taking fire.


    Other than that your job is the same as any DPS, burn down healers, and squishy dps over tanks.

  8. playing the class is completely different from playing a role


    basically if i wanted to tank id go Jugg or something the class is named Assassin but it doesn't feel like a assassin at all Operative's feel like assassin's


    im currently running a 23/1/17 build and loving it so far i actually fulfill my roll as a class yet i loved deception and always hoped it would be viable sadly its not leaving me with 1 tree that is utterly useless in my class.


    is that fair? no all the other classes have 3 choices in their class im limited to madness and darkness since deception is soo utterly useless.

  9. first id like to point out samurai were mostly all about the Japanese.


    2nd i actually like it doesn't look all that bad and you can change chest piece you really dont need over 500 expertise it doesn't do much after that



    3rd Deal with it till april

  10. On Champion gear you replace your enhancements with crit/surge indeed, sicne you can find others enhancements in the same Champion line.

    The problem will be when you hit Battlemaster and all your gear has accuracy on it and the Champion enhancement are too low.

    I still havent found any Battlemaster gear without enhancement accuracy.


    now thats an issue see the class is hard enough to play as is (at least as deception) i have trouble getting 200k normally. im not pro and i dont claim to be but dam we deception users need abit help xD

  11. Hey guys,


    been looking at alot of videos and seeing people speak of modding the champion and BM gear of sith assassins yet i haven't seen anyone explain what should be removed/replaced and with what enhancements or mods.


    So what stat should be priority basically and what do i replace my ehancement and mods with? thanks in advance


    small edit : where would i find these replacements

  12. m basically done with this broken game ill give a few reasons as to why id like to see someone post a video proving me wrong (if at all possible).


    Basically i rolled a Sith assassin and went into the deception tree after watching the character progression (and its completely miss leading) i decided that was my class, I loved the PvE but im a PVP guy and i love to pvp.


    Upon hitting lvl 50 back then we could still fight all different levels so i won about 50/50 of my wz's and had a great time some days i won it all and some days id lose basically it was balanced.


    lvl 50 bracket was introduced and still no changes had a very good time got my champion gear and now Im working on BM gear.


    On Arjun pall (hope i spelt it correctly) the repubs decided lets roll healers (troopers,sages) and group up and go into a wz.


    This honestly broke the dam game i can complain about many things starting with deception assassins but really to see myself lose everygame its a known thing on my server now IMPS lose every wz because of healers. If 4-5 troopers play you lost your wz if 7 sages/troopers play you lost your wz


    Not only can they insta heal/shield/decent dps they do all these too well without any effort needed and I know many of you will tell me ( reroll a healer) but i dont want to be forced to roll a class i dislike for a game im paying for i mean 7 healers shouldn't be able to out heal any dps we manage to push out AND hurt like hell


    Troopers can tank Heal and dish out 4k dmg with a grav round thats not even funny the heals are real fast and we arent even starting to talk about them going biochem and completely utterly breaking the game at that point.


    In all these months the game has been released i cannot believe / understand why new content was added and bugs/classes are left broken UP or OP


    and for this i say good bye ill try again when 1.2 comes out but nope i cannot enjoy this game seeing broken heals and classes like that there comes a point where enough is enough and hell yea im pissed because i wasted my money to lose every wz played and imperials are now rerolling pubs just because of this its literally destroying my server.



    Dont believe me ? roll a imp on my server get lvl 10 go to imperial fleet thats all i hear in general chat. Bioware do somthing fast cuz people are getting sick of this

  13. Im basically done with this broken game ill give a few reasons as to why id like to see someone post a video proving me wrong (if at all possible).


    Basically i rolled a Sith assassin and went into the deception tree after watching the character progression (and its completely miss leading) i decided that was my class, I loved the PvE but im a PVP guy and i love to pvp.


    Upon hitting lvl 50 back then we could still fight all different levels so i won about 50/50 of my wz's and had a great time some days i won it all and some days id lose basically it was balanced.


    lvl 50 bracket was introduced and still no changes had a very good time got my champion gear and now Im working on BM gear.


    On Arjun pall (hope i spelt it correctly) the repubs decided lets roll healers (troopers,sages) and group up and go into a wz.


