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Posts posted by niceguyy

  1. Ever wonder what a guild dedicated to GSF is capable of? Come join the chat & watch our guild Black Squadron take on the Empire in intense space PvP action!


    This special stream for Update 2.6 will start @ 1pm est!



  2. Laser Bukkake -- It's an interesting spec. I can't say I've come up against it all that much on POT5. As with any spec it has its Pros & Cons. Good players will take advantage of this spec's weaknesses while avoiding its strengths.
  3. I am tired of these no skill players using this overpowered ability to kill me within the ridiculously small time frame of 8-10 seconds. I sit there firing back and for SOME REASON they always kill me first, even when I bob my mouse up and down while firing to make myself harder to hit. How the heck did this make it off the test server??? Please balance this blatantly overpowered ability Bioware or I will have no choice but to unsub.


    The mouse bobbing up and down is a good start but you ALSO have to go into your computer's system settings and turn your mouse sensitivity WAY UP! That way you can bob your ship up and down while spinning around really fast! All good GSF players know that the faster you spin the harder you are to hit EVEN with Light Laser Cannons.

  4. The FTP crowd and Pref folks woukd do well to watch Nixx'ds feds if your interested in GSF. One guy feeding has probably helped out more folks just from discussions and his q and a sessions.


    Oh Wux, you truly are a valued member of Black Squadron AND not a bad marketing advertiser as well... I might have to hire you... :D

  5. Was watching the stream at work for a couple hours and I really enjoyed it; you're clearly MUCH more skilled than I am. Couple questions: you're using the Flashfire (I think) but how are you destroying folks in just a couple seconds? It looks like your blasters are hitting for like 900 a pop. Is this bypass with full upgraded Quad/Burst Cannons? Also, are you switching between rounds using Rocket Pods and Cluster Missiles? I couldn't really tell with all the numbers flying.


    Hi Vandyfast, I'm glad you enjoyed the stream and thanks for the questions!


    I am using the Flashfire and only switch ships if my guild needs me to. I <3 my Flashfire! I was using Bypass for awhile, then I tried out Concentrated Fire for Crit Chance increase 35% for 6 secs, but now (and for the past week) I've been using Wingman for my co-pilot ability. It increases my accuracy by 20% for 20 secs AND gives that same buff to two team mates within 1000m of me. I am using fully upgraded Burst Lasers (my whole Flashfire is mastered) and the BIG trick to getting those high numbers is being in VERY close range like 500-1500m and using Blaster Overcharge with Damage Capacitor. I crit with my blasters (red damage numbers) more often when BC is active. I've been using cluster missiles only. Don't even have Rocket Pods unlocked ;)

  6. Hey guys, Nixx'd here! I've got another video for you starfighter pilots out there!


    This one depicts the very first game that Black Squadron had a full guild squad. Guildies: Me (formerly Jerrik), Lytewraith, Wux, Zwerzinsky


    Check it out!


    Also, on 12/18/13 our guild went SIX HOURS without losing a single match! That video can be found on my twitch channel by clicking the link below. Well done, guildies, well done.



  7. It's great to see another POT5 Republic guild with some dedication to GSF. Which guild are you in? My guild Black Squadron is pretty much GSF only. We currently have 8 members that play almost every day/night and I live stream our battles on twitch. We've broken up our 8 members into 2 Flights (ie squads). I'm the leader of Reaper Flight and Lytewraith is the leader of Ghost Flight. We use TeamSpeak for voice comms. I totally agree that we Pubs need to work together more. What are some of your suggestions?
  8. Hey Ilmarinen, how are your GSF games going? I miss fighting against your gunship! Thanks for the bump advice. I tried to change the thread title to let people know my stream isn't currently live but will be soon but it didn't change. Any idea why?
  9. Thanks guys for backing me up you're awesome! And I'm very glad you're liking the stream. Black Squadron is having fun fighting against you and your wingmen Shock :D


    But renegadeimp makes an interesting point. If I just bump my previous live stream post I can keep all comments/replies in one single post. i thought I read somewhere that bumping your own posts was either not allowed or unethical but I'll try this method out for now.


    What do you think about me doing an hourly bump? With so many posters and threads, this post could get smothered pretty quickly.

  10. Ever wonder what a guild dedicated to GSF is capable of? Come join the chat & watch my guild Black Squadron take on the Empire in intense space PvP action!


    Stream goes LIVE @ 7pm EST! (12/23) twitch.tv/swtorplayer95

  11. I choose HEALTH. . .



    To many "Armor Ignores" and "Shield Pierce" abilities. . . Health is the only thing thats dependable for Effective hit points


    Unfortunately, since Reinforced Armor falls under the ARMOR component, any abilities that ignore armor would negate the extra hull health you gain. Reinforced Armor is quite effective against Shield Pierce though!

  12. Then I feel squad mates should have a different color ring around them to indicate they're in my squad. Perhaps blue.


    A tab target for allies would be helpful as well. It's sometimes hard to remember who is flying what, if they even stay in the same craft the whole match, and often difficult to visually see what they're in until I'm right on top of them.


    On the mini-map your squad shows up as the 4 bright green dots and the rest of your team are dark green. A tab target for allies would be great!

  13. Slayer, huh? Were you a big Halo fan like me? I would like to see a Team Slayer/Deathmatch gametype as well. A lot of players have this "kill, Kill, KILL!" mentality completely ignoring objectives. This gametype might help to satiate them, but it could also make them even more insatiable. Who knows? Either way, I think it would be a fun gametype to play.


    P.S. Self-destructs should count as either:

    1) 1 point to enemy score AND - 1 point to your team's score

    2) 2 points to enemy score


    First team to 50 kills wins the match!

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