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Posts posted by Mickal

  1. only thing I store is my command boost and crafting gear, everything else goes away, I have a alt that store the gifts, and correct me if I am wrong destroying the gear from stash does not count on the bonus cxp
  2. I would like to see a Guild log that would show when people joined the guild and when people leave the guild. I hate not knowing someone quit until I see them in a flashpoint with another tag lol. also would be nice to be able to list conquest points by legacy
  3. this one planet conquest is junk, most servers have one super guild that no one can touch. doing this takes away a huge aspect of the game for the whole week for most people. if you truly want a week only for the biggest guilds have one cross server week for the top guilds on each server
  4. takes a new purple Bonded Attachment. "Radiant Bondar Artifice Bonded Attachment"


    It is not on the trainers, not on the rep venders anyone know how I can get this so I can make my new hilt

  5. i am going though my list to try to do all the lore/beast masters and this one i can not get, i log on my 65 commando and no quest pops up on corporal dregg, i log on my 60 smuggler and the same thing. both toons completed the story quest. i even made a new smuggler and still no quest.
  6. get force acc to 110% you do not want to chance missing a death field and not getting death mark up, then when crit/surge is at 20/65 go all power no need for alacrity that i see. my Gcd is just fine with 0 and to get enough to make it matter on force regain your dps will drop from what you have to give up


    I've got me Madness Spec'd Assassin. Im focusing on Crit and surge. Any thing i should focus on besides that?
  7. ok i see people post their ask mr robot profile but i cant seam to get mine, i signed up and try to search and it keeps saying there is no mickal :(


    also what is your thoughts on your augments willpower or power,

  8. i made 2 new chat windows one for tells and one for guild so i don't miss anything. when i join a wz the your being flagged for pvp spams all windows 10 times, as so some other pvp system messages. on these windows i have system messages shut off and only tells on one and guild on the other turned on. 2 or 3 warzones or entering illim it is filled
  9. is it me or does the Zez-Kai Ell's Double-Bladed Lightsaber seam to be just for the tank. seams odd that i have two of the same sabers in my crafting log. anyone useing this? seams even with epic mods the one you can get at lv 40 pvp vender seams much better (with same mods)
  10. played 3 matches 1st two i lost got over 50 comms each time. match 3 not only did my team win, but i scored 2 times and i only get 37? so how does huttball give out the comms of it is not wins and it is not scores
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