    This honestly broke the dam game i can complain about many things starting with deception assassins but really to see myself lose everygame its a known thing on my server now IMPS lose every wz because of healers. If 4-5 troopers play you lost your wz if 7 sages/troopers play you lost your wz


    Not only can they insta heal/shield/decent dps they do all these too well without any effort needed and I know many of you will tell me ( reroll a healer) but i dont want to be forced to roll a class i dislike for a game im paying for i mean 7 healers shouldn't be able to out heal any dps we manage to push out AND hurt like hell


    Troopers can tank Heal and dish out 4k dmg with a grav round thats not even funny the heals are real fast and we arent even starting to talk about them going biochem and completely utterly breaking the game at that point.


    In all these months the game has been released i cannot believe / understand why new content was added and bugs/classes are left broken UP or OP


    and for this i say good bye ill try again when 1.2 comes out but nope i cannot enjoy this game seeing broken heals and classes like that there comes a point where enough is enough and hell yea im pissed because i wasted my money to lose every wz played and imperials are now rerolling pubs just because of this its literally destroying my server.



    Dont believe me ? roll a imp on my server get lvl 10 go to imperial fleet thats all i hear in general chat. Bioware do somthing fast cuz people are getting sick of this

  14. Hey i have a lvl 50 character on a westcoast server when i purchased the game and played i was in California and had to stay for a few months i made a character on westcoast to avoid lagg.


    Now im back home in MTL (canada) east coast and its very laggy any news on character migration happening?



    Oh and the smart *** comments like make another character i did i have 2 lvl 50s im asking basically to save myself from restarting a sith assassin.

  15. We aren't ops, so a comparison between the 2 is irrelevant. Secondly, ops are getting nerfed so no more 3 shots. Third, deception and madness specs perform just fine under their niches. All 3 assassin specs are viable for one aspect or another.


    Lastly, who is getting 9k crits and of those classes who can do that much damage to an equally geared and leveled opponent that still has the ability to heal through even a tanks dps? I know you're not talking about a concealment ops because their healing is garbage.


    Scoundral this class has hit me for 9k crit and has healed a good chuck of his hp the heal is almost a instant cast very hard to disrupt even if i did my disrupt would go back on cd and he would simply heal back.


    Also deception is not balanced good sir look at how many people disagree over valid reasons im not trying to say this class should be easy but as deception full champion gear it shouldnt be doing this much dmg i pratically do no dmg to other champ geared player's


    (and thats besides what i had to do just to get my gear since the lvl 50 bracket if you have no champ gear you are useless and need to get carried)



    Also taking a look at this class this is how i see deception, High risk glass cannon. Basically my gear is not meant to be able to take dmg or last long its all geared towards critical rating and critical dmg with full champ gear you have 25% critial chance (that is f*in low for a class speced for CRITS)


    Look at abilities all my abilities are meant to come in CC Spike opener (costs too much force) and unleash a burst upon him and force cloak out. Now im not saying i should be able to kill someone instantly but i should be able to instantly finish anyone with half hp.



    All "PROS" or "streamers" have posted videos of killing off ungeared or underleveled people in the lvl 50 bracket deception has failed hard and many have started to re roll.


    Also ive seen marauders go invis in WZ not sure if its a bug or a skill but this makes me feel like my class is not special or unique in any way.


    TL DR: Deception at the moment is high risk/glass cannon without the cannon if you dont believe me look at how many people agree then go look at the pros re roll


    PS: alot of deception users take biochem for healing (practically forced to do it if you wanna 1v1)

  16. i re rolled simple enough this class lacks alot and the sub class forum should be the proper place this goes its not a suggestion because i lack the knowledge of all classes to say we should buff this and that i might suggest something OP



    Deception at the moment is a useless spec so is madness since im pretty sure sorc hits alot better at madness.


    Darkness is having its issue's ive seen a operative 3shot a full champ gear darkness tree that is amazingly sad.


    Also the talents and classes are very awkward scoundral and operative can not only hit so hard as to 3shot a tank THEY HEAL.


    I think talent tree's need a major overhaul someone messed up this game. The classes are not balanced i personally think any healer class is at the moment too strong you can literally spec into dps and heal hit harder than any other class and heal yourself after cloaking.




    Ive even seen tanks hit harder than assassin's in my opinion any class that can hit for 9k dmg shouldnt be able to heal

